A suggestion for "Other Forums" Forum…

  • Why not try the following???…

    1)Political Discussion
    2)Religious Discussion
    3)Sexual Discussion
    4)General Discussion

    This may help those of “you people”
    who wish to avoid or attack these issues
    to evade or find said issues as it pertains to “you people.”

  • It took me five years to agree to a seperate forum for political discussion. Don’t push it :)

  • I will appeal/pray to a higher authority.


  • While I tend to be MORE Risque than the average person…  we DO have minors on this board, thus I think sexual discussion should not even be considered (other than the occasional comments that have previously been made, and similar future items)…

    Religious Discussion… has been pretty minor, and has been mostly relating to specific threads (like abortion), so no need for a seperate venue.

    Insults?  Nah.  The really good ones can still be made on the main threads… the not-so-good ones get the Mods to excercise their authority…  So, rather than litter the boards with bad insults, let’s keep the bar set high and only allow the REALLY good ones to get through :-)

  • Yea forget that sex crap… if you want sex talk, watch the news

  • Think of the children!

    Besides, what sick pervert talks about what they do with their girl on the internet?

  • Moderator

    I think the “sex” forum was merely a joke… that doesn’t surprise me considering El Jefe…

  • I must have missed noticing that the Political forum was created a little while ago (a week or so ago?) but THANK YOU VERY MUCH for creating that forum! I HATED reading the General Discussion forum here (although I would do so once in a while when I was bored, but would always regret it) because political debate so permeated everything, even threads that at first glance seemed to be completely unrelated to politics. Now maybe I will actually take interest in the General Discussions!

  • Yes quite right and i want a seperate heading for “giant crabs” we need to understand these creatures because thay can mutate and colonize the earth.At least thats what my sources say.

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