AARHE: Phase 3: Revised NA's

  • @Imperious:

    lets add in the national unit as optional rules section as originally designed.

    Yeah. A standard NA.

    I feel after more reflection that we do this:
    Special Combat: Strait Interdiction:

    Ok I’ll adjust it.

    I can only find one modifier to increase the search rolls from 2 to 3 and this is now fine. That was the problem i was seeing that we had 2 modifiers to INCREASE search but we really only have one which makes the current form good. If we had two it would go to 4 and be a much different story.

    Oh I see. No changes needed then.

  • Ok good.

    can you tell me how that convoy thing works?  I know your fixing blockade

    IPC (Industrial Production Certificates) to be stored must have a passable path from the territory to a capital under the player’s control. IPC to be spent must have a passable path from the source territory (or capital for stored IPC) to the Industrial Complex or Victory City. A passable path consists of territories your land units may go through and/or sea zones. Note Stalinist Xenophobia rule applies. A path consisting of sea zones is a “Convoy”. IPC not spent nor stored is forfeited.

    Regions under blockade only receive, at best, maintenance supplies via air.

    An IPC path consisting of sea zone(s) is a “Convoy”. IPC must enter the sea from the source territory or an adjacent territory. It may then travel to the destination via the minimal number of sea zone or one more sea zone. For example, Australia’s income to be spent at United Kingdom may only travel 8 or 9 sea zones.
    Each hostile naval unit besides AP (transport) in a convoy sea zone may perform a convoy attack roll. 1 IPC of friendly convoys in that sea zone is destroyed on a roll of 3 or less. Damage allocation procedure is the same as team combat causality.

  • Do we also need to get around 15 NA’s for Italy? That might be difficult…

    9. Afrika Corps
    Allow any German units sent to Africa to become Italian upon landing, and be immediately usable by Italy

    +++ This one, is not really much of a NA in AARHE, because they already can perform combat together, if wanted.  So maybe change it to.  Place 1 INF, ART, ARM in Libya for free during your mobilize new units round, if you controll it.

    This will be a very strong NA, if your German Ally also has his Africa Corps NA in use…

  • Yes right we need about 5-6 more NA’s lets come up with more and then trim them to 15 or so.

    I remember something made by another poster for Romania. (having to do with the oil at polesti)

    Id also look into something that is vichy france forces defending against the allies ( it would be an italian na)

  • @Imperious:

    3. Desert Tracks
    …Italian tanks can move through Sahara. They must both enter and leave Sahara in the same turn. They may never capture the Sahara, and they may not retreat into this territory.

    Updating to the new terrain rules….it becomes…
    Italian tanks may blitz through Sahara.

    4. Blackshirts
    ….you may place 2 infantry there before the Conduct Combat Phase.

    For free right?

    5. Elevated Ground
    …Units can’t blitz when passing through these territories.

    Don’t need to say it that. Southern Europe is mountainous and units can’t blitz through it by default.

    8. Mediterranean Express
    This allows Italy to move 1 infantry to Libya during non-combat movement.

    Do you need control of SZ 14?

    11. Frogmen

    Can or can’t target submarines?

  • Remember these are not mine. In most cases I did not write them.

    3. Desert Tracks
    …Italian tanks can move through Sahara. They must both enter and leave Sahara in the same turn. They may never capture the Sahara, and they may not retreat into this territory.
    Updating to the new terrain rules…it becomes…
    Italian tanks may blitz through Sahara.

    +++++Yes correct

    4. Blackshirts
    …you may place 2 infantry there before the Conduct Combat Phase.
    For free right?

    ++++++++++yes for free

    5. Elevated Ground
    …Units can’t blitz when passing through these territories.
    Don’t need to say it that. Southern Europe is mountainous and units can’t blitz through it by default.

    ++++ then we will probably take this out?

    8. Mediterranean Express
    This allows Italy to move 1 infantry to Libya during non-combat movement.
    Do you need control of SZ 14?

    +++++ no it is not required

    11. Frogmen
    Can or can’t target submarines?

    ++++ no subs only surface warships

  • @Imperious:

    5. Elevated Ground
    …Units can’t blitz when passing through these territories.
    Don’t need to say it that. Southern Europe is mountainous and units can’t blitz through it by default.

    ++++ then we will probably take this out?

    Its ok. The rule still has “Your artillery in Southern Europe and the Balkans defend on a 3.”

  • 12 Fascists friendship
    If you controll Malta and Gibraltar, Franco of Spain will join your side. All Spanish territory, troops and IPC go directly to Italy.

    13 Balkan support
    During WWII Hungary, Romania and in lesser amounts Bulgaria supported the Axis forces with man and material.
    Once during the game, if in controll of the Balkans, you may place 1INF, 1ART and 1ARM for free.

  • 6. Regia Marina Italiana
    Once per turn, one surface warship (BB, DD, and CV) can be purchased for 2 IPC less than cost.

    CA should also be mentioned.

  • OK Micoon’s NA’s are in.

  • Thats interesting.
    Now Germany and Italy can compete for Spain.

  • Italy National Advantages  (Revised list)

    1. Piggyback Tech
    Italy shared the accomplishments of German scientists during WWII.
    On the turn after Germany obtains a given technology, Italy gets it as well.

    2. Gustav Line
    Hitler ordered a final defensive line south of Rome to protect the “soft underbelly” of Europe after Africa fell to the Allies. The Gustav Line, or the Winter Wall, held off many Allied amphibious landings. During any amphibious assault against Southern Europe, all your infantry there defend on a 3 during the first cycle of combat.

    3. Desert Tracks
    Italian tanks were inferior to German and Allied ones. However, they were lighter and could travel the desert with ease. Italian tanks may blitz through Sahara. They must both enter and leave Sahara in the same turn. They may never capture the Sahara, and they may not retreat into this territory.

    4. Blackshirts
    Black divisions were paramilitary organizations that were used to spread terror across Southern Europe. Once per game, if your capital gets attacked by at least one ground unit, you may place 2 infantry there for free before the Conduct Combat Phase.

    5. Elevated Ground
    Southern and South-Eastern Europe was scattered with mountains and high elevations. This gave many advantages to artillery especially Italian mountain guns. Gebirgsjägers–mountain troops–were the only ones besides aircraft who can operate on these conditions. Your artillery in Southern Europe and the Balkans defend on a 3.

    6. Regia Marina Italiana
    Once per turn, one surface warship (BB, DD, CV, and CA-- if using optional units) can be purchased for 2 IPC less than cost.

    7. Home Defence
    Every Italian or German INF unit in the first round defending in Original Italian territories get a +1 defence modifier

    8. Mediterranean Express
    This allows Italy to move 1 infantry to Libya during non-combat movement. You need to be in controll of Libya.

    9. Afrika Korps
    Place 1 INF, ART, ARM in Libya for free during your mobilize new units phase, if you controll it.

    10. Untrained Forces
    The first time Italian forces meet a given Allied nation in battle, the Italians choose the order of loss for the Allied forces (this is designed to foster a “Kasserine” style result in Italy’s first encounters with enemy forces).

    11. Frogmen
    The Decima Flottiglia MAS was an Italian commando frogman unit created during the Fascist government. This rule allows 1 infantry to attack 1 Allied surface naval unit that is adjacent to an Italian held territory-containing infantry (Italy specifies targets). Infantry rolls normal attack (1 in 6) and if successful sinks 1 allied ship. Such attack precedes normal attack round. Failure is loss of Italy infantry.

    12. Fascists friendship
    If you controll Malta and Gibraltar, Franco of Spain will join your side. All Spanish territory, troops and IPC go directly to Italy.

    13. Balkan support
    During WWII Hungary, Romania and in lesser amounts Bulgaria supported the Axis forces with man and material.
    Once during the game, if in controll of the Balkans, you may place 1INF, 1ART and 1ARM for free.

  • ok a few more:


    For every Italian transport in the Mediterranean, the germans can move one land unit for free in any NCM phase.


    Amerika Long Rang Bomber
    Germany can allocate one bomber that can act as a long range bomber (Me-264) and can move a total of 10 spaces. It cannot be attacked by AA guns due to its ability to fly at high altitude. Germany must posess both long range aircraft and jet power technology in order to employ this NA.


    East Wind Rain
    Japanese attacks against any american fleet units gain a +1 modifier for one turn.

    The Kantokuen Plan
    Japanese attacks against Soviet units in territories adjacent to China or Manchuria get a +1 modifier.

    Greater East Asia Co Prosperity Spere
    For every British territory captured in asia, the japanese recieve double income for the first turn of conquest.

    Tiger of Manila
    Japanese forces fighting in land battles against British gain a +1 combat modifier this turn.


    Carpet Bombing
    once per turn American bombers can attack any axis units for one round attacking at a 2. The defending units cannot fire in return.

    flying tigers
    If the fighter in china is destroyed the Americans can immediatly send one fighter from her pool of units on the board to any other allied controlled chinese territory. In some cases one of these territories must be recaptured.

    Schweinfurt ball bearing factory
    Americans destroy this critical factory for airplane parts. german planes cost 2 additional IPC each for the balance of the game. Americans must perform one SBR first to accuate this NA.



    this is skechy but essentially like paratroopers… except they can move after they attack… thus they can jump in and out

    Burma Road
    UK can send 3 IPC of aid per turn resulting in the creation of one infantry in china. At least one Chinese territory must be controlled for the allies.

  • @Imperious:


    For every Italian transport in the Mediterranean, the germans can move one land unit for free in any NCM phase.

    Is thats from {Western Europe, Spain, Southern Europe, Italy, and Balkans} to {Algeria, Lybia or Anglo-Egypt} right?

  • yea.

  • @Imperious:

    Amerika Long Rang Bomber
    Germany can allocate one bomber that can act as a long range bomber (Me-264) and can move a total of 10 spaces. It cannot be attacked by AA guns due to its ability to fly at high altitude. Germany must posess both long range aircraft and jet power technology in order to employ this NA.

    Hm…I recall this came up before.
    Somehow it got axed  :wink:

    Anyway, lets continue country by country.
    We’ll come back to USSR and Germany later.

  • We should finish Italy. We need 1 more NA, we have 14 now. Or do we leave it at 14?

    BTW, if you have declared NA 2 (Gustav Line) and NA 7 (Home Defence) will your Infantry then defend on a 4?? Or will one NA be obsolete?

  • It turns out USSR is 14 at the moment. Germany at 16.
    So we’ll just let it be different no. per nation.

    Looks we might have to get rid of “Gustav” or “Home Defence”.
    They are both about Southern Europe / Italy.

    I’ve updated the wording to the standard “attack increases by 1” throughout the document.
    We are not using any “+1”, “-1”, or “modifier” words any more.

    By the way, we plan to use “national unit” from before as a standard NA.
    So probably 1 standard NA and 2 more randomly selected.
    We didn’t decide on a unit for Italy.

    Germany (VII Submarine) = Once per turn per IC, 1 SS can be purchased and placed there for 6 IPC provided no surface naval units are purchased there.


    Japan (Patriotism) = Once per turn, 3 INF can be purchased and placed in Japan for 5 IPC.

    USSR (T34 Tank) = Once per turn, 2 ARM can be purchased and placed in Russia for 8 IPC.

    UK (Spitfire Fighter) = Once per turn, 1 FTR can be purchased and placed in United Kingdom for 8 IPC.

    US (Essex Carrier) = Once per turn per IC, 1 CV can be purchased and placed there for 14 IPC.

  • Let us use the artillery piece for the Italian “National Unit”

    I found this;
    Note 2 The toughest Italian units died fighting the Russians alongside the Germans on the Eastern Front and the West never engaged them. Italian artillery was regarded as the best in the world

    Via Google :wink: , here

    Don’t really know, if it was really so… But I have read several times, that their ART and Navy were their best.

    Italy:  Once per turn 2 ART can be purchased for 6 IPC ??

  • HMMM good reading…

    not sure about italy…I think they should be able to have cheap Infantry. They had alot of infantry for such a small nation when compared to say the British


    2 infantry for 5 deal?

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