@superbattleshipyamato said in A&A: The Blockgame? (Axis and Allies Eurotrash Variant):
I don’t get that last part though. So tipping them down shows the unit and the number of units is shown on the side facing the opponent?
My friends and I have been play testing a new way to play with those axis and allies pieces specifically the navel units and planes. Is there any interest in this. If enough peeps are interested i will post the rules. Think of it as a cross between Warhammer 40k and axis and allies :-D
Just redid some of the shooting rules, this will allow for a smoother flowing game
played another game and refined the game a little more added som cool stuff for officers and turrets, more dice. :-D
Well I got two lists completed, Germany and America. I wish Germany had a second type of carrier though, Graf Zepplin is kinda small. :x I just need a good source of info on WWII Navel Aircraft from the 4 major players in the sea
I also just want to say that when the A&A Navel minis come out this Game will be cool as hell. I will probably Base most Navy Lists off of what ships will be available and with them being 1/1800 scale this should prove to be a fun way to use those ships. Did I mention that The Planes are 1/900 scale. This is going to be fun Come on March 07
yea sure ill take a look. post away
Please do! :-D
Alright it is still a work in progress.Also you will have to have a basic knowledge of how Warhammer plays Games last generally around 6 turns before someone is usually subdued.
This is not historical yet but if there is enough interest this makes a good engine to build off of
You will need a tape measure that will go at least 5 feet
lots of dice–d6’s
Playing area is generaly A 8’ x 4’ piece of ply wood. 6’ x 4’ will work also
I bought blue cloth for water and used hiil tops from 40 k for my islands
2-4 players, points based before game set up agree with your apponent how many points you wil play. I find 1000-1500pts more then adaquete.
Roll 1 d6 for each side highest picks if he wants to deploy first or second
deployment- we play on a 8’x4’ sheet of ply wood board, so you may need to adjust measure ments a little. Short board edge, find the center and measure 2 feet towards the center of the board, roll 2d 6 and scatter die, where this lands is the center of your deployment zone. you may deploy any where around this point as long as you are no further then 12" from the center point and 36" away from an enemy ship.
Each side places his or her navy in it’s entirity except for subs and gun boats They may choose to deploy these if they want though
Whoever deployed first now may deploy any subs or gun boats anywhere they wish as long as they are at least 30" away from an enemy target including other subs and gun boats
next the other side deploys subs. same rules apply
Roll a d6 highest picks if they want to attack or defend first.
Phase sequence
1 Movement-all ships and planes may move
2 Aircraft launch and recover phase- Airplanes may move their entire speed after launch
3 Defending Cap fighters Attack- defending cap fighters may attack.
4 Shooting-
5 Remove casualties and place dammage counters
6 End turn
Any Stat that has a number ex (4+) this is the number needed to be rolled or higher on a d6
The Navy List
All ships have 6 basic stats
—speed-----Armour---------Antiair Def.—Wounds-------Armour save----------Gunnery skill--------------Type----------------------pts cost
12" 8 5+ 2 5+ 5+ Destroyer 35
15" 5 5+ 1 6+ 5+ Gun Boats 15
12" 8 0 2 5+ 5+ Submarines 45
8" submerged
10" 10 5+ 3 5+ 5+ Cruisers 65
8" 12 5+ 4 4+ 5+ Heavy Cruisers 125
8" 14 4+ 5 4+ 5+ Battleships 250
10" 10 4+ 3 4+ 5+ Aircraft Carriers 125
This is just a quick reference of off the shelf ships-before upgrades. the complete ship entries at end of post
I have 5 different Axis and allies games so I have a variety of colors and sizes of plastik ships use what suits you.
All ships come with a standard callibre weapon but if you so chose you may upgrade to stronger guns for a additional points cost
Weapons table
strength Range
Torpedos** 5 18" they hit targets on a roll of 5+
5" AA guns 2 6"
4" Navel 3 light 12"
5" Navel 4 light 15"
6" Navel 5 medium 20"
8" Navel 6 medium 24"
11" Navel 7 heavy 2 36" if four or more 6’s r rolled, -1 to targets save
12" Navel 8 heavy 2 40" if three or more 6’s are rolled, -1 to targets save
15" Navel 9 heavy 2 48" if two or more 6’s are rolled, -1 to targets save
16" Navel 10 heavy 2 50" - 1 to targets save
18" Navel*** 10 heavy 2 50" -1 to targets save, 2d6 armour penetration
** torpedos treat all armour values above 10 as 10 all others treated normally
*** These guns are huge!!!, Each cannon on each turret gets 2d6 to roll for armour penetration, during this roll if two 6’s are rolled the defending unit gets no armour save for that wound. Also if the roll on the 2 d6 plus the strength of the weapon doubles the total armour value of the defending unit, the defending unit is destroyed regaurdless of how many wounds it has left. The total should not exceed 22
All Navel Guns, may not be used to shoot at aircraft
AA guns use the ships AA Def value when determining offensive attacks “5 inch AA guns only” 1 die per gun.
Turrets–All Navel guns are in a “turret” They come in three Catagories, Main, Secondary, and Auxillary
These are spread evenly throughout the ship. So where are these located, easy Main turrets-- 2 in front 1 in back or 2f-2b.(destroyers 1 front 1 back) Secondary weapons, total number divided by two on each side. so if there were 4 total, there are 2 on each side with a firing arc of 180 degrees front to back Auxillarys follow same rules as secondary
Line of Sight-- the shooter may not be any further then 36" away from intended target. This is to show earth curvature. Any thing beyond 36" inches from firer does not exist yet in his eyes. Islands block line of sight for ships
Use your better judgement, if you have to shoot through your own superstructure you can’t take the shot.
All ships have A gunnery Skill. ex. Destroyers have a gunnery skill of 5+ so a 5 or 6 is needed for a sucsseful Attempt to hit. After a hit is scored you must roll to see if you wound the target. roll a d6 add the strength of weapon, if it meets or beats the armour value of the target the target must make a saving throw. If the strength of the weapon is equal to or greater then the armour value of the target, if a one is rolled during the armour penetration roll it does not score a hit. You get dice equal to the number of turrets x2, that are shooting using that ships gunnery skill. in other words 2 die per heavy turret.
Ships may only offensivly fire against 1 hostile surface target, exception AA guns may roll individually against planes. Ships may use all of it’s weapon systems against this target if they are in range.
multiple surface to surface attacks not possible, but a surface to surface attack and 1 surface to air attack can happen simualtaniously
1st wound 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Destroyers - 4" of speed Destroyed
Subs Cannot submerge Destroyed
Cruiser -4" speed - 1 Main turret Destroyed
Heavy Cruiser N/A -4" speed - 1 Turret Destroyed
Battleships N/A -4" speed - 1 Turret -2 turrets Destroyed
Carriers -4" speed 4 plane launch Destroyed
and recovery limit***
Gun boats destroyed
** All Turrets Lost Are Main Turrets** *** 6 plane limit if a captain is on board
**** for every lost turret, 1 point of armour is lost also******
The Navy and Aircraft list
Speed Armour AA def. Wounds Save Points cost
Destroyers 12" 8 5+ 2 5+ 35pts
Armed with 2 main light Navel turrets, depth charges and 2 torpedoe racks with 4 launchers. 1 launcher per side 180 degree arc
4 inch Navel @ 0pts
5 inch Navel @ 15pts replaces 3 inch guns
Depth charges- range 6 inches from destroyer. Roll 4 d6 and hits on 6’s. subs save on 4’s, can be used only against submerged subs
Torpedos- Two side facing racks with 8 fish. Additional fish cost 5pts for 4
Sonar- Detects submerged subs 24 inches away
Subs shooting torpedos at destroyers get a - 1 to their gunnery skill due to destroyers fast speed
Submarines 12" surfaced 8 0 2 5+ 50pts
8" submerged
Armed with 4 forward facing and 1 aft facing torpedo tubes. Subs have a unlimited number of torpedos
1 5 inch deck gun
Gun boats 15" 5 5+ 1 5+ 15pts
Armed with one 5 inch AA gun, 4 torpedo tubes forward facing. 4 fish included
additional torpedos @ 5 pts for 2
All attacks against gun boats get a -1 to their gunnery skill, this is to show for their outstanding speed.
Cruisers 10" 10 5+ 3 5+ 65pts
Armed with 3 medium turrets and 4 turrets
4 inch guns @ 0 pts 6 inch guns @ 0 pts
5 inch guns @ 15 pts 8 inch guns @ 25 pts
Armour options–-Heavy armour increses to 11, speed decresed to 8 inches @ 25 pts
Light armour decreases to 9, speed incresed to 12 inches, may not upgrade main medium guns @ 10 pts
Sub hunter, sonar added 2 torpedo racks, 1 on each side, 4 launchers per rack, replaces light guns @ 35 pts.* Each rack has a
180 degree arc to 1 side of ship. 1 on the right and one on the left* unlimited fish.
May exchange Light guns for 5" AA guns @ 20pts 4 total
Torpedo Bulges,( c battlship entry) @ 25pts
Heavy Cruisers 8" 12 5+ 4 4+ 125pts
Armed with 4 medium Turrets and 4 light Turrets
4 inch guns @ 0 pts 11 inch guns @ 50 pts
5 inch guns @ 15 pts 8 inch guns @ 0 pts if chosen main turret count is reduced by
May exchange Light guns for 5" AA guns @ 20pts 4 total one. replaces 8 inch
Torpedo Bulges-(c-battleship entry) @ 25pts
Battleships 8" 14 4+ 5 4+ 250pts
Armed with 3 Heavy Turrets, 8 medium Turrets and 8 light turrets or 4 Heavy main Turrets, 6 med, 6 light, armour value for ship drops to 13 @ 0 pts
4 inch @ 0 pts 6 inch @ 0 pts 11 inch @ -10 pts
5 inch @ 15 pts 8 inch @ 25 pts 12 inch @ 0 pts
15 inch @ 70 pts
16 inch @ 80pts
May exchange light guns for 5" AA guns @ 20pts
16 inch guns may be replaced with 18 inch guns with the same range and strength as a 16" gun but gets 2d6 + strength when rolling for armour penetration @ 50pts
-1 still in effect for targets saving throw.
Torpedo Bulges, Ships may reroll any failed save attempt 1 time from torpedo attacks only. @ 25 pts
Carriers 10" 10 4+ 3 4+ 125pts
Armed with 10 five inch AA guns/ five on each side, 2 cap fighters deployed with carrier no launch penalty
Transports up to 10 aircraft not counting first 2 cap interceptors. Cap Planes do not suffer 3 turn limit as long as they remain within 6" of carrier. They cannot fly further then 12 inches from carrier. Can launch and/ or recover up to six aircraft a turn
You can up load your Carriers with any mix and match you want, They can all be the same or not.
Torpedo Bulges @ 25pts
Against aircraft only Against Ships only
Att. Def. Wounds save Attack strength Save Cost
Fighters- 4+ 4+ 1 4+ 4+ 2 4+ 20pts
speed 18 inches
Dive bombers 4+ 5+ 1 5+ 4+ 9 3+ 30 pts
speed 18 inches
Torpedo bombers 5+ 5+ 1 5+ 4+(5+) submerged subs 3+ 15pts
speed 15 inches. must have a torpedo on board and a destroyer within line of sight of target to attack a submerged sub use strength of torpedo
Long Range Fighters 4+ 4+ 1 4+ 4+ 2 4+ 25 pts
speed 24 inches
Scout planes 5+ 5+ 1 5+ 5+ 2 5+ 10 pts
speed 18 inches. may extend the max. range beyond 36 inches for 1 Battleship, target must be within 36" of scout plane
Movement-- airplanes have a flight time of four offensive turns, before they must head directly back to there own carrier first, if it is sunk it goes to the next closes and so on. An offensive turn starts at the begining of movement and ends after movement or attacking. If the plane does not move it still counts as an offensive turn. (Its patroling and still burning gas)
EXAMPLE- Fighters can fly a total of 72 inches strait out from its carrier but will need four turns to do so. After all four turns have passed the airplanes must return directly to a friendly carrier and may not attack anything, they may how ever Defend.
Plane A attacks Plane B PLane A is a fighter so it needs to roll a 4 or higher on a d6. A 5 is rolled and scores a hit. Plane B is a Dive Bomber So it needs to roll a 5 or higher since it is being attacked by another plane. Wow a five is rolled and the planes armour saves it. Plane B may now roll its defend value against planes It Needs another 5 or higher, A six is rolled A hit. Plane A is forced to make a save. He rolls a 2 and fails his armour save and is removed as a casualty.
Planes- vs - Ships
Example- 3 Dive bombers attack a cruiser the ships AA def. fires first. 1 die for every plane and the ship needs to roll 5 or higher The ship rolls 3,5,6 Two hits are scored. The dive bombers check their save vs Ships and finds out it needs to roll 3’s or higher to save.
2,3 is rolled 1 dive bomber is lost. the other 2 make rolls of 1 d6 each And adds the strength (9) of the weapon together. 4,1 is rolled so we have 1 strength 10 wound and 1 strength 13. The cruisers armour is ten. The Cruiser is forced to make 2 save attempts.
2,3, is rolled two failed attempts = two wounds
Planes must be within 3" inches of target ship or plane in order to attack it. This does not includes torpedo bombers using torpedos.
You may stack up against 1 target with planes. ex. 3 planes attack 1. Planes have a max number of attacks, 1 per offensive turn. Torpedo bombers carry only 1 fish. can reload on carrier
some battleships had 15 inch guns ( bismarck) and ships like yamato had 18.1 inch guns… you should add those sizes in case somebody wants such a ship.
in the case of the Yamato/ mushashi that thing fired like 24 miles away and required spotter planes for targeting information at that range.
also on torpedo planes you may want to differenciate between those biplanes like the british swordfish and something with the capabilities of japans kate torpedo bomber. The italians also used biplanes for torpedo runs. The germans had no skills at torpedo bombing… JU87 was used in this purpose to divebomb ships.
also by interseptors your talking about what kind of plane?
by scout plane i take it you are looking at something like catalinas or german ju-52?
Game Continued
Ships and movement. Speed is the max distance any 1 thing may go
Gun boats are unlimited in turning
Destroyers and sub may perform up to 180 degrees of turning
All Cruisers And Carriers may perform up to 90 degrees of turning
Battle ships may perform up to 45 degrees of turning
All ship movement is made with forward momentum. No Spinning in place
Before any game discuss if you want officers or not, and a seperate total of points spent on officers 100pts - 150pts is usually good
Max number of officers per ship is two
No stacking of bonuses +/- 1 pt max
Lieutenant- Can command 1 sub or 3 gun boats. Improves torpedo attacks by one to 4+ to hit for his sub or squad 10 pts
Flight Lieutenant- 2 per carrier improves attack and defend by +1/+1 can fly any type of plane. His personal plane gets a plus 1 to his save against other aircraft only 20 pts May command up to 4 other aircraft.
Lt. Commander- Commands up to 3-4 subs or 2-3 destroyers
Improves torpedo attacks by 1 for his sqd,
if he is on a destroyer he will pick up enemy subs up to 36" away 30 pts
Commander– Commands 1-3 cruisers or 3-5 destroyers, 3-5 subs 40pts
improves torpedo attacks by +1
Sonar will detect sub up to 36" away
All ships in his sqd. get a +1 to their gunnery skill
Captain- Can only command 1-3 Battleship, or 1-4 Cruisers, or 1-2 Carriers. 60 pts
can mix and match cruisers and BB’s only, max of 4 ships in his sqd.
Battle ships/ Cruisers Only
All ships in his squad gain 1 inch to movement and + 45 degrees of turning (Not stackable with Admiral)
+1 to torpedo attacks his sqd only
Precision fire. can reroll 1 failed gunnery skill roll per ship in his sqd. Not torpedos!
AA def. increased by 1 captains ship only
+1 Gunnery skill for all ships in sqd.
Carriers Only
Can Launch And Recover 8 Aircraft per turn. Carriers may carry up to 2 additional Planes
AA def. Gets a plus 1
flight commanders cost 5 pts less
Flight commanders can command 3-6 aircraft of the same type
Rear Admiral-- May command any ship. 50pts
3 gun, turrets upgrade available. 3 dice per main turret instead of two.
cost- Battleships 50pts, Heavy Cruisers 25 pts, Cruisers 10pts
Vice admiral–1 per fleet, must be placed on a carrier. 50pts
All planes gain 1 more offensive turn 5 total.
Torpedo bombers can carry two fish
flight commanders do not count against max officers rule
2 free cap fighters for his carrier, does not count against limit of aircraft
Admiral-- 1 per fleet must be on a Battleship, Heavy Cruiser, or carrier 75 pts
All ships may attempt to fix them selves. any ship that attempts to fix itself forfiets any movement but may still
fire with a minus -1 to there Gunnery skill
On a roll of a d6 5+ fixs 1 wound
Admirals ship may reroll 1 failed save attempt against his ship Per turn
At the begining of the game when you roll to see who goes first add 2 to the dice roll
All ships within 8" of his ship may move an additional 3 inches in speed
Officers command radius. If an Officer has a sqd of boats or planes they must remain as a unit. they must be within 6" of any other unit in its squad at all times
Officers go down with the ship. If an officers ship or plane is destroyed, all of his abilities for the squad are destroyed also.
some battleships had 15 inch guns ( bismarck) and ships like yamato had 18.1 inch guns… you should add those sizes in case somebody wants such a ship.
in the case of the Yamato/ mushashi that thing fired like 24 miles away and required spotter planes for targeting information at that range.
also on torpedo planes you may want to differenciate between those biplanes like the british swordfish and something with the capabilities of japans kate torpedo bomber. The italians also used biplanes for torpedo runs. The germans had no skills at torpedo bombing… JU87 was used in this purpose to divebomb ships.
also by interseptors your talking about what kind of plane?
by scout plane i take it you are looking at something like catalinas or german ju-52?
I would like to expand this game and possibly market it, this just the starting point eventually I would like to build country specific lists.
I Mean when you look at the different units I have Iwant them to eventually become just a class. In other words You could Have the Bismark in you fleet and it would use up 1 Battleship class slot and cost you 300 pts, you have only 2 BB slots Available, for your Navy, or something to that effect. Or if you where a German player you could use say U 37 Oceangoing types at 45 pts each or maybe U-1 class coastal types at 20 pts apiece but they both are of the sub class. I right now am just trying to get the game mechanichs to work right all the time and was hoping by posting this people will read it and hopefully play it and give me feedback. PLEASE anyone reading this Feedback please
Are you thinking about creating nation specific ships?
I have a copy of the 1941 Jane’s fighting ships that might interest you.
Yes I am And I have a copy of the same book I have a basic American list and German List, I am currently working on the Japs, right now they and the British will probably have the most flexibility. Has anyone actually tried to play this yet? just wondering