Harmonizing SBR air combat, with a redefined Fg & TcB combination

  • '17 '16

    Here is the revised version of Fg & TcB HR I will try in my next game.

    I’m very fond of the idea that recreate some kind of air combat during regular battle.

    As you will see, it allows Fgs to hit enemy’s plane every round, as it was a multiple round of SBR air combat between escort, attacking @1, and interceptor, defending @1.

    It creates a side effect:
    any fighter escort will be more useful in combat and for more than one single round, anywhere else and still be able to directly destroy plane as it was in an SBR air combat.

    From my POV, it needs an adapted HR for escort and interceptor rules.

    I would be very pleased if you left your opinion and advice on this very aspect.

    I like fighter which act like Fg and TcB simulating TcB role, so I will implement this:

    Fighter A3D3M4C9, on “1” rolled destroyed 1 plane owner’s choose casualty.

    Tactical Bomber A3-4D4M4C11, get A4 when paired 1:1 with Fighter,
    also get A4 anytime Air supremacy is obtained.

    Air supremacy: when no enemy’s plane is present, TcB get A4

    This harmonized SBR against IC requires only 1 Fg escort for any number of StBs with no more Fighter escort:

    Strategical Bomber A4D1M6C12 can SBR, damage: 1D6+2

    When StBs attack fighters on SBR air combat, they get A@1 for each StB or intercepting Fgs wichever is less. As each StB was 1 AA firing only 1 single shot but non-preemptive vs enemy’s fighter.

    _When StBs attack fighters on SBR air combat, **each get 1A@1 if StBs are escorted by 1 single Fg unit. This Fg get 1A@1 First Strike.
    take off from an operational AB and there is at least one friendly Fg unit (same alliance) in it at the beginning of the combat move phase .

    1- Declaring the number of StB doing the raid on IC or NB/AB and if there is one Fg escort.

    2- Defender can scramble fighters on IC territory to intercept attacking SBR.

    3- There is only 1 Fg unit allowed to escort any StB on a SBR. Roll 1 preemptive  A@1
    and remove immediately any interceptor casualty caused by this preemptive fire.

    4- If one Fg escorts StBs, ~~**_starting from an operational Air Base which have at least 1 friendly Fg unit on it at the beginning of the attacker’s turn, all are considered being escorted and can fire 1 A@1 against intercepting Fgs.

    5- When StB are by themselves, they are considered unescorted, and can only fire 1 @1 for each StB or intercepting Fgs present whichever is less.

    6- Each intercepting Fg fire 1 D@1.

    7- Remove all casualties. Escorting Fg can be taken as casualty.

    8- Escorting Fg turn back home, proceed to the IC AAA 1@1 shot against each remaining StB.

    9- Any surviving StB can now attack the IC at 1D6+2 damage.~~

  • '17 '16

    I made an important addition in red on the first post.

    If playing 1942.2 without Airbase but with Tactical Bombers,
    here is the condition to get escorted Strategical bombers:

    When StBs attack fighters on SBR air combat, they get A@1 first strike if there was at least one friendly Fg unit within 2 spaces of the targeted Industrial Complex at the beginning of the combat move phase.

    The fighter unit can do any CM or NCM during the turn and don’t have to be part of the SBR to give the bonus to all StBs attacking the IC within 2 spaces of this fighter unit. The Fg can land anywhere else at the end of the turn. No need to return in the same territory.

    However, if there is no Fg of the same alliance within 2 spaces range of a SBR IC on the next turn, then StB on this next SBR will be considered unescorted and proceed as said in the OP above. (1A1 for each StB or interceptor, whichever is less.)

    So, it is always the position of the friendly Fgs at the beginning of the turn which determines whether or not StBs doing SBR get the escorted bonus.

    The First strike bonus @1 for each StB can be seen as OverPowering vs (OOB G40 SBR) but don’t forget StBs are now all by themselves still cost 12 IPCs and the defender’s fighters (cost 9 IPCs) keep always the choice to scramble or not (if he feels the odds are too much against him).

    Is it enough balance and fair for both sides?

  • '17 '16

    I made an important revision in red which affect the first two posts.

    If playing 1942.2 without Airbase but with Tactical Bombers,
    here is the condition to get escorted Strategical bombers:

    _When StBs attack fighters on SBR air combat, **each get 1 A@1 if there is a Fg unit escorting.

    The fighter unit have to be part of the SBR to give the bonus to all StBs attacking the IC.
    This single fighter unit get 1A@1 preemptive strike.
    The Fg unit can land anywhere else at the end of the turn. No need to return in the same territory.

    **Non-escorted StBs group roll: 1A@1 for each StB or interceptor, whichever is less.

    The @1 for escorted StB is like the actual OOB.
    As it is for each intercepting Fg getting to fire 1D@1.
    Is it enough balance and fair for both sides?****_

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