I appreciate your help but what I’m looking for isn’t in those sections. Somewhere, I swear, I found a completely revised color rule book. Everything was formatted to make it look very much like the original rule book. Occasionally, to accommodate the additional text lines, some of the pictures were changed or revised. When I saw it, I printed out a copy and then, rather than saving it, physically cut-and-pasted/taped the changes onto the hard-copy original rule book that came with my game.
Face-to-Face tournament rules
Some of the more experienced players do a France first strategy instead of the standard Russia first one. It is anybody’s game after France goes… I have no idea how you sort out who wins that one.
So, 4 years later, I’m still “standing by” for Larry’s important post. Is he planning on releasing a complete set of official WW1 tournament rules? Are they posted somewhere?
Hey guys,
Did anyone play in the Tournament at Gen Con last year?
Keen for feedback on the tournament rules?
How many rounds on average a game lasted?
What was the average bid and who did the bid go to?
Looking at purchasing this version but doing my home work first so any information will be quite helpful as my play group is time poor and games with set time limits work in nicely.
Thanks heaps!