Maybe its because I haven’t played nearly enough and I’m missing something so totally obvious, but I just don’t understand why you need to do Taranto? I think the British player has absolutely everything to lose and almost nothing to gain by going after Italy’s isolated capital ship. Seriously, if Italy scrambles (the German fighter as well) and both sides roll “par” the British player will lose the transport, the cruiser, the destroyer, and strategic bomber, and the carrier will be left there (mighty lonely) with a couple spitfires on it. The 3 Italian ships to the West ignore the carrier and wipe out the French with the bomber, and the transport drops off more troops into Africa, and the forces in Tobruk pop Alexandria. On German 2, the Luffwaffe has nothing better to do but obliterate the lonely carrier (while they are prepping for Sea Lion on Ger-3) and now the Italians are in complete control of the Med without so much as building a ship. And I think (at this point) the Allies are now fighting from behind. The Axis is in a position of advantage and that was with a successful Taranto raid (forget it if the roll bad.)
My question is, if you are the British player, why on Earth do you do this?
I agree totally with Grasshopper, build 6 inf and 1 fighter all for London. Hunker down in London. Okay, so what do you do in the Med?
1 Egypt artilery & inf to Tobruk via transport. malta fighter to Tobruk, land on carrier
2 inf & artilery & tank from Alexendria to Tobruk. 1 mech in Egypt to Tobruk. 1 Tac bomber from carrier to Tobruk, land on Malta for scramble. You should pop Tobruk like a zit.
1 cruiser in 91, 1 fighter in Giblatar land on carrier, 1 bomber from London (land on Malta), 1 carrier, 1 transport, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer from sz98, attack Italian fleet in Malta. If the destroyer hits lose the strategic bomber.
Fly on fighter from London to Giblatar. Move fighter from Scotland to London.
Now, look at the board. You have 1 transport, 1 destroyer, 2 cruisers, 1 carrier with 2 fighters and 1 tac bomber on Malta for scramble in defense. If the Italians attack, they must send… EVERYTHING. You have far too many good dice in defense. And even if they win, the victory is entirely pyrrhic. They will have a hit on the battle ship and at most one cruise left and probably lose their planes. Their navy is completely gone next turn, they get no troops to Africa, and you have complete control of Africa.
Am I missing something?