Noah's ark satellite image on Mt. Ararat?

  • Yeah, I largely agree, although I don’t know if we’ll ever have a testible theory of what happened.  After all, there’s always the opportunity for cultures to change.  Or at least, I hope that’s the case, because it means I can win more arguments with my SO.  :wink:

  • I’ve been thinking about the possibility of large-scale population mixing theory.  The main obstacle I think with this theory is how to acheive the large scale mixing this would require.  This would most certainly require considerable technology since the travel distances would be so large (after 1.5 Million years ago, humanity spread throughout the world).  Certainly, ocean-faring boats would be necessary for population mixing, since people settled in places like Australia.  It certainly possible to construct small ocean-faring vessels with stone-age tools, as was done by the Polynesians, but these can only hold a small number of people and possessions.

    Perhaps we underestimate the abilities of stone-age people simply because the evidence of their accomplishments has not survived time.  A case in point is the redating of the Sphinx.  While it is debatable whether the Sphinx is in fact 10,000 years old, the evidence of water erosion plus the lack of equivalent erosion on other structures considered as old as the Sphinx leads me to think it probably is 10,000 or more years old.  If neolithic “civilization” was capable of constructing the Sphinx and Stonehenge, then why not sea-worthy vessels?  Why not transocean merchants or even large scale immigrations to empty continents (such as the Americas and Australia) during the stone age similar to the last 500 years?

    I’m not sure whether or not stone-age people had sufficient technology to do this (and this doesn’t exclude a population bottleneck) but it seems plausable to me…perhaps archaeologists should be looking for much older dig sites??

    From the article:

    In recent years professor Robert M. Schoch of Boston University, Colin Reader and other geologists have pointed out that the Sphinx displays evidence of prolonged water erosion. Egypt’s last significant rainy period ended during the 3rd millennium BC, and these geologists have posited that the amount of water erosion evident on the Sphinx indicates a construction date no later than the 6th millennium BC or 5th millennium BC, at least two thousand years before the traditional construction date and 1500 years prior to the accepted date for the beginning of Egyptian civilization.

    This theory has not been accepted by mainstream Egyptologists. Alternative theories for the erosion include wind and sand, acid rain, exfoliation or the poor quality of the limestone used to construct the Sphinx.

    From the article:

    Schoch estimated the date of the Sphinx and most of the enclosure to between 5000 and 7000 BCE, far earlier than the date of 2500 assumed by archaeology. Schoch noted that weathering could have been non-linear, slowing as it got deeper because of the increasing mass of rock overhead. On this assumption, the Sphinx could have been significantly older than 7000 BCE…

    To the problem of archaeological context for an earlier Sphinx, Schoch replied that urban centers had existed in the eastern Mediterranean at Catal Huyuk from the seventh millennium and at Jericho from the ninth millennium BCE.[22] At Jericho there were large stone walls and a thirty foot tower. No such settlement had been found in Egypt itself but clearly there was civilization in the region. More evidence could be under millennia of Nile river silt. [23] An advanced civilization may not have been necessary. A Neolithic culture was able to erect Stonehenge in Britain.[24]

  • Well, in the theory I cited, the authors suggest that the ice/land bridge between Asia and North America could have functioned, for a time, as a channel between the various human populations.  While there is certainly a gap of several thousand years, subsequent mixing (as well as what can pretty safely be termed genocide) after European colonization would again reduce any isolated variation.  I don’t know how convincing I find this, since that gap is hard to explain away, and as you say, the technological barriers are still there, but the 90-95% rate of depopulation in the Americas probably accounts for a lot (see Jared Diamond for that statistic).  That doesn’t really explain the Pacific Ocean populations, but there is some trace evidence in mythology and genetics which suggests a great deal of open ocean voyages by some prehistoric human population.

  • this was linked from Goerge Noory site ( basically art bells son)

    enjoy looking at a picture of an ancient habitat… made of wood !

  • OK… so…

    This image is 3 years old, give or take.  There has been all kinds of speculation about Mt Ararat going back to the 70’s (In Search Of…)

    And on the link above there are satelite images going back to 1973.


    I mean, you THINK that some rich Christian somewhere would be MORE than happy to fund a high-altitude helicopter flight to confirm the existence of the Ark… IF it were real.

  • Looking at the wreck of somebodies house is not worth the fuel to fly over this place. Thats why its not credible and why the mystery (if thats the correct word) has not been solved. Its like the lock ness beast. Keep the legend going to promote additional T-shirt sales from the Noahs Ark book store. If the legend was solved then 3 fat babooshkas would be out of work. Now do you want them to work or not?

  • @Imperious:

    Looking at the wreck of somebodies house is not worth the fuel to fly over this place. Thats why its not credible and why the mystery (if thats the correct word) has not been solved. Its like the lock ness beast. Keep the legend going to promote additional T-shirt sales from the Noahs Ark book store. If the legend was solved then 3 fat babooshkas would be out of work. Now do you want them to work or not?

    So in other words… better to let the lie live, than to go there, see for ourselves that it is bogus, and prove to the whole world that the Biblical Noah Myth is NOT backed up by the physical eveidence on Mt Ararat.

  • exactly!  :-D why should we contribute to additional poverty in Turkey. They have enough problems keeping out the Muslims from moving into Europe.

  • You are a SICK man IL.

  • What is truth should speak for itself for it does not need any clarifications. Falsehood should be left to its own devises for it will prove its own undoing eventually. We are not in the business of telling people that they are inferior in all respects. If they want to live in the shadows why should we supply a light?

  • Moderator

    and if it was an ark up their you would have 34.5 million reasons to disprove it so there… and if I had the money I think I would do it… But no doubt the guy that found the shot is putting together an expedition of sorts to go find if this is true…


  • …And the reason there has been no expedition since the In Search Of episode 30 years ago???

  • Yes and they never solved lock ness. Reason: the reality is that no such animal exists either, but they keep that damm dinosaur alive with pictures sold at the Lock Ness tourist shop. And thats good for business. Look at Rozwell… same thing. Look at the Bible… same thing. Look at the “the strange death of Hitler” same thing. Look at Elvis… same thing. Look at the election of 2000… same thing. Look at UF0’s etc… you get the point.

  • @Chengora:


    More recent research has come out with a different hypothesis for the relatively limited genetic diversity:

    In essence, limited genetic variation is present today because of common but dispersed ancestry, which was “mixed” heavily.

    I didn’t read all of the links or posts (damn limited time!!), but I wanted to direct you to this month’s National Geographic.  It discusses this topic a bit, but mostly shows the limited diversity (through human genetic mutations and their appearance in certain groups) can prove the migration of humans.


    Yes and they never solved lock ness. Reason: the reality is that no such animal exists either, but they keep that damm dinosaur alive with pictures sold at the Lock Ness tourist shop. And thats good for business. Look at Rozwell… same thing. Look at the Bible… same thing. Look at the “the strange death of Hitler” same thing. Look at Elvis… same thing. Look at the election of 2000… same thing. Look at UF0’s etc… you get the point.

    The Ark on Ararat business has been going on for a while, I’m surprised they dredged it up again - no new content.
    Concerning the other stuff, I have always had interest in the supernatural/unexplainable.  While they haven’t been proven, they’ve not been disproven either.  Not saying these things exist, but I like not knowing either way, for suspense’s sake…
    What is Hitler’s “strange death?” (also, check out the movie Downfall if you get a chance - great flick).

  • While they haven’t been proven, they’ve not been disproven either.  Not saying these things exist, but I like not knowing either way, for suspense’s sake…
    What is Hitler’s “strange death?” (also, check out the movie Downfall if you get a chance - great flick).

    It goes back to the same idea i presented originally. These “mysteries” exist so someone can make money on it somewhere. As for Hitler. The strange death thing was all those reports of him still alive in S. America, or that he was scooped up from the earth from satan  in order to serve in another world… etc.

    I saw “Der Undergang” 3 times when it first came out, bought the bootleg from china a month later, then bought it on ebay 3 months before the DVD release. I one every ww2 movie of this type ever made… including the horrible one with Richard Basehart. The best one is still the movie they had called “the death of adolf hitler” starring Frank Finley. It was a BBC production.

  • Moderator

    I don’t remember which “show” it was but someone did actually go up their and find it…

  • @Guerrilla:

    I don’t remember which “show” it was but someone did actually go up their and find it…

    If so, it is the greatest kept secret in all of Judeo-Christianity!  PROOF of Genesis!

    IF that were true, Creation would be MANDATORY in all public schools, and Darwin would be relegated to a footnote at most… right up there with theories of the Earth as the center of the solar system.

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