@General-Day Apologies for the delay (we’ve been busy with holiday activities). We are fine sending you the map and rules for the game, with the obvious proviso that we retain all copyrights to them. Please email us at pmfproductionscontact@gmail.com and we can send you the map and rules. We hope you and your friend will find them helpful and we’ll be interested in any feedback you have!
WWI axis and allies
I was thinking and talking it over with my Dad what if they Made a WWI Axis and Allies ( I know it would be called central powers and allies or the great war or soemthign like that
Things it could include
Ottoman Empire and Austria-Hungary
Machine guns
Trech warfare
Mustard Gas UnitsI know it would kinda be like europe but it would be alot different because of new powers and units
All suggestions would be helpful
~ )>on66 ~
Goto advancedaxisandallies.com and buy the game (The Great War), or wait for IMP games to release a more simplistic version of the game in 6 months.
This needs to be in Variants… But as far as that goes there is several Ideas you could get from Thrasher’s Site on Wargamer (Just google
Axis and Allies+Thrasher and he should be in the first few links)… He has 2 AaAE WW1 Variants that are interesting…If you do make it make the Territories Provinces…
I’ve been on Imp for months about their Great War game, actually about 2 years. Still, no board game. I know they’ve been trying ,but they just aren’t having much luck. Did you hear that they were for sure releasing it in 6 months IL?
I emailed him and provided a few ideas to help them improve things. I wanted them to put that game out with blocks (eg columbia) They will never get the miniatures ready because they are too small a company. He wrote back with some things, but i really didnt get this 6 months thing from him. I do have the complete rules for both their games (east west/and great war) and can only say that my version if much better, only problem is mine cost much more. I am going to make a block version so i can at least includes pieces. In fact im in prelininary stages of a “jutland” module which uses the rules from my advanced naval combat rules from the game. I will make the maps and pieces w/o those damm printers so i can offer it for real cheap.
here are some pictures of that game:
GG is seconded:
Move this to Variants, please.
Looking it over it does seem that your game is impressive. I’ve always tried to keep up with Imp on what was going on because I really liked their East & West game, but it looks like I might have to give up on the Great War.