Yesterday I finally learnt how to work with the Map Creator tool provided with the TripleA software.
I managed to fix a seazone error that was reported in the Sourceforge bug tracker.
This is what I did (with the help of the map_and_map_skin_making_overview.html to be found in the docs-directory of the TripleA-installation) :
- update the basetiles map to be found in the map’s directory
- recreate the relief map from the relief tiles
- update the relief map to match the (updated) bastiles map
- create the (new) base tiles
- create the (new) relief tiles
- modify the polygons.txt
- modify the centers.txt
- modify the name_place.txt
- modify the place.txt
and of course modify the game.xml to be found in the games-directory of the map-folder. Here I changed the map version information and the territory connections of the involved seazones.
I’m listing this to encourage other TripleA users to give it a try. It is easier than I thought before trying it out.
So the map update is ready and done (unless I miss something).
It works flawlessly in my local TripleA-installation.
What I do not know is what has to be done to make it available for others for example via the TripleA-map-download feature.