The earth is slowly getting larger and its moving very slowly farther away from the sun. … In the past millions of years the rotation of the earth around the sun has actually took longer and as short a time frame as one billion years ago, one year was composed of 496 to 536 days in 12.4 to 13.4 months, 40 days in each month.
… Statistics released by the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) …
The last link you presented speaks of “jumps in the gravitational constant (all over the universe?)”, the first two of a continuous expansion of the earth. These are two totally different causes and have totally differenct effects.
You contradict yourself: Earth is moving away from the sun … and a year becomes shorter in that process. A quick glance at the planets tells me: further away, longer year.
The “evidence” for the expanding earth is not thought through at all. It ignores facts in the continental drift like: new earth crust is created and layers of old earth crust is submerging under a different contintental plate and then melting when (the old layers) come closer to the core. If you now take all the “ancient” crust … of course you end up with less than we have today: parts were destroyed and replaced by newer crust. This is a well known and understood part of the continetal drift. There is no expanding earth.
There are no jumps in cosmological constants.
The second argument is “better”: Yes, the earth’s rotation around itself is slowing down. That about 5*10^-11 % today. That means, 5 billions years ago a day was about 0.3% shorter.
Astrologists have nothing to do with science (that is Astronomists or Astro-physicists).
A faster revolving earth has no influence on the gravity. It does have an influence on centrifugal forces. Calculate it yourself, and present the results if you want to convince anyone that that effect can be used to account for the growth / a compensation for half of earth’s gravity.
IT is a fact that the earths gravitational forces were a fraction of what they are today.
Probably like 100%. Gravity does not change. It is NOT a fact. Centrifugal forces have been larger to a negligible amount.
I still wonder what needs to be explained about “look … in older times …we had large REPTILES that need no energy to keep their body warm -just a warm climate- … but we don’t have that large MAMMALS that need to to spend energy to keep their body warm.”
The neck weight to support the head as these creatures foraged for tasty leaves must have been immense.
Why should they not have lived in the water? a much safer place as the TRex couldn’t reach them there? That is the common argument defending the possibility of size (and you yourself brought up the buoyancy. Look at the Hippopotamus: has feet, lives in the water, looks awfully clumsy, with a giant head etc. [satire] No, we can surely excluse this possibility. Instead, let’s better assume that somehow the mass of the earth doubled without any influence form the outside. f**k energy conservation, who needs that.[/satire]
- You are twisting the gravity changes. It not like the moon dammit.The moon is freeking 1/6 the earths gravity. The world 400 million years ago is basically 1/3 less than today. That is a fact and all those theory’s only say that among other things the reason why we have to huge land animals like we did 300 million years ago can be explained by this theory that says only certain sized skeletons could be supporting the weight when their was less gravity. That is not akin to the world being flat!
- the fact of slight difference in gravity does not mean atoms or the atmosphere will get wisked off into space by the fraction of a change of 1/3. If it was even 1/5 of what it was their would still be atmosphere. Plus you forget back them the world was more green house than today, it was like a big swamp of trapped heat due to many factors including active volcanos etc…
@ 5):
The moon is actually abscising itself from earth. Gravity does not change. The moon slows down in its rotation around the earth (it is damped because it creates the tides, the counterforce is slowing it down).
The mass of the earth HAS NOT CHANGED.
Just give me: What was the MEACHANISM that made the earth grow?
Where did the mass come from? Why did it stick to the earth? Is the process going on? Does that happen to every planet in the solar system? If not, why not? Where was the earths orbit when the mass was one third? What were the temperatures? How fast was the earth revolving around the sun? How can 1/3 of mass lead to 1/2 of gravity? Is energy conserved?
@ 6): Why would the atmosphere still be there? There is nearly no atmosphere on Mars, which seems to be the most similar planet in size and weight.
Did gravity change universally or was it just the earth gaining mass??