National Advantages for A&A Europe Version 1.2

  • I know you may not like this but the only way to truely get a accurate index of nation specific values is to install an optional D12 system… which by chance is what Larry harris will be doing when he ever releases his own Advanced Axis and Allies game. I can easily provide a good index of values that in fact is the very list that Larry has tentitively approved.

    The idea with the extra units (which i know you dont like) is under only the optional rules section of phase 2 of the project. So not to worry. BTW i send you some rulesets. Did you get them?

  • @Imperious:

    I know you may not like this but the only way to truely get a accurate index of nation specific values is to install an optional D12 system… which by chance is what Larry harris will be doing when he ever releases his own Advanced Axis and Allies game. I can easily provide a good index of values that in fact is the very list that Larry has tentitively approved.

    The idea with the extra units (which i know you dont like) is under only the optional rules section of phase 2 of the project. So not to worry. BTW i send you some rulesets. Did you get them?

    Will take a look on them next week! And why a D12?

  • Ok take your time… If you have a D12 system you can have nation specific unit values… how else can you accomplish this idea?
    If you had a Armor unit for germany it would be 4/3, for japan its 2/3, usa 3/3 USSR what? UK what then? remember you cant choose 2/2 because your into artillery values… and 4/4 you run into heavy tank territory or the SS Panzer values… you see only 6 numbers gives you crap for room to maneuver the unit values. Only a d12 solves this problem.

  • @Imperious:

    Ok take your time… If you have a D12 system you can have nation specific unit values… how else can you accomplish this idea?
    If you had a Armor unit for germany it would be 4/3, for japan its 2/3, usa 3/3 USSR what? UK what then? remember you cant choose 2/2 because your into artillery values… and 4/4 you run into heavy tank territory or the SS Panzer values… you see only 6 numbers gives you crap for room to maneuver the unit values. Only a d12 solves this problem.

    I disagree! A 4/3 would simply cost more than a 3/3 and not an option, just nation specific! I would say 3/4 for Germany and cost of 6 IPCs were as Russian (US and UK) tanks would be 3/3 and cost 5 IPCs!

  • By the way this kind of nation specific units is just a more less flexible system of NAs!

  • I have not even addressed the costs. Those values are just an idea to illustrate how the numbers run out with a d5 system so that more units arent really possible to the extent that we are discussing “nation specific unit values” If you want to have a few historical NA’s then thats another concept alltogether because thats only a few units here and there. I like your ideas as NA’s but just want to add like 3-4 new units:

    naval fighters ( planes that only are carrier based/ not mixed with land fighters)
    SS panzers
    Mech infantry

    The other NA’s you want will be added AS NA’s… where you get to choose what you want from a list. Each item on the list will have a point value ( like AA miniatures) so in the game you start off with a certain amount of points and you choose what NA’s you need  paying these points for the “cost” of having this benifit. This system will then remove the imbalances of one NA Vs. another… what do you think?

  • @Imperious:

    naval fighters ( planes that only are carrier based/ not mixed with land fighters)
    SS panzers
    Mech infantry

    The other NA’s you want will be added AS NA’s… where you get to choose what you want from a list. Each item on the list will have a point value ( like AA miniatures) so in the game you start off with a certain amount of points and you choose what NA’s you need  paying these points for the “cost” of having this benifit. This system will then remove the imbalances of one NA Vs. another… what do you think?

    Why naval fighters?

    Your point system rule is briliant! I will dig in to this as soon as possible, but first one need to know what NAs to be on the list!

  • Why naval fighters?

    +++ This answer is long…

    1. historically its very bad form to allow land based fighters and carrier based planes to be able to mingle. The reasons for this are manyfold. For one they were controlled by different branches of the military (army and navy) which is many cases were fully independant. Secondly their is a problem with assigning the different values of each unit in terms of scale. a Carrier group is 3-4 carriers with about 40-80 planes each giving you 160-240 planes. On land you get like 5 planes which = some 8,000 planes so on land 1 plane is 1,200 planes… so the problem is we are trying to fit a round peg into a triangle… 2 planes on land =2,500 planes and 2 planes on carriers is 250! but SOMEHOW we are abtracting the whole encilada into the same equation. This will not stand on any realism. Furthermore, who has ever heard of planes from a carrier sinking a destroyer and then flying back to fight in land battles. that is a very poor excuse for a rule IMO.

    I also feel that if we assign a point value to NA’s it will solve balancing issues. It may also be a function of what bid is assigned. For example, germany instead of 6 IPC could get 10 extra NA points instead. Now please is you can be so kind as to make a point value for all your NA’s and add some for italy and japan and also make a list for each nation comprising of about 10-12 NA’s Id like a large menu to choose what goodies i can select from. Thank you Andersson.

    Your point system rule is briliant! I will dig in to this as soon as possible, but first one need to know what NAs to be on the list!

  • @Imperious:

    … I like your ideas as NA’s but just want to add like 3-4 new units:

    naval fighters ( planes that only are carrier based/ not mixed with land fighters)
    SS panzers
    Mech infantry

    … what do you think?

    I think that naval fighters are not needed, not even SS panzers or cruisers! Mech infantry could be a tech or a NA for US!

    The biggest reason for this is playability! The best would be to make the CA and naval fighters one unit. I know I have wrote an idea about it before. But since gamers are too familiar with CA and fighters as it is today I don’t think they will accept a rule change like this one. However I wrote another idea that will make many things more realistic and more balanced and at the same time make air units more desirable!

    This issue isn’t battleships vs aircraft carriers: the issue is control of the air.

    Surface ships without air protection were vulnerable to air attack: the Japanese gave a very convincing demonstration of this early in the war, sinking two armored British warships (Repulse and Prince of Wales). And unlike Pearl Harbor, The British ships were at sea and underway, capable of maneuver and prepared for air defense. And yet they were sunk … quickly.

    Carriers themselves were vulnerable to air attack – though they proved more durable than many expected. But they could also deliver offensive blows from hundreds of miles away, long before heavy ships had closed to within range of island objectives. So one of the primary tasks assigned to the fast carrier forces was the destruction and suppression of enemy air forces. The fast carriers would sweep in ahead of the landing and bombardment forces, seize control of the air, and maintain control of the air until local ground-based forces could take over. This kind of offensive strike was the best possible defense, both for the carriers and the heavy ships.

    Carriers and battleships were fundamentally different weapons. A heavy ship could only throw its ordnance a few miles; a carrier could strike targets hundreds of miles away. A heavy ship had to stay in close proximity to its objective. A carrier 200 or 250 miles out had thousands of square miles of sea to disappear into, and would still be in striking range of its targets. The fleet carriers held the edge in terms of raw speed and maneuverability. And they were more difficult to put out of action than anticipated. A ship that’s hard to find, hard to hit, and capable of delivering heavy blows from hundreds of miles away is a formidable weapon.

    The quick fix for these facts is the optional rule “Air Supremacy”:

    Air Supremacy
    Fighters attack or defend in the opening fire step of combat if no enemy fighters are present or remain in combat.

  • Air Supremacy
    Fighters attack or defend in the opening fire step of combat if no enemy fighters are present or remain in combat.

    can you elaborate this rule in a combat example?

    how they work?

  • @Imperious:

    Air Supremacy
    Fighters attack or defend in the opening fire step of combat if no enemy fighters are present or remain in combat.

    can you elaborate this rule in a combat example?

    how they work?

    In any combat fighters attack or defend in the opening fire step of combat! AA-guns and fighters fire at the same time, but attacker rolls first. Any casualties do not counter attack! This opening fire ability is for the whole battle and only if no enemy fighters are present or remain in combat. If enemy fighters are not present in the beginning of a cycle of combat this rule apply! Anything you find unclear? Think logic and act logic!

  • Please do not eliminate the royal tigers NA. I like that one.

  • 5.  Afrika Korps  
    The Axis forces in Africa relied upon supplies for weapons and most importantly panzers.
    Once per game, you may reinforce Libya if you control it. Roll one die each turn during your mobilize new units phase. On a roll of 2 or less, you place two of your tanks and two of your artillery for free in Libya.

    What does roll one die each turn mean? Doe it mena that I keep rolling til I get the troops?

    9.  Jagdpanzers
    The Germans put their early war experience into the development of tank destroyers. These armor roamed the battlefields to ambush enemy tanks - armed with more powerful guns than similar tanks.
    Your tanks have a first-strike ability (defense only) at an defense factor of 2 as long as at least one enemy tank is present in combat. For each scored tank hit, the enemy must pick a tank as a casualty prior to any other unit. Any cassualties destroyed are removed from play, with no chance to attack. This first-strike ability is for the first cycle of combat only.

    I definitely prefer the Royal Tigers

  • 5.  Afrika Korps 
    The Axis forces in Africa relied upon supplies for weapons and most importantly panzers.
    Once per game, you may reinforce Libya if you control it. Roll one die each turn during your mobilize new units phase. On a roll of 2 or less, you place two of your tanks and two of your artillery for free in Libya.

    What does roll one die each turn mean? Doe it mena that I keep rolling til I get the troops?

    ++++ no you roll one per turn. If you get it then you get it. any other roll and you have to wait another turn for another chance.

    BTW Andersson does not post that often here… but sometimes we work together on these things so i thought i might interprete his rules on his behalf.

    Note: these are not free units… they come from existing units on the mainland.

  • @Imperious:

    5.  Afrika Korps 
    The Axis forces in Africa relied upon supplies for weapons and most importantly panzers.
    Once per game, you may reinforce Libya if you control it. Roll one die each turn during your mobilize new units phase. On a roll of 2 or less, you place two of your tanks and two of your artillery for free in Libya.

    What does roll one die each turn mean? Doe it mena that I keep rolling til I get the troops?

    ++++ no you roll one per turn. If you get it then you get it. any other roll and you have to wait another turn for another chance.

    BTW Andersson does not post that often here… but sometimes we work together on these things so i thought i might interprete his rules on his behalf.

    Note: these are not free units… they come from existing units on the mainland.

    Thank you Impy for the clarification of my rule “Afrika Korps”. I need to improve my lousy language. What about:

    5.  Afrika Korps 
    The Axis forces in Africa relied upon supplies for weapons and most importantly panzers.
    Once per turn, you may reinforce Libya if you control it. Roll one die each turn during your non-combat movement phase. On a roll of 2 or less, you may move a maximum of two tanks and two artillery from your existing units in any tan territory to Libya.

  • @Admiral_Yamamoto:

    9.  Jagdpanzers
    The Germans put their early war experience into the development of tank destroyers. These armor roamed the battlefields to ambush enemy tanks - armed with more powerful guns than similar tanks.
    Your tanks have a first-strike ability (defense only) at an defense factor of 2 as long as at least one enemy tank is present in combat. For each scored tank hit, the enemy must pick a tank as a casualty prior to any other unit. Any cassualties destroyed are removed from play, with no chance to attack. This first-strike ability is for the first cycle of combat only.

    I definitely prefer the Royal Tigers

    I have made two variants of Tiger Tanks, which one do you mean?

    Royal Tigers
    The massively powerful Royal Tiger was virtually impervious to Allied tank guns and capable of dominating the battlefield. A single Royal Tiger tank could halt the advance of a complete armored division.
    Every third tank you have in each combat cycle, attack or defend on a 4.


    Tiger Tank Battalions
    The massively powerful Tiger tanks were assigned to heavy tank battalions to support other units for special operations, to be deployed en masse for decisive shock action.
    You may build three tank units as Tiger tanks, but only one per turn. A Tiger tank attack and defends on a 4 or less. Each Tiger tank costs 6 IPC´s and may be rebuilt if destroyed. Tigers have movement capabillity of 2, but cannot blitz as regular tanks.

  • The second is much better than the first IMO

  • I like the first one.

  • @Admiral_Yamamoto:

    I like the first one.

    Why? :?

  • If prefer Tiger Tanks too.

    a) In mid-game Germany will have an average of above ten tanks in action. On the long run a good player will group his tanks and have more Royal Tigers at 4 than you could have with Tiger Tank Battalions(3).

    b) Groups of tanks that carry Panzergrenadiers give Germany an outmost of logistic flexibility. Fast Royal Tigers are best for this tactic. The smallest battlegroup are 3 inf, 2 arm, 1 RT at a movement of 2. That is awesome!

    c) An Africa Corps with 3 tanks has a 4 on attack and most important on defence. Now you may advance much faster due to improved defence in just conquered countries.

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