Man your Veritechs!
Been stumbling across rumors on the internet for years about a Robotech miniatures game.
[cue Red Alert music]
Robotech RPG Tactics is currently on Kickstarter:
Being developed by Palladium Books, Sodapop miniatures and Cipher Studios.
The models look great and in addition to the intro video there is another showing an example of game play.
Its already funded and it seems like stretch goals are achieved daily with more announced.
Can’t wait to get this!
This didn’t exist before?
I know there is a F2P MechWarrior RPG coming, or out already, or whatever…have not looked into it yet.
Not for Robotech. There was Battletech that renamed and used some of the Macross/Robotech mecha that was later dropped because of copyright infringement. More recently it was made into a Mechwarrior miniatures boardgame but Robotech is based on Palladium Books RPG.
Yea, I have one of the models - Rick Fokker’s if I am not spelling the name wrong. lol. Something inherited, but I am told never to remove it from the box. /whatever. Yea I had robotech/battletech backwards in my mind.
Robotech was a big deal when I was a kid.
But Battletech was where it was at. :P I still have my custom painted phoenix hawk somewhere. :P
Robotech was a big deal when I was a kid.
But Battletech was where it was at. :PÂ I still have my custom painted phoenix hawk somewhere. :P
I just remember the first battletech game I played I took out a big bad atlas with a puny little locust. And then, a moment later, I was not invited back to the treehouse…(this was gradeschool…sure highschool woulda been different.)
Yea, I have one of the models - Rick Fokker’s if I am not spelling the name wrong. lol. Something inherited, but I am told never to remove it from the box. /whatever. Yea I had robotech/battletech backwards in my mind.
I think I need to talk you out of this model… :evil: :evil: :evil:
More importantly, I’m in on this KS. You gotta go with at least the “Battle Cry” level so you get all the extras. Looks to be a nice fast minis game and I get to do some painting! I even get to bust out a tape measure again. Better go find my old Geo-Hex.
Please, everyone, even if you don’t want the game, toss in a $1 to make this one as cool as possible! Stretch goals are achieved through $$$ support AND number of backers. Help the rest of us please!
I second Variables request!
For any Battletech/Mechwarrior fans, this is your golden opportunity to pick up the “Unseen” mechs to use in your games.
Ok, I just donated $15. Veritech donated to Variable because I hate to paint. This may be his payback to me for getting him sucked into the AA mini game, I hope not :evil:
On a side note, I wish they would make a G.I Joe miniature game. All those cool units in a miniature scale would save me the $$$ and heartache in trying to re-aquire the toys.
Thanks buddy! I’ll have to build a whole new paint set just for this game… Please, everyone that can, help us keep reaching new goals on the Kickstarter. You can donate as little as $1 which still helps our participant count. Of course, more money is always good! Palladium Books has been around forever. I loved their stuff in my youth and still think they do a great job.
Almost 4,000 backers. Closing in on $1 million with 60 hours left with a free Super Veritech and 3 free female power armors and other stretch goals on the line.
The final ramp up has already begun!
Reminder emails are going out soon so don’t miss out because the Amazon servers crash during the last minute scramble to get piles of these excellent miniatures for less than $2 each!
Yep, watching it like a hawk. I’m already in for $265 and thinking about bumping up a bit more… #brokegamer
Ghost drones unlocked! Maybe the Orguss Valk is the 1.150m goal!
What’s this “Never seen before” figs business?
I see a locust, marauder, phoenix hawk, warhammer, rifleman. etc…
Nothing “new” at all here.
Probably only the Orguss Valkyrie is a miniature I don’t already own or have played with.
5341 backers @ $1.44 million!
Orguss Valk, VF-4, recovery pod, and experimental mecha!
Maybe the augmented MPA will show up in the future.
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