Rereading William L Shirers, Rise and Fall of the third Reich… classic book if their ever was one.
On my shelf, and on my list for next sumer’s read (I do one LONG classic each summer)
I also have a copy of of it, but have yet to read it. I opted recently to start Liddel-Hart’s just as massive account of WW2. It’s hiliarious to read how pompous he is about his predictions before the war, but just as informative about the hard facts.
Switch - I’ll have to give Ayn Rand a chance, then. Even if I feel like I don’t like some of her perceptions, that doesn’t mean she won’t be a good read.
And CC - welcome back. You’re trip was enjoyable/productive?
I’m also a HUGE Vonnegut fan. I’d have to recommend some of his books, namely Slaughterhouse-Five for it’s relation to these boards (his account of the Dresden firebombings - told in his weird ass style).