Areas in Global 1940 that could be improved

  • TripleA

    1. national objectives. they are a great idea and add variety and push action in otherwise boring areas of the map. however, there are several objectives that are incidental and not adding anything to the game.
    • 5 IPCs per territory if Germany controls Novgorod (Leningrad), Volgograd (Stalingrad), and/or Russia (Moscow).
    • 10 IPCs (one time only) the first time the Soviet Union controls Germany (Berlin).
    • 5 IPCs per territory if Axis powers control India (Calcutta), New South Wales (Sydney), Hawaiian Islands
    (Honolulu) and/or Western United States (San Francisco).
    • 10 IPCs if the United States controls all of the following territories: Eastern United States, Central United States, and Western United States.

    • 5 IPCs if the United States controls all of the following territories: Mexico, South Eastern Mexico, Central America, and West Indies.

    the following is too difficult to achieve and offers too little reward
    • 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Guam, Midway, Wake Island, Gilbert Islands, and
    Solomon Islands.

    2. neutrals – the penalty for attacking neutrals is too harsh. it also feels weird that attacking uruguay brings every nation and their standing army to join forces to oppose the uruguay aggressors. attacking a neutral should not happen all the time, but should happen in some games.

    3. pricing of some units – cruisers and battleships costs are too high compared to the alternatives. they are never purchased.

    4. aaguns – they are rarely purchased. they are not just overpriced, they are fundamentally flawed. they are only used in defence and only against air units and only at a ratio of  1 to 3 with no benefit of having more. so a player never needs to buy aaguns until they are about to be attacked and only then you just need a third of the potential attackers airforce.

    5. technology – is a very fun aspect that can add spice. but the cost is too high for the benefits that have been decreased from previous versions.

    6. allied victory conditions- they are too tedious to achieve. if the allies have achieved their victory conditions the allies had an insurmountable lead for far too long.

    7. china stuck in china. this is a boring rule and restricts the fun for china. it is even worse when china has all of china and can not use all their forces elsewhere and essentially their game is over before actual game is over.

    8. the thin card stock for roundel markers

    9. map boards not lining up perfectly

    10. cardboard chits for facilities.

  • TripleA

    here are some ideas to help improve the game. they are just ideas, let me know if you have any ideas to help the game.

    1. objectives that entice you to do things you would not normally strive for are good objectives.
    the old uk objective of having to clear out subs from the atlantic was a great idea.
    adding a similar objective to germany that if they have 3 subs in the atlantic they receive a bonus.

    although there is lots of action in the pacific, there are many islands that do not get used and lots of room for improvement.
    possibly adding solomon islands as an objective for both japan and u.s.a. would be fun and add the importance of gaudalcanal.

    i think it would be a good idea for both japan and usa to have a multiple island objective that has one island overlap. so japan, or u.s.a. or neither could have their objective. but not both japan and could obtain their objective at the same time.

    so remove the ridiculous.
    • 5 IPCs if Axis powers control all of the following territories: Guam, Midway, Wake Island, Gilbert Islands, and Solomon Islands.

    and add
    japan has to control carolines, marshal, and wake.
    u.s.a. has to control Hawaii, midway, and wake.

    u.s.a. having an objective for landing in Europe would be good. possibly a bonus for sicily.

    2. to reduce the penalty of attacking neutrals they could be divided in to groups, or as i like to call them neutral blocks. if you attack a neutral territory all other territories within that block become pro the other side.
    the blocks would be

    south American block

    African block
    rio de oro
    potuguese guinea
    sierra leone

    Mongolian block
    tsagaan olom
    central Mongolia

    European block

    middle-eastern block
    Saudi Arabia

    3. the price of cruisers is way too high. they are less flexible and have lower hit points but are more expensive than fighters. priced at 10ipc, cruisers would be purchased but not disproportionately more than destroyers and subs.

    battleships should cost 17ipc.

    i would also tweak carriers to defend at 1or 0. it would help alleviate some of the defensive nature of fleets.

    4. aaguns are broken, a tweak to cost will not fix the problem. i am not sure what to do with the unit. but i hate the idea that you build more of something and they do nothing. 1fighter attacking 1aagun has the same chances of getting shotdown as 1fighter attacking 113,187,145aaguns.
    i have not played this out but maybe the following changes would work
    hit on a roll of 2 or 1.
    they roll 1 dice for every aagun no matter how many planes.
    they can be used in attacks aswell as defence.
    they are chosen last casualties similar to transports.
    cost 3ipc

    5. bring back anniversary style tech tokens.

    6. i am not sure if a victory city or production amount would be better.
    allies hold 14 victory cities for a round
    allies produce at least 110ipc more than the axis for a complete round

    7.  free china. let them move like any other power. it is time to bring down the acme wall.

    8. stop being so cheap and use thicker stock

    9. stop being so cheap and check the maps line up before printing

    10. stop being so cheap and use plastic sculpts.

  • @allweneedislove:

    2. neutrals  the penalty for attacking neutrals is too harsh. it also feels weird that attacking uruguay brings every nation and their standing army to join forces to oppose the uruguay aggressors.

    And another weird element (which is the reverse situation of the neutrals attack penalty mentioned above) is that an attack on one part of a multi-territory pro-Allied or pro-Axis nation does not trigger a war with the other parts of the same country.

  • allweneedislove: I wonder if you would check out this:

    Many of what you talk about is addressed, i also have always liked a neutral block concept over what we have now.

    A better AAA unit:

    Enhanced AAA. AAA now acts as a normal unit outside of AA rolls. They no longer are restricted to non combat moves and attack/defend at 1/1. No changes to AA rolls. AA rolls are defense only (# of dice rolled does not change from OOB). AAA price remains at 5. See # 5 for more.

    Reworked naval units:

    Enhance naval units. a) Cruisers cost reduced to 11 IPCs. Bombards at 4. Units hit by bombardment return fire at -1(with 1 being lowest)
                                          b) Battleships cost reduced to 18 IPCs. Same bombardment rules as cruiser.
                                          c) Aircraft carriers cost reduced to 14 IPCs.
                                          d) Transports cost reduced to 6 IPCs. Transports, when empty may move 3 spaces during noncombat move only.
                                                  No transport may move 4 spaces under any circumstances
                                          e) Transport ‘evasive maneuvers’, each transport caught undefended by an attacking warship or plane may roll 1 dice.
                                                  -A roll of a 1 is a successful evasive maneuver, and that transport is removed from battle and placed back on the
                                                    gameboard, a transport that evaded an enemy attack while undefended may not unload units until its next turn.

    Reworked air units:

    Enhanced air units. a) Fighters cost 8, attack/defend at 2/3.
                                          b) Tac bombers cost 10, attack/defend at 3/3, no change to combined arms rules. Does not SBR
                                          c)Strategic bombers cost 12 attacking/defending at 4/1, SBR as per OOB rules (no change from OOB)
    -No changes to range or carrier/airbase rules of any air unit.
    -All air units have an air combat value of 1, except fighters on defense at 2.
    -Only strategic bombers may SBR, only fighters may intercept/escort on SBR

    Enhanced air combat (land combat only). New scramble option, a defender may scramble air units into a 1 round air defense battle vs incoming air units, the scrambling air units must be in the territory being attacked. (cannot scramble from adjacent territory). Strategic bombers may not scramble. All air units roll simultaneously. All air units roll 1 dice hitting on a 1, except fighters on defense hit on a 2 or less. The hits are totaled for each side and divided by 2 (rounding down). AAA units also fire during this round. AAA roll AA dice on defense only as per current OOB rules. Remove casualties before continuing to normal combat.
    –Example, attacker rolls for 13 planes. Records 5 hits. =2 adjusted hits
    -----------Defender rolls for 8 planes. Records 3 hits. Also rolls for 2 AAA (6 dice) and records 2 hits. =3 adjusted,combined hits (1 for planes +2 for AA dice)
    -------------Attacker removes 3 planes (chooses own casualties), defender removes 2 planes. (also chooses own casualties)


    Enhanced Armor. For every single tank purchased, a second may be purchased for 4 IPCs. Both tanks must be mobilized in the same territory on the same turn. For example 2 tanks cost 10, 3 tanks cost 16, 4 tanks cost 20, 5 tanks cost 26, etc. If a nation purchases 2 tanks, but is going to mobilize them in different territories then the cost of both tanks remains 6.

    Scorched Earth. At the beginning of a powers turn, that power may damage any facility he or she sees fit up to the maximum damage that facility may take per OOB rules. Any damaged facilities in this new phase are treated as if they were damaged before said players turn, and all rules regarding damaged facilities apply OOB. So you cannot ‘have your cake and eat it too’. That it you cannot damage your naval base and then repair a battleship.

    Enhanced Lend Lease. During the US or UK research and development phase the US/UK may purchase lend lease tokens for 5 IPCs each. (Place a Soviet control marker to represent each token on Wash DC for USA and London for UK) During Russia’s research and development phase they may attempt to cash in any number of these in by rolling one dice for each token. The token is destroyed on a roll of 1, delayed atleast one turn on a roll of a 2 or 3. On a roll 4 or higher the Russian player may pick any of the following; A fighter in Amur, 2 Infantry and a mech infantry in Archangel or +10 IPCs if the allies control a series of connected territories from Persia to Russia. The territories must be under Allied control at the beginning of its turn (Soviet controll in the case of Amur and Archangel). The tokens are not redeemable if there are any non Soviet allied units in any original Soviet territory. If London or DC is overtaken by the Axis any tokens there are destroyed.

    Enhanced Air/Naval bases. Cost reduced to 12 for both.

    I will add nuetral blocks

  • I’ve found National Objectives in all A&A games to be extremely clunky, hard to track and manage for a simple bonus to IPCs. I’ve always wanted a MUCH simpler way to gain bonus IPCs while still retaining the flavor of WW2 strategic direction. Global would be sped up tremendously by replacing NOs with something simple Axis-specific and Allies-specific IPC values for certain territories; so certain strategic territories would have one IPC value for the Axis and a different IPC value for the Allies. No more tracking all these bizarre territory control combination states or temporal conditions.

    Yes, Cruisers and AAA aren’t worth purchasing.

    The Political Situation rules are WAY too complex. I fully understand them but they are way too fiddly for what they do. A simple universal Political Situation would be better. Yes, probably less historic but I’d rather let the war develop as we play it, not to reproduce history.

  • How about making Sicily important!!

    One of the major campaigns of the war is simply not a part of this game whatsoever. It should either be worth some IPCs or at least of value as an NO to the allies. Pretty ridiculeous that there is no reason to invade an island that was of historic importance.

    same could be said for the Solomons too!


  • The US should have more agressive NO’s, in both Europe and the Pacific:

    Sovereign Territory Bonuses
    1. Collect 15 IPCs per turn for complete control of the continental US (WUS, CUS, EUS). Theme: Basic national sovereignty.
    2. Collect 5 IPCs per turn for controlling the following overseas territories: Alaska, Hawaii, Central America. Theme: Control of critical US overseas possessions.

    Pacific Theatre Bonuses
    3. Collect 5 IPCs per turn if the United States controls any 8 Pacific Islands with no IPC value. Theme: Islands considered to be vital strategic forward bases.
    4. Collect 3 IPCs per turn if the United States or an Allied Power controls each of the following and any ports or airbases there are undamaged:. Guam, Philippines, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Kwangtung. Theme: Far East bases from which to bomb and invade Japan and Mainland Asia.

    European Theatre Bonuses
    6. Collect 5 IPCs each turn the allies have at least one surface naval unit in any three of the following sea zones 107, 108, 117, 118, 123 and 124. Theme: Atlantic Charter obligations and shipping security
    5. Collect 3 IPCs per turn for each of the following if they are occupied by allied forces: Normandy/Bordeaux, Holland/Belgium, Southern France, Sicily, Southern Italy. Theme: Opening of a 2nd front against the European Axis

  • Customizer


    How about making Sicily important!!

    One of the major campaigns of the war is simply not a part of this game whatsoever. It should either be worth some IPCs or at least of value as an NO to the allies. Pretty ridiculeous that there is no reason to invade an island that was of historic importance.

    same could be said for the Solomons too!


    Couldn’t agree more +1

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