Unlimited non-combat air move
No I don’t think we should have that. Unlimited is bad.
Just give them LRA ranges but in non-combat move only.
Weaken LRA slightly but LRA has been given fighter escort anyway. Of course LRA has longer range in combat move also.
If a turn is 3-6 months and it takes one day to fly over germany from uk
and drop bombs, then i dont see how a plane could not “get” to any other controlled territory during the
time of ONE turn.
I don’t like that arguement. 3-6 months…the same can be said for tanks really. But letting them travel
from China to Europe would be a huge change.
By the way I don’t think its 3-6months per turn but round?
National Unit
I feel each nation should have two things that are cheaper not just one.
For Russia it seems necessary now.
Russia: Roll d6 for number of 2 IPC infantries. Roll d6 for number of 4 IPC tanks.
Germany: 6 IPC submarines
Japan: Cheap fighters sounds good. Those paper thin Zeros that are so agile.
UK: Cheap fighters also realistic here. Don’t mind the old destroyers rule either.
US: Lets do the Essex CV then, 13 IPC, one hit. Otherwise for the expensive (I think 10 better not 14 IPC) Liberty Transport let them “1 land unit + 2 infantry” instead of “1 land unit + 1 infantry”?