Let’s go!!!
Seems like a Tiger should be 4/4 or even 3/4, not 4/3… While they were crushing offensively, they were most effective when used in defense. Shortly after D-Day, I seem to recall that a single Tiger ambushed the lead element of the British 7th Armoured and stopped the division for a whole day. They were just too slow to be true offensive weapons.
As for a follow-up… I think Kursk would be incredible. The battle would be a good scale for A&A, and you could really have some mixed forces–the Germans with a few Tigers, the Russians with defensive blockhouses, and both with air support–and the game has a natural countdown (Germans have to take Kursk before the Allies get a strong foothold in Italy).
Yes i want to see a Kursk and an operational level wargame for the Italian campaign ala AH “Anzio” with the herman goering division
Not sure where if this shouldn’t be a reply here it should go.
Anyway Imperious Leader’s post brings up something we were discussing the other day, and something I get a little confused about. Is there a good resource for finding wargames based on their scope I guess. The A&A minis game while intresting often seems a bit “small” and A&A can seem a bit “big.” Any recommendations for something in the middle? A little more detailed than A&A D-day or Battle of the Bulge will likely be but not Memoir 44. Where you have to have good tactics as well as a broader strategic concept and must manage and plan for future resources.
And any elaboration on the tactical, operational level aspects of wargaming would be appreciated. Is there a good guide to this sort of thing somewhere?
you need to goto boardgamegeek.com and search by topic of game mechanic called “area movement”. That will pull up all the games made that include the similiar concept that is found in AA. Of course you can just head over to ww2 games and look at many different types of treatments of operational level wargames which is what your looking for.
Thanks, I never really looked at the stuff on that site. It is pretty cool. Next time I’ll Google before I hit reply.
Yes i want to see a Kursk and an operational level wargame for the Italian campaign ala AH “Anzio” with the herman goering division
kursk would be entertaining, but i wonder if he will expand into Pacific tactical battles….like Midway…or Battle for the Philipines…
however i would enjoy more europe battles even more :D
He was to release a Guadalcanal game (boardgame) thru matrix games but that didn’t materialize. In any case its allready done so he may submit it to AH for publication.
guadacanal…thinks checks wikipedia
oh cool! the americans switching from defense to offense in the pacific theatre. That could be fun :D
unfortunately i don’t know much about hte pacific theatre :P
i cant wait to get this game. it looks like dday with a new map and background. operational level games are fun and quick. i think an italian campain would be great. i also think a north africa theatre/ southern mediterrianian game would be great. it could feature german and italian forces vs the brits/anzac and americans.
The game is indeed a really great game!
Bulge is much better than D-Day. I feel this system will be a new standard for operational level scale AA games that involve land battles.
It would be a perfect template for a Barbarossa, Kursk, Market Garden, Stalingrad, or a france 1944 game. I have allready played this game 5 times.
Its like a tidal wave or a runaway fire. Eventually it will be subsided or contained. If it does not go well you will be drowned or consumed by the flames. I think its also possible to have 2 allied players and 2 german players.
This is a little off topic but Greg was saying that the next game will be Axis & Allies Guadalcanal. There was something about Larry developing the game for Eagle Games and after Eagle went under supposedly WotC/Avalon Hill bought rights to the game.
The rumor is that it will be released in the Spring. I’m not sure if that means this Spring or Spring 2008.
The original game was to be produced by matrix games which has only one other boardgame under its belt. It is mostly a software game company