New Syrian Rebels Anti-Tank weapon
I was perusing these “Syrian Combat” videos on the internet and… well… see for yourself.
Apparently, blowing up tanks and other vehicles is directly related to how many Aloha Ackbars you can say whilst looking at it.
Modern Russian tanks can take up to 200 Alohou ackbars
An older T-72 can last around 100 Alhou Ackbars
A Medium size APC can be as few as 50 Alhou Ackbars
And apparently for about 12 or 15 alohou ackbars it’s possible to remove a helicopter from the sky too…But no one knows for sure exactly how many aloho ackbars it takes to get to the centre of an M1A1 and live.
Informed speculation is that it got to be well over 1000…
Anyways… For the record I’m not trying to take away from the seriousness of the conflict there… I just found some of the “commentary” amusing and wanted an excuse to share these videos with you guys.
In terms of seriousness, I found this video extremely compelling, and quite -in your face-.’s to hoping the conflict ends soon.
I take that to be the equivalent of “Oh my God!”, which is pretty routine around here, even if you aren’t religious when a pants-shitting moment happens.
No, even if we assume it’s their “oh my god” type thing, it’s still annoying as hell how many damn times they say it. Also, in the second video that’s a T-55 and they actually don’t hit it, they hit the truck behind it, so really, that tank survived many allah snackbars.
No, even if we assume it’s their “oh my god” type thing, it’s still annoying as hell how many damn times they say it. Also, in the second video that’s a T-55 and they actually don’t hit it, they hit the truck behind it, so really, that tank survived many allah snackbars.
LOL yeah… the point is the same though, I’ve watched another 5 or 6 videos, and they are all like that LOL.
No, even if we assume it’s their “oh my god” type thing, it’s still annoying as hell how many damn times they say it. Also, in the second video that’s a T-55 and they actually don’t hit it, they hit the truck behind it, so really, that tank survived many allah snackbars.
Not the exact same, but same principal.
If it’s annoying then don’t watch the video? Not sure what to tell you, but you’re an adult and should be able to figure it out.
AllÄhu Akbar - The phrase literally means “God is greater” and is used in a worshipping manner; whereof “Oh my God” more a negative phrase becomes if you are not finishing your sentence.
Imagine calling somebody over and over without adressing the issue!
Allāhu Akbar - The phrase literally means “God is greater” and is used in a worshipping manner; whereof “Oh my God” more a negative phrase becomes if you are not finishing your sentence.
Imagine calling somebody over and over without adressing the issue!
I didn’t mean a direct analog. More that we invoke “god phrases” pretty frequently, so it doesn’t seem as uncommon. Godspeed, Go with God, God Bless, the one I mentioned earlier…etc. It’s not that out of place.
I’m sure when it comes to war people say the craziest shit anyway.
at war the most common is Moma or Mommy I think…
No, even if we assume it’s their “oh my god” type thing, it’s still annoying as hell how many damn times they say it. Also, in the second video that’s a T-55 and they actually don’t hit it, they hit the truck behind it, so really, that tank survived many allah snackbars.
Not the exact same, but same principal.
If it’s annoying then don’t watch the video? Not sure what to tell you, but you’re an adult and should be able to figure it out.
Well that’s just some ground breaking advice right there. Or I’ll still watch them and complain about it. But it doesn’t bother me half as much as the amount of hip fire that goes on in these conflicts does lol :-P