I’m a big fan of patience, provided you have a positional goal.
As I said above mine generally revolves around Cauc (or Wrus) as Germany and Kaz (or Novo) as Jap since they are right next to Mos.
It simply isn’t possible to take Moscow in a short amount of time against a competent opponent. So you don’t have to throw all your eggs in one basket early on for a strike on Moscow that is never going to happen. Russia is going to be earning in the High 20’s for the first 4-5 rds easy, even earning 40 as Germany it will still take you a while to be able to crack his stack.
I like to wait until Japan gets going, which really isn’t until rd 3 or 4, and then set up the double whammy. My attacks on J1 are Pearl and Chi. J2 pick up Bury and Sfe, J3 move to Sin and Yak, J4 reinforce, J5 look at Novo (or Kaz).
That means the first 4 rds of Germany I’m looking to build mostly inf and fortify borders with an arm or rt (or 2), while gaining what I can in Afr.
Then you spring the Vacate WE, move everything east and your German Afr army to Per.
Done right you leave WE open but have large Stacks in Ger, EE, Ukr, with a mini-army in Per, while Japan has mini-armies in Sin and Yak ready to be comnbined in Novo (or just a Sin to Kaz move).
The key to the vacating WE part is too make sure you gain something in the East b/c of it, and toomake sure you can hold Germany from a possible direct assualt just in case you deem it too costly to attack/strafe/or retake WE.
You can always bring over Japan ftrs to help defend meaning you can have easily up to 8-10 ftrs there and then you can even threaten the Allied ships with a 1-2 Jap-Ger punch with planes if they split their fleet or get careless with trans.
Also, assuming you got to Cauc at the cost of WE, it is much easier to then go back and try to reclaim WE later directly from Germany then it is to constantly defending WE from the Allied 1-2 without ever getting to Cauc.