the japanese are great burger eaters.
kobayahsi has the world record for burger eating.
Hamburgers: 93 hamburgers in 8 minutes at the Krystal Square Off World Hamburger Eating Championship in Chattanooga(No Dunking World Record)[12]
Disappointing and Disappointinger. :-(
That movie sucked worse than the Three Stooges remake.
All forced comedy
Stupid comedy can often be funny, but this looks mind numbingly idiotic.
I thought it was really funny - you just have to expect ahead of time that its going to be goofy and stupid and see it with somebody you can laugh with. Jim Carrey’s facial expressions alone are worth admission.
2014 was a bad year for the comedy genre.
I noticed that through all the media, the hype, the advertising, and the online discussions, that no one is mentioning “Dumb and Dumberer”, like it’s some forgotten plague.
Anyone have any comments on that?
I noticed that through all the media, the hype, the advertising, and the online discussions, that no one is mentioning “Dumb and Dumberer”, like it’s some forgotten plague.
Anyone have any comments on that?
Yeah… where the heck did Ebola go? Must hibernate for Christmas…