New Decals
AFK 1.jpg
afrika korp 1.jpg
They look really good, which set is that?
The Native Colonials are from ESCI, Indian War “Kiber Pass” British Infantry set. The other is an Italian Mountain Trooper from Italia. I painted the feather black, plus the helmet to look as if the feather was larger, to resemble the Bersaglieri Helmet.
Those are the shizzle! :-o
Nice work!
I’m gonna get me some.
Those paint jobs are very awesome! Love the figures too. :-)
I guess I should of indicated which units are what. White jackets are the Native Colonials.
**––NICE WORK on your Italians. I remember seeing these fella’s in the
'39-Advanced" game we recently played. Although I was mainly concerned with the Pacific theater as USA & Anzac,…my S-2 Inteligence Officer pointed them out to me (Grin).
Tall Paul**