@Krieghund Thanks! (For completeness, I should have been more clear in that Germany controlled Persia at the beginning of its turn in this example. i.e. there was/is a legal landing zone for the fighter)
Transfer Capital between teammates
A situation arose in our last classic edition game (first edition). Player 1 (Axis) recaptured the german capital and captured the Russian capital in the same turn. Player2 (Allies) as England captured the german capital in the next turn. Player 1 (axis) in Japan’s turn flew a plane to Russian capital. At the end of Japans turn, Player 1 announced that the Russian capital was now Japan’s territory as given by the German forces and thus Japan should collect the Russian IPCs. Player 1 said that since Germany cannot use the IC or IPC since their capital has fallen - Japan should be able to use the IPCs and the IC. Player 2 disagreed. Comments?
P Panther moved this topic from Axis & Allies 1942 2nd Edition on
@coachdcj Player 2 is correct. From the Official Rules Clarifications document (page 4):
You can never give an ally anything: units, territories or I.P.C.'s.