One thing I like to do as well is to have a transport or two in sea zone 8, then ferry forces from the US directly to Ireland (it only takes 1 turn for ships to move from there), then onwards to Picardy or Brest (the transports in sea zone 8 bridging). They can also move into sea zone 9 and desposit them in Belgium depending on the situation.
Preview 5: A Turn by Turn Game of 1914
For the next preview of Axis & Allies WWI 1914 we take a detailed turn by turn look at a session of play. The article include purchases and one photo after each turn. Enjoy.
Great timing! I was just looking for something to read at 5 in the in the morning. Â =D
Er, where exactly is the “Read More” button you mentioned?
Scroll up and find it.
Was it a universal decision that the Allies cannot win from this position? It’s still a long way to Paris, and the further you get towards it the easier it is for the Allies to defend it. with overwhelming sea power they can attcke Germany directly through Kiel; I wouldn’t have given up yet.
I cannot find the ‘Read More’ button either.
Try the “find” function.
Really enjoyed following this on Twitter.
Several times the read more button seemed to disappear for me too, but if I hit the browser’s back button and then clicked the link for Preview 5, it always reappeared where I expected it to be.
When on mobile, switching to desktop mode fixed it for me.
What do you feel worked better as the CP this time?
Focused on Russia, a little attention on Italy. The big part was that I put just enough forces on the Western Front not too many and not too few. You can’t go for Paris, it’s just too difficult but you can go for Moscow.
1. Moscow
2. Rome
3. ParisIf you capture 1 and 2, then your opponent will probably surrender.
But he’d be an idiot. The Allies can still win from here with America at full shuck.
I suppose it depends on how the Ottomans held up at that point to decide whether the game goes to the Centrals or if it should go on.
Also, if you were using the Russian Revolution rules, the Allies were puddings for not manipulating a revolution to deny you Moscow.
I noticed the allies went through the bosphoros straights and dropped off units in Romania. Is that allowed in the rules? If so, it would seem the CP have to really worry about Gallipoli style landings everywhere.