alright… Sweden, Turkey, Ireland and Switzerland cannot be touched any way shape or form… Germany gets a convoy worth 6 between central and south atlantic (Argentinian metal etc.)…
Minor Allies:
All of these can be Propagandized… you can pay 2-12 IPC’s… then roll two d6… if the number is the number paid or lower you get 'em… if failed try again, or invade :wink: … The US will enter the war after you have violated so many “Points”(note:propaganda sucess will not count as points)… Hungary, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Bulgaria, Romania, Malta, Cyprus, Corsica(Sardinia is Italian), Crete, Yugoslavia, Greece, Morroco, Algeria and Tunisia is worth 1 point… Netherlands, Iceland, Poland, and Egypt are worth 2 Points… and Any French Territory is worth 3 points… also if any US shipping or convoys are hit then it counts as 4 points :( … After 12 points the are in the war… at 6 points the US can send Aircraft to britain and make them “British” (same as Italian Patriotic Rules)… note: US money is at 15 IPC’s when this happens… When 12 points are reached the US will get 20 IPC’s and on each Subsequent turn 10 more until it is at max… As soon as Poland is Invaded(which must be preformed immediately because the Russians said so) Britain and France(played obviously by the British player) is at war with Germany… A clause exsists between the Russians and the Germans depending on the treaty… The Russians get’s Baltic states, East Poland and bessarabia… Germany get’s Poland, and Norway… if either’s new toys or there countries proper are invaded War exsists!
for now that is what I can think of but will come with more…