A friend and I play A&A Anniversary almost exclusively. We are looking for other players in Texas. We are in San Antonio, but are willing to travel for games. Contact me at dagan@usa.com if you may be interested.
Please add me
AA global 40 2nd edition
Thanks guys
Thanks for doing this!
Maryland - Baltimore (Eldersburg)
A&A, A20, AAM, WaS
Everyone has been added to the spreadsheet. We are current as of 6 June 2017.
Check out my custom table and pieces:
Holland and The Netherlands are the same country. Well they’re not really, but they should probably be added together (under ‘The Netherlands’).
Thanks Ozymandiac. I welcome suggestions and corrections such as yours. Funny thing is, I knew that as well, but didn’t catch it. It has been corrected.
Just wanna say you’re doing awesome work, jluna. That fact that you’ve stuck with it all this time speaks for itself. That spreadsheet is well laid out; it’s is a useful tool.
Not sure why people are posting in the other thread. Lack of perception, I guess.
Thank you for your words, I’m glad to be able to contribute to this growing community.
Seattle, WA
Axis and Allies G40, 1941, 1942 2nd, 1914, Game of Thrones, the board game, War of the Ring 2nd E
Name: Wartorn
Location: Brampton, Ontario Canada
Games: A&A
Desert Admiral
Las Vegas, NV
Axis & Allies Global
State: Texas
Screen Name: Mr_Tricorder
City/Region: San Marcos
Games: A&A, Memoir '44/Battle Cry
Notes: enthusiastic but inexperienced A&A player
Jacksonville, FL
A&A 1940 Global
State: South Carolina
Screen Name: thetruegriffin
City/Region: Greenville
Games: A&A, World of Tanks (computer)
Notes: Mostly play 2004 Revised, but open to all versions. Need to know ahead of time to let the wife know I have plans so she doesn’t make any.
I need to update my information
British Columbia
Games: All A&A Games, have all play all.
Midland, MI
A&A Global '40, A&A Anniversary, A&A Revised
Currently Trenton, Ontario
Hi Jaime,
Wellington, New Zealand
Please add me to the list;
Billund, Denmark.
AA Global 40, 42
Thank you.
Name: WinterAdler
Location: Ruhr district, North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany)
Games: A&A G40 / G42
Notes: bigger printed map and card deck
Please add me to the list.
AAGamer -
Wisconsin - Sparta
A&A Original, A&A 1942 2nd ed, A&A 50 Anniversary Ed. Flames of War, Global 40
Name: Mike D
Location: Victoria, BC, Canada
Games: A&A
Notes: I have a small space for 2 players and Global 40
Name: GeneralMayhem
Location: Batavia, NY
(Own/Have Played)
Axis & Allies 1914 (2013)
Axis & Allies 1942 2nd Edition (2012) (I have a 3-ft x 5-ft map)
Axis & Allies 1942 Anniversary Edition (2008) (I have a 3-ft x 5-ft map but have not played a full game by these rules)
Axis and Allies Revised Edition (March 2004)
Axis & Allies Pacific (2001)
Axis & Allies Europe (1999)
Axis & Allies Classic (1986)
Axis & Allies Miniatures (Intermediate # of pieces but I’m not that good at it, my son always wins)
Axis & Allies Miniatures Naval (Starter set x2 plus a few extra pieces but I’m not that good at it, my son always wins)
Diplomacy (I have a copy) boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/483/diplomacy
Supremacy (I have a copy with many expansions) boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/27/supremacy
Risk (I have a copy) boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/181/risk
Also interested in playing:
Star Trek: Ascendancy (2016) boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/193949/star-trek-ascendancy (I don’t own it, but would be willing to pick up a copy)
Fortress America (1986) boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/99/fortress-america (I have a copy)
Shogun (1986) boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/221/ikusa (I have a copy)
Castle Risk (do not own) boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/2557/castle-risk
Note: I am willing to host/co-host tri-annual (i.e. 3x per year, sorry summer is dedicated to other activities) gaming weekends at a cheap/relatively close hotel.
On Edit #1: Conceptually, one in spring (i.e. Feb/Mar 2018) one in fall (i.e. Oct/Nov) and one in the winter (i.e. Dec/Jan).
On Edit #2: After watching General Hand Grenade’s excellent 2017 holiday shopping guide video (youtube.com/watch?v=4dNu24CGMuI&feature) (and if anyone is interested Item #1 is on my wish list :-D ) I have a much better sense that Global is the game to play around here (unfortunately for me I have the older versions of Europe/Pacific). So I will be working to obtain and play that version so I am prepared for Young GrassHopper’s invitational in 2020.