I figure that during a frontal attack against a defending Blockhouse, the Blockhouse will roll a preemptive high value dice, like 3 or less, maybe 4 or less. This is because the attackers don’t have much firepower when stuck in a Landing Craft, they need to hit the beach and drive the Tanks onshore before they can shoot back, and at this time most of the attackers are killed. Its pretty much the same when attacking the Maginot or Siegfried Lines, the attackers have to cross rivers, minefields and barbed wire, while being barraged and shelled, before they reach the Blockhouse and can start the actual attack.
I don’t have issue with that. I think it is a good way to make a blockhouse a more valuable unit. However, it also needs to be paired with the battleship bombardment topic below…
Now this is the reason that frontal attacks against Blockhouses were so rare. The attackers always tried to by-pass it, or circumvent it as you say. And in that case, when circumvented, or after a breakthrough, then the Blockhouse is pretty much defenseless. So that justify a preemptive defense roll of 3 or less for the first round of combat when attacked in front, and a general defense roll of 1 for the rest of that turn, and no combat value at all when the attack come from another direction.
This is pretty accurate I would say, but there are a lot of moving parts. As in, there are a number of changing roll attributes based on defender orientation, attacker orientation and combat cycle. I have no problem following it, but I could see how in the game this could become frustrating.
The primary job of a Blockhouse is to survive, so it must takes two hits to kill, just like a Battleship. When I say absorb one hit, I really say the Blockhouse absorb the first hit, and need an extra hit to be killed. This is the special ability of concrete bunkers, they die hard.
I also wouldn’t have a problem with this if it makes a blockhouse more valuable. I agree that as a fortification unit, some level of toughness or resiliency to attack should be accentuated. Taking (2) hits to destroy is a very apt representation of that. I also think that will make the attacker think twice about his move. Attacking any unit that can take (2) hits deserves careful consideration. Whatever Fortification Unit devised should instill that fear.
Good question. The Tank unit is not just some vehicles that you need an infantry unit to fill, so why should the Blockhouse unit be a concrete shell with no guns or men, so you need an infantry unit to fill it ?
I like the Blockhouse unit to represent a fortificated line with bunkers, barbed wire, minefields, big guns, machine guns and crew.
I agree here also and I didn’t mean to imply that I suggested otherwise. Even as a typical blockhouse, the fortification unit should have some defense values of its own, independent of infantry or other units. Due to collection of machine guns, mortars, mines, etc… and basic infantry that staff the emplacements.
I was more getting at the distinction between blockhouses or other infantry based fortifications and fortified field-gun emplacements/anti-siege weapons. A blockhouse (aka pillbox type structures) are not the same as coastal gun emplacements with 12-inch cannons.


Not the same. Would require different rules.
Unless of course you just wanted to totally simplify and have one fortification unit and be done with it.
Another question, that I have no rational answers to, is the sequenced fire. AA-guns fire preemptive, Subs can in some cases fire preemptive, and a Blockhouse too should fire preemptive. Then we can ask, why cant Battleship shore bombardment be preemptive like it used to be in the early editions ? If you don’t want your infantry in Normandy to be killed by ships, then just build a Blockhouse.
The reason for having battleship bombardment is to simulate what battleships would be used for in an amphibious assault. This is not killing enemy infantry and tanks before landing troops. It is to destroy beach and coastal fortifications in order to clear a path for assault troops. Unfortunately, OOB rules do not include fortifications, so hits have to be applied to other units.
Arguably, battleship bombardment is too tactical of an ability for A&A and could be removed from the game. It doesn’t scale well and that is why the rule was revised: so defending units that get hit could still return fire. In real life, that would not happen. Likewise, as you pointed out, battleships or other heavy guns would be completely incapable of wiping out even a single division of soldiers, let alone about 20 in a given territory. Blockhouses/fortifications could alleviate this. Battleships should fire first and any hits should be removed before the next phase. As a defender, you would probably choose to apply these hits to your blockhouses first since they should be able to take (2) hits a piece and, IMO, they should either be cheap to build and have low hitting power or they should be moderately expensive with good hitting power. May have to look at limiting the number of blockhouses per territory somehow though.