Thanks for posting this here. Discord is miserable for actually maintaining/archiving information to the point where I have no idea how it’s become top dog over the years.
Supreme map 1942 ed 2
I just totaled Japan IPC’s and it is 31. The tracker says 30.
You are right, there was an error on the map (Okinawa hasn’t got an IPC).
I made all the apllications with Corel Draw X6 (drawings), Corel Paint Shop Pro X4 or Corel Photo Paint X6 (bitmap/Jpeg changes). These programs are quite complex, but I started liek you, I didn’t know anything about Corel. I used the AAA map project to improve my skills.
Nevertheless, it would take some time to get used to the software. I recommend to concentrate on Corel Draw and to commence with developing new drawings (like borders and so on). If you want to modify the map in Corel Draw, follow the instructions once given in the thread (also see below):
open Corel Draw,
- define page size (map size in mm),
- import the map,
- zoom in or out by scrolling mouse button
- unable all layers (right hand side of the desktop, click on the eye symbols of the layers not needed) but the layer for borders you want to change (e.g. layer “british borders”),
- mark all borders at once,
- assign the favorite color property for all borders at once, save and export to PDF - ready (10 minutes work).
Please understand, that I can’t explain the software in detail, it is far too complex to handle it in a thread.
You can also download Photoshop as a free 30 day trial and make all your changes with that - that’s what I did.
Downloaded photo shop and just feeling it out. I’m hoping to remove the IPC tracker. My friends also want me to look at inserting a swastika roundel over the originals. It just feels good beating up on Nazi’s they said. However, someone has to play them.
I’m hoping to remove the IPC tracker.
If it gets problematic, tell me. It’s just a few clicks to make the IPC tracker unvisible or even to delete it.
If photoshop works with layers, you can make the corresponding layer unvisible.Regarding the swastikas, I can’t help you.
(§ 86a StGB (German Criminal Code), Use of Symbols of Unconstitutional Organizations:
Whoever domestically distributes or publicly uses (…) symbols of unconstitutional organizations,
or whoever produces, stocks, imports or exports objects which depict or contain such symbols for distribution or use domestically or abroad,
shall be punished with imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine.) -
Downloaded photo shop and just feeling it out. I’m hoping to remove the IPC tracker. My friends also want me to look at inserting a swastika roundel over the originals. It just feels good beating up on Nazi’s they said. However, someone has to play them.
Use paint in Photoshop, eyedropper to get the ocean color, and paint over then IPC tracker. I wouldn’t swastika up your map - like a permanent tattoo - you may regret it later.
A short google search showed me, that the import-layer-feature is obviously not included in Photoshop. That’s a pitty, because imported layers ease the work with graphics extraordinarily. Nevertheless, Photoshop has got the opportunity to work with layers, what I highly recommend to you. Layers work like transparencies on an overhead projector. On any transparency you can add some details, when all slides are put on top of each other, the picture is completed (e.g. the map with all of its details). Another advantage of this technique is, that you do not apply “permanent tattoes” (e.g. “painting” over the IPC tracker - this will last forever and is not reversible later on).
Layers totally confuse me- I always flatten the image out - if I want to put something back I go to the original map and clone it back on there. Not the professional way I’m sure, but my senior mind can grasp it - lol.
Thanks for all the input comrades!
I’m looking over your v14 of the map Dedo, and it looks really nice. Is that the most recent version? The reason I ask is because your borders for Poland don’t match those on my board out of the box. On my board it doesn’t border Karelia; Baltic and Belorussia cut it out.
Actually it’s the latest version whereas I’m in preparation of a newer one. And: you’re right! I just cross checked the border topology, thank you for the feedback! I don’t know how often I checked especially the border configuration, but there is nothing better than a second pair of eyes. I’m going to change it today!
Map corrected:
-Borders around Poland adjustedNew version
Wow, thanks for the quick turnaround! I’m hoping to print out your map at about 6ft length. Before I commit to printing this version, I’m curious what changes you’re working on for the next and what your time-line is. Thanks again!
Things I’m going to do are more of a technical claim.
I’m working on another border-style, which is very time consuming. Like in the map for 1941 I prefer the 3-line border style, consisting of non bezier-points (bezier points are editable by adding vectors; by doing so straight lines can be transformed into curved ones). The borders in the map for 1942 are consisting of bezier-points. Eventually any line, any curve has to be transformed. For this work, the correctness of the border topology is of most importance (…again, thank you for your feedback!). The 3-line border style is demanding, you have to edit 2 lines in any point of the line to fit the origin line, it’s not possible to just copy and paste a line. This takes a lot of time.
Another step is to introduce “written” territory names. Right now the names of the territories are “curves”. At fourth, new layers will be introduced (e.g. house rule layers for another IPC assignment to the territories, alternative or additional roundels). Most things will make no significant change in comparisson to the actual map. Concerning the time line: given the experience I gained up to now, this all will need several hours a day for 2 up to 3 weeks.
Pardon my ignorance, but the point of this map is to print it on a larger scale than the one that comes in the box or there are other changes (territories, sea zones, etc) done as well?
I just got this board game a few days ago, and haven’t had a chance to open it up yet so wondering if I should just start with printing this map or not.
The printable map is 167cm x 86cm, the OOB map is 107cm x 67cm. The printable map consists of the landscape style (background bitmap) of the 1942 1st-edition map (created by imperious leader) AND/BUT the border and territory configuration of the 1942 2nd-edition map. The map of 1942 1st ed. was used because the OOB 1942 2nd ed. was barely nice (awfully stretched territories especially in Europe).
So, yes, the point was to put the 1942 2nd game to a larger scale than the OOb map. Seazones and territories remained the same as OOB.
The printable map is 167cm x 86cm, the OOB map is 107cm x 67cm. The printable map consists of the landscape style (background bitmap) of the 1942 1st-edition map (created by imperious leader) AND/BUT the border and territory configuration of the 1942 2nd-edition map. The map of 1942 1st ed. was used because the OOB 1942 2nd ed. was barely nice (awfully stretched territories especially in Europe).
So, yes, the point was to put the 1942 2nd game to a larger scale than the OOb map. Seazones and territories remained the same as OOB.
Got it, thanks!
Map corrected:
-Borders around Poland adjustedHi, and thnks a lot again for the huge work and quality. Is the link given in the post above mentioning new version the final printable version ?
Thanks ! :-) -
Little up for Dedo about the final version of this map :wink:
Some final clicks have to be made…after roundabout 40 hours of work…
You will receive several maps:- triple border style map with IPC-track and Mobilization zone
- triple border style map without IPC-Track and no Mobilization zone (for the purists…)
- double border style map with IPC-track and Mobilization zone
- double border style map without IPC-Track and no Mobilization zone (for the purists…)
I recommend to CHECK THE MAP before printing! All borders are new, all names new.