you can invade any neutral at any time… this makes the neutral automatically join the other side as an ally.
And if you fly units through them, maybe free rolls for the other side?
Turn seqeunce
When do you decide on the rolls and when do you roll?
I think diplomacy is not like technology? So don’t need to decide at the beginning of the turn and see result at end of the turn.
Maybe a “Phase 8: Diplomacy”.
Income, Military, starting neutrality
We have drafted the income list.
For military…so far I notice Argentina, Spain and Turkey should have a few INF?
And for starting neutrality…so far I notice Argentina and Sweden is pro-Axis?
Afghanistan, Asia: 1 IPC, one infantry
Angola, Africa: 0 IPC
Argentina, South America: 2 IPC + 2 INF yes good
Eire, Europe: 0 IPC
Himalaya, Asia: 0 IPC
Mongolia, Asia: 1 IPC +1 infantry
Mozambique, Africa: 0 IPC
Peru, South America: 1 IPC + 1 infantry
Rio De Oro, Africa: 0 IPC owned by spain ( colony)
Sahara, Africa: 0 IPC
Saudi Arabia, Asia: 2 IPC
Spain, Europe: 4 IPC + 5 INF, 1 art, 1 tank, 1 fighter, 1 DD, 1 transport
Sweden, Europe: 2 IPC + 3 infantry, 1 art
Switzerland, Europe: 1 IPC+ 1 infantry
Turkey, Europe: 3 IPC + 4 infantry, 1 tank, 1 fighter,1 art
Venezuela, South America: 1 IPC+ 1 infantry