I’m hard pressed to put it into words. I think opposed isn’t the most precise word for it. I just don’t like them.
They seem as much geared to a need for instant gratification as opposed to seeking the best. They feel like when teachers allow extra work at end of term to make up for low test scores or other poor performance earlier on.
I think they diminish the regular season. They often create situations where one team has to beat another twice to be conference champion.
They feel more geared to society’s seeming fascination with seeing the mighty brought down than with the raising up of persistent excellence.
The conference championships and especially calls for a playoff seem to fall back on some sort of law of the jungle meme, you couldn’t beat me today so I’m the best! But that oppurtunity seems to be handed out on making an exception to that rule. “What do you mean my pleas for fairness are unfair to you? Who said life is fair?”
It comes across like extending the race one more mile because you didn’t like the winner.
Maybe it is that it can often seperate in my thinking ‘best’ and ‘champion.’