Will do. Thanks
Thanks Spitfire! I like it too, the more I see it. :-D
Update: I wanted to let you guys know that my next project will be the German Navy, but I also decided that I’m also going to start painting infrastructure pieces from shapeways, in between my German pieces.
I may also just paint whatever I feel like. Whatever gets me in the mood to paint, because I may get bored and decide to paint another countries pieces.
I will try to stick with one country at a time, but will not promise it.
There maybe times where I will do a piece that I just got from HBG, because you got to be excited about what you paint, right?
I will not give myself timelines anymore. They just don’t work.
I had an emergency appendectomy, last week and just now feeling myself again. I was lucky to have survived it, so thanks for the support from the guys that know about it.
One last thing, I will be starting another thread for my German pieces, so that you can view them in one place. They will be shot on HBG’s 1939 map.
Once I get the 1936 map, all pictures will be taken on it.
Whenever, I complete a group of pieces, they will always be on this thread, and then will be re-shot on their perspective countries thread.
Each country will eventually have it’s own thread, and there will be a infrastructure thread as well, as I complete pieces.
I’m glad you all liked those last several planes I did. It was a lot of fun doing them.
Now on to other projects! :-D
Hi guys, Jwo wanted me to show the comparison of the OOB German Bismarck and the new 3D ships from HBG, which are the German H-44 super battleship that comes in grey and black, and the new British super carrier which comes in tan.
You will see I primed the Bismarck and the British super carrier, so that you can see the fine details of these new 3D pieces.
I didn’t prime the new German super battleship because I had bought them in black and gray.
I took pictures of the gray one, primed the other two.
I wasn’t going to do the British one, but Jwo asked me to prime it gray, because the tan in HBG’s picture doesn’t show the details real well.
Since, I’m priming them, I will probably paint two of them after the German navy.
Will see! :-)
These are awesome pieces by HBG!
Enjoy! I hope this helps with your purchases, by seeing the details more clearly.
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Last two pictures! :-)
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Thanks for showing those off JB. Wow that German battleship looks awesome! Lots of detail int there to paint. You have any references for schemes? Any historical concept references for either ship I wonder ?
These speciality 3 d pieces is really making me want to get this HBG 1939 global game! Does anyone here play it ? And how does it compare to axis and allies global 1940?
Thanks for showing those off JB. Wow that German battleship looks awesome! Lots of detail int there to paint. You have any references for schemes? Any historical concept references for either ship I wonder ?
These speciality 3 d pieces is really making me want to get this HBG 1939 global game! Does anyone here play it ? And how does it compare to axis and allies global 1940?
No problem Jwo!
I don’t know of any references, but I’m going to paint my German Navy all in Baltic Camo and an alternative Baltic Gray Camo, as well. If you look at the pictures of the Bismarck, that is the look I will try to replicate.
As far as Global 1939, go to the main page, and look under Global War thread. The guys that play it, always post there.
I hope that helps. :-)
Jwo, I am currently learning Global 1939 and have played part of a game. Global 1939 is like Global 1940 on steroids. a lot more in depth, more units, more political situations and special rules, but very fun.
It takes awhile to learn the rules, but very entertaining. Once you start reading the rules, it will get addicting, because then you will want to buy different HBG pieces and markers to add to your overall game experience.
Go to boardgamegeek.com and join it and search for Global 1939. After you find the game, go close to the bottom of the page, and you will see links to the rules for version 7.2 Global 1939 setup, and you will also need to click the link for the 7.2 rules, as well.
Or, maybe someone be kind enough to provide you a link. :-)
Your improvement over the months has been huge! Fantastic job John.
Been enjoying your posts here John. I like your work.
Question: How would you describe the surface texture of the 3D printed ships you have? Based on these and others I have seen, it really looks like they have an uneven, sandpaper-like texture; such that paint on the surfaces will seep into the depressions and give a pock-marked look.
@LH. I have seen a few things 3D printed and they really aren’t that rough depending on the sculpt. There are some 3D prints of war game miniatures that look really good. They can in many cases can be sanded. It also depends on the plastic filament used and the DPI of the printer. The primary two plastics for printing are ABS and PLA. ABS is more durable but uses high temperatures to print while PLA prints at lower temperature but isn’t as strong.
I’m not sure what your experiences are with gaming miniatures but the printed ones can be just as easily prepared for paint in most cases
Your improvement over the months has been huge! Fantastic job John.
I really appreciate it. I have been working extremely hard, but have been lot more patient. Everything, you all have told me about painting, has been spot on, and I really appreciate everyone’s input.
I have learned a lot from all of you, and it has paid off.
Thanks again buddy! :-)
Been enjoying your posts here John. I like your work.
Question: How would you describe the surface texture of the 3D printed ships you have? Based on these and others I have seen, it really looks like they have an uneven, sandpaper-like texture; such that paint on the surfaces will seep into the depressions and give a pock-marked look.
Thanks, I really appreciate your comments!
LHoffman, I’m no expert, but to me they have been the easiest pieces to paint. I’m not sure why, but I really like them, to be honest with you.
I really like painting these pieces.
What you have described is correct in a sense, but they are easy to paint to me.
I will say this, don’t step on them or crush them with your hands, because they can bend really easy and break.
I had to superglue one of my M-323 transport planes, because I bent it and broke it.
Just be careful with them!
They add a whole new dimension to your game play. They really are awesome, and the material is getting better all the time.
I hope this helps! :-)
I do appreciate the input guys. Particularly because I think some of HBG’s 3D pieces are pretty cool and worth buying.
Perhaps I used the wrong term when describing the texture; not so much rough as it is uneven or not-smooth. Anyway, this is sort of a conversation continuing from here http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=27911.msg1420516#msg1420516
I have just been concerned that the 3D printed pieces may end up looking like this:
Especially if you use a crevice catching wash or ink or you drybrush over the surface… which I am apt to do on my pieces.
Sorry to derail things, but thanks again.
I do appreciate the input guys. Particularly because I think some of HBG’s 3D pieces are pretty cool and worth buying.
Perhaps I used the wrong term when describing the texture; not so much rough as it is uneven or not-smooth. Anyway, this is sort of a conversation continuing from here http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=27911.msg1420516#msg1420516
I have just been concerned that the 3D printed pieces may end up looking like this:
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=26127.msg1287679#msg1287679Especially if you use a crevice catching wash or ink or you drybrush over the surface… which I am apt to do on my pieces.
Sorry to derail things, but thanks again.
No problem! I haven’t tried washes, yet, but will be using ink washing for sure on my navy. I may dry brush as well.
I will let you know.
My navy, ground forces and infantry will be done in a matte finish, because I decided to ink wash and try dry brushing on these particular pieces, to bring out the details.
New territory for me, LOL. :-D
Update: Well guys, it took awhile, but I finally finished my first half of the Kreigsmarine. Sorry it took so long, but as you know, real life gets in the way, but I’m better now.
My original plan was to do 62 ships in two different camouflage themes, a Baltic Camo and a alternative Baltic Camo, but for now, the second half of my navy will have to wait, because I lost too much painting time.
Eventually there will be a total of 70 ships, because I added 8 more ships.
I went ahead and painted 35 ships in the Baltic Camo in 3 different patterns. The first pattern is your typical Baltic Camo look, the second pattern is a predominantly black Baltic Camo, and the third pattern is a predominantly, a white Baltic Camo look.
These last two patterns are based on pictures, but I used my own creativity.
The first two fleets will have carriers and battleships in the regular Baltic Camo, and in the predominantly black one.
The third set is really cool, because it is my own creation, in response to the new 1936 map, because it will be my Antarctic Expeditionary Fleet.
It will not have a carrier or battleship, but will have a cruiser, destroyers, transports and subs.
I just finished decaling and sprayed the protective coat. I have to let them dry, and then I will take some pictures this weekend.
Like I said, sorry I have been out of action, but wanted to give you all an update. Stay tuned for pictures and descriptions.
Thanks guys, for your patience.
I have really enjoyed all the newest members work as of late in the customization section. A shout out to all the new comers in the last few months. It has been enjoyable see all of your creativity. Keep it up! :-D
P.S. I will be starting ground forces next, then infantry, maybe facilities between countries. I haven’t decided , yet.
Looking forward to seeing them John.
Same here :)
PHASE ONE OF THE KRIEGSMARINE Phase One of the Kriegsmarine which consists of 35 naval vessels, painted in the Baltic Camouflage Scheme. I painted 3 patterns, the basic Baltic pattern, predominantly Baltic Black and a Baltic White, which I call my, " Antarctica Expeditionary Fleet.
This navy maybe small, but they are like a wolf pack, once they get a taste a blood, it is only a matter of time till it wears its prey down, and eventually gets overtaken.
Coming from the Baltic Sea into the English Channel, there is a dense fog, but the Captain of the allied ship cannot make out if the ship is friend or foe, but suddenly a loud explosion occurs, and the hull of the ship is flooding, and a fiery blaze is consuming the whole ship. Three torpedo’s have taken there next victim.
I hope you enjoy these pictures. It was a lot of fun painting these. :-D
These first two pictures are the entire Kriegsmarine.
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