What is biding and is it neccasary.

  • Moderator

    The issue with Man vs. Europe is, you can essentially gain Asia without placing (that many) extra units there.

    If you are really concerned about a Russia attack on Man, you are better off with placing only 1-2 inf on Man to protect.  At this point it can be extremely risky for Russia to attack.  Now you can maximize the rest of your bid to Germany so you can get an immediate gain out of it and really make the Allies work for Afr or for Russia into some tough choices.

    4 inf in Man is just a bit of overkill.

    Think of it like this, with 4 inf in Man the earliest they can attack Moscow is J3-J4, that gives the Allies 3-4 turns to counter, or pick off inf here and there (which appearded to happen in your game) as you move toward Novo and Mos BUT 4-5 inf in Afr with a few in europe means, the Germans can immediately take/hold Egy and secure their European boarders, forcing the Allies to do something about Afr or they’ll see Germany use the Afr income to force the Allies out of Kar and the German afr army moves back toward the middle east and you now see a squeeze of Germany moving towards Kar and Per and Japan now hitting Novo.


    i am losing because i am not handling germany too well.

    This is the key.  Regardless of what you place in Asia, Germany needs to play well.  Japan can afford set backs, Germany cannot.  And IMO, the best way to prevent (slow down) German setbacks is by using about 80% of the bid for Germany.

    I think you’ll find 2 inf in Man to be more effective than 4 in helping out Germany.

    Now, if you are just trying new stuff, then great, nothing wrong with that, as long as you continue to learn why the new stuff may or may not work.

  • 1-2 inf in Man is enough. Then you can decide if you want to put the rest in Europe, or play Pafr. I prefer Pafr because it will be more of a game. A PEU is over in like 4 turns, you either make it to Moscow or you didn’t. With PAfr you have more options to choose from. Look at my current game against the new spacecrew and you will see what I mean. It helps if you have some help from the dice like I did, otherwise you are in a big hole from the beginning. I remember DM and AS(SHP) playing a game where Germany’s first round objectives were given with the normal losses. The Point AS made was that Germany has 5 mandatory risk battles that all have to be won to have a shot at winning the game as the axis so Japan can only grow if Germany effectively holds of the allies therefor the gross of your bid should go to Ger.

  • Bashir, are you rosselvet and his abc soup. can you explian what PEU stands for and Pefr dtands for. thanks

  • @DarthMaximus:

    Now, if you are just trying new stuff, then great, nothing wrong with that, as long as you continue to learn why the new stuff may or may not work.

    i know what i did wrong i should have put 2 tanks and 2 inf  in libya and 1 tank in in algeria and 2 inf in manchuria. :roll: maybe even 3 trn and  in the balltic sea and 1 inf in germany. do you think england could fall 1st turn with this?

  • PEU=Power Europ
    Pafr=Power Africa

    No Eng can’t fall on G1, because if you bid that extra tran in baltic Rus will fly one more fig over to UK and their ass is saved…

  • @DethSkwad:

    I would gladly take a bid of 27 and win as the Axis by placing 5infantry in Ukraine and 4 infantry in Libya.

    maxium bid of 4 units per terrotory 5 units per continent.

  • Care to play squad…or do you just talk?

  • I would gladly take a bid of 27 and win as the Axis by placing 5infantry in Ukraine and 4 infantry in Libya. 
    Well why don’t you take me on? I’ll give your wussy behind a 27 bid and crush your ass!!

  • The above quote was by Dethsquad, formerly known as Agent Smith, ye of all talk and no action.  Soon u die  is also AS!!

  • I don’t have time to play you right now maybe in a month or so but not now.  I don’t even know what an AS is did you mean to call him an A** but leave off the last ‘s’ to avoid being profane?  Soon U Die is another person here that makes comments isn’t he?  You seem to think that because our views are similar this means we are the same person?  By that token how do we know you are not me, and I am using the “maddog” persona as a ruse to buffalo everyone here.  I mean it’s genius play yourself in a game by creating a phony persona which is so outrageous that no one suspects a thing then when you play one lays down and you ‘proove’ how great you are.  Come on that’s a little bit elaborate don’t you think.  Would you please stop insinuating that I am a bunch of other people here, especially because I don’t know who most of them are.

  • Sorry SUD,I now think that I was wrong in associating you with the big fraud that is agent smith/dethsquad!

  • Thought AS was IP-banned…

  • IP’s can change, pretty easilly.

    “Tone” though is hard to hide over long periods of time…

  • Yes but that’s guilt by similarity and I’m rather tired of it.  I feel as if I am being accused of being a witch in Salem…if I float I am guilty and if I sink I’m dead.  Gee great choice.  But is there a way to prove I am not these people?  Oh by the way I really am Maddogg and NCSSwitch is that a problem here?

  • :roll:

    Folks are just pointing out similarities.

  • The “great” agent smith is no more than a coward. Of course this would not apply to you deth!! :-D

  • Folks are just pointing out similarities.

    Right but how much of that is WISHFUL THINKING?  It seems as if it would be more of a let down to you all if I weren’t him than if I was.  More over “similiarities” is an often vague encompassing safety word which allows you to generalize traits shared with most other people as well.  Both he and I could be right handed but that in of itself is not a good basis for making such a guess because so too are 98% of all other people.

    The “great” agent smith is no more than a coward. Of course this would not apply to you deth!!

    But if he’s a coward and I’m him why do you want to play me so bad?  I’m not that good and this guy must really have been something to have all of you all in such a tizzy.  But having no frame of reference with him I am rather bored of discussing him really.  Aren’t you?

  • You’re right squad, you are not that good. And neither was smith. He just pretended to be good but then backed down and disappeared when the going got tough on the rare occasion he could muster up the balls to play someone.

  • Snort!

    Yep, that was AS.  He had his pre-set strats and that overdeveloped use of sim down cold.  The result was a guy would would NEVER touch a game with a renegade (like me), and would not even DREAM of ADS… LL only for him, so that his years of sim analysis would always win…

    But with ADS or a rogue player… no such guarantee.  So he would just insult such a player and refuse to play them.  Too much chance within a turn or 2 the game would be so different from his “projections” that his years of simulator research would be worthless, and then he would have to think on the fly.  Against against a few folks here (I like to think of myself as one of them) that could have been disastrous.

    I think that, more than anything, is why AS is no longer here.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    LL is very, VERY annoying.

    Only in LL can 6 submarines have a 100% chance of beating a Battleship without loss (classic, only game I ever saw him play.)

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