can someoone send me 3d printable files for the infantry perferable if they had uniforms from their coorolated nation thx
Do you know DTROY?
Dtroy i get the feeling that in the future you will be awarded our customizer badge. Just a matter of time really.
Thank you guys for the positive comments and thanks Young Grasshopper for inviting me back to the site. I have not been that active but I do frequent the site quite often. I do so in order to get ideas from the many of you who do great work and who have inspired me to try and be as good. I first painted my first set of miniatures about 5 years ago but quickly stopped when I realized how painfully slow and labor intensive it was to paint. Then about a year and a half ago I picked up the brush again and have not stopped since. I am basically self taught , however I have picked up tips here and their from you tube videos and on this site as well. Some I just learnt on my own. I have to admit that some of my miniatures are not that good but some others are ok. As I painted I realized that very few people had made any you tube videos involving axis and allies miniatures that’s when I decided to start making and posting videos on you tube. I figured it would be a fun thing to do and that maybe a few people would be interested in watching them. Anyway, probably wrote more than I should I sometimes tend to that, lol.
I watched your videos a few times. Especially the ones on your UK vessels. I really love those! There aren’t that many Axis & Allies painters on YouTube. So it’s really cool to see guys like you and others putting these videos out.
Imperious Leader thanks for your kind words I am very much obliged. Just one thing I would like to post a few pictures and link my u tube videos to the forum. I have been unable to do so. Grasshopper said that it’s because I don’t have enough posts yet so the system won’t allow me. How do I go about doing so?
IF i am correct you need 10 posts to be able to post pictures.i think i saw it somewhere on the forums
And IF i am not mistaken this should be mu 10th post :) -
Thanks for the insight Wiz, I want to post pictures and link my you tube videos. As soon as I can do so I will. Also, do you know if it makes a difference if I do it only using my cell phone? I am currently having technical issues with my computer so I have no choice but to use my Samsung Note 3 cell phone.
Thanks for the insight Wiz, I want to post pictures and link my you tube videos. As soon as I can do so I will. Also, do you know if it makes a difference if I do it only using my cell phone? I am currently having technical issues with my computer so I have no choice but to use my Samsung Note 3 cell phone.
Wiz is right, most forums use a posting history of 10 to 20 posts, and then moderators open up everything for you. :-)
John Brown I am glad you have started painting your own miniatures. You are doing a fantastic job and I do look forward to seeing more of your work. Like most of the people on this forum I genuinely enjoy seeing the different types of painted miniatures and customizations. I also like to learn by incorporating what advise others have to offer. It most definitely is allot of fun……
John Brown I am glad you have started painting your own miniatures. You are doing a fantastic job and I do look forward to seeing more of your work. Like most of the people on this forum I genuinely enjoy seeing the different types of painted miniatures and customizations. I also like to learn by incorporating what advise others have to offer. It most definitely is allot of fun……
Thanks DTROY! It is certainly great to see you on the forums. A lot of people have been inspired to paint their miniatures by watching your videos, including myself.
I learn a little from everyone that shares their techniques.
Thanks again! :-D
Thanks for the insight Wiz, I want to post pictures and link my you tube videos. As soon as I can do so I will. Also, do you know if it makes a difference if I do it only using my cell phone? I am currently having technical issues with my computer so I have no choice but to use my Samsung Note 3 cell phone.
I think that you ll be good with just your phone i bet you ll get better pictures than some people on the internet wich by the looks of their pictures use 1 pixle potato to take them.
I intend to take pictures with my tablet nexus10.hopefully i ll be able to upload some this week :) -
Thanks for the insight Wiz…I was not sure if using my cell phone would be the best way. As soon as I get enough posts I will start up loading pictures.