And let’s not forget I’m speaking about the Gauls that Ceaser dealt with.
And agian let me say that my “naked” comment was a weak response to the weak “levies” remark leveled at Alexander’s victory against Darius’s army at Gaugamela. I fully realize that were not……not …not… all naked, every one of them, always, everytime they went into battle.
Based on what I’ve read, so far, the indication is, in general, that the Gaul were not well lead and they were difficult to organize, which leads trouble when fighting Rome in large battles. And this was the case during Caesar campaigns. However, this does not diminish Caesar’s accomplishments as I tried to make clear in my last post.
i dont think you can dismiss both Vercingetorix and Commius
I don’t belive I really was. I knew nothing, really, of Vercingetorix before this thread. And I don’t know Commius, either.
I doubt that Caesar would allow some ‘naked savage’ the opportunity to fight alongside Caesar and share in his victories.
I think anyone would be uncomfortable with a naked barbarian standing beside you. :mrgreen:
Chieftains would have been able to afford proper armor and quality weapons. They probably would not have been naked, unless they were trying to be particularly heroic or they we just that" hardcore"