Yeah, it took me a while to figure out as well. Before I had TripleA I was super frustrated not being able to read those files.
Game anyone?
If anyone is interested in playing a game, either 1v1 or multiple players, with very little time restrictions, send me a PM, and ill organize one.
in new to triple a and have played a couple games against the computer. the computer is to simple. Wouldn’t mind playing a real human but you would have to walk me through setting up a game.
don’t really understand how casualties would be chosen in we are not playing at the same time.
A live game over tripleA would be cool
I would play a 4 player team game if you all 3 agreed. I can set up a game or you can ghr.
don’t really understand how casualties would be chosen in we are not playing at the same time.
The AI chooses your opponent’s casualties. it gies on unit cost and defence. You can watch and if you want you can change them, but do so fairly and how you would like them chosen if the situation were reversed.
I really only like live games, I tend to forget/put off play by e-mail/forum games.
Never done that. Thanks anyway.
I’d be up for a live tripleA game tomorrow if you are looking for a 4th player (sunday sept 29).
I would really be interested in a live game. Setting up a time would be hard. Maybe a few hours on a Sunday night. I am assuming the game would go much quicker and it could be done in 3 hours. If not, 2 hours over 2 Sundays, or Sunday and Monday night.
I will be checking back for a response
If you are on Triple A on Tues, Thurs, Fri, or Sat I should be available for gaming.
I could possibly do Tues night, but if the game wasn’t finished in one day I am not sure I could finish it next Tuesday.
Eddie Moreno