• Ryder,

    The rule is on page 11 of the Europe 2e rulebook.  Top of the page, right hand column.

    “An attack by either alliance on a strict neutral territory (whether successful or not) will result in all remaining strict neutrals immediately becoming pro-Allies or pro-Axis, depending on who violated the strict neutral’s neutrality. For example, if Germany attacks Sweden, all the other strict neutrals on the map would take on a pro-Allies status for all purposes.”

  • Mongolia is not considered a strict nuetral, correct?

    If Germany attacks Sweden, it doesn’t allow USSR to activate the Mongolian territories does it?

  • Sponsor


    Mongolia is not considered a strict nuetral, correct?

    If Germany attacks Sweden, it doesn’t allow USSR to activate the Mongolian territories does it?

    Mongolia territories are strict neutrals, and if they become pro-allied due to an axis attack on any strict neutral…. than Russia would be able to walk on them and claim their standing armies.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10



    Mongolia is not considered a strict nuetral, correct?

    If Germany attacks Sweden, it doesn’t allow USSR to activate the Mongolian territories does it?

    Mongolia territories are strict neutrals, and if they become pro-allied due to an axis attack on any strict neutral…. than Russia would be able to walk on them and claim their standing armies.

    ONE. Let the bodies hit the - TWO, let the bodies hit the, THREE Let the bodies hit the FLOOOOOR! Yea!

  • @Young:


    Mongolia is not considered a strict nuetral, correct?

    If Germany attacks Sweden, it doesn’t allow USSR to activate the Mongolian territories does it?

    Mongolia territories are strict neutrals, and if they become pro-allied due to an axis attack on any strict neutral…. than Russia would be able to walk on them and claim their standing armies.

    Well that’s good to know, I never considered them a strict nuetral.  That being said I don’t remember playing a game where one of the Allies attacked a strict nuetral

  • Here is one senario where i recommend strickt neutral attack.

    Germany airfleet is in wgr. Big allied transport fleet is in z91  (7-12trannies + some defence but not nearly enough to prevent the luftwaffe from sinking it).
    Its Italys turn, but allies has wisly stacked gibraltar and morocco to prevent can opening. BUT Italy dow true neutrals and take Spain making a landingspot for the luftwaffe. Germany attacks and allies down 120 total unit value at cost of 2-3 planes.

  • ONE. Let the bodies hit the - TWO, let the bodies hit the, THREE Let the bodies hit the FLOOOOOR! Yea!

    You see the parrot on youtube that sings that?  It is pretty funny.  Gotta check it out.

  • Sure seems like USA being able to land units directly on Spain from the USA in one move would be one of the reasons for violating neutrality.  And if the UK has a bunch of surplus infantry sitting around in the middle east, and might as well take Saudi Arabia and Turkey….  If Germany is kicked out of Scandinavia and can’t get to Sweden…

    There’s gotta be multiple scenarios where it would be a smart move…  I can’t wait 'til the first time I get to do it…

    YES Mongolia is a strict neutral, always has been -elzario
    Just has special rules added on if Japan or USSR attacks the forbidden territories.  :roll:
    Even if USSR invades Japan first, Mongolia is a strict neutral and all the strict neutrals will turn pro-Allied if Japan dares attack it!
    Wait… Not sure Mongolia will go pro-Axis unless Russia attacks Mongolia - would have to look that up and I don’t have my rulebook with me.
    But it still should be considered a true neutral, other than all the weird exceptions…  Thanks a lot, Larry.  :roll:  Stupid Mongolia rules.

  • '12


    Wait…. Not sure Mongolia will go pro-Axis unless Russia attacks Mongolia - would have to look that up and I don’t have my rulebook with me.

    That’s a very good question.  What happens when Mongolia is turned pro-Axis while the treaty with the USSR is still in force?  Will a pro-Axis Mongolia still turn Russian if Japan violates the treaty and doesn’t NCM into Mongolia before their turn is over?

  • Sorry, I’m powerless without my rulebook!  :lol:

    You’ll have to wait a couple hours, unless someone else jumps in with the answer…

    I think the answer is clear if you read the 2nd edition rulebook, though.

  • In my rulebook it says that Mongolia only turns pro-Axis if Russia attacks it directly.

  • @ChocolatePancake:

    In my rulebook it says that Mongolia only turns pro-Axis if Russia attacks it directly.

    Oh yeah - didn’t get around to looking last night then.
    I checked the rulebook, and you are correct (why am I hungry for Chocolate chip pancakes all of a sudden?)

    Mongolia will never go pro-axis unless part of it is invaded by the Soviet Union.

    It appears that if the Soviet Union invades Mongolia, all OTHER strict neutrals on the board will be pro-Axis, though.

  • That’s true. It’s also odd that they only said it turns pro-Axis if Russia attacks it. Would seem to imply that if, say UK or USA attacked it, that it wouldn’t turn pro-Axis, which is sort of ridiculous.

  • @ChocolatePancake:

    That’s true. It’s also odd that they only said it turns pro-Axis if Russia attacks it. Would seem to imply that if, say UK or USA attacked it, that it wouldn’t turn pro-Axis, which is sort of ridiculous.

    Exactly.  Don’t get me started on criticizing the rulebook…

  • TripleA '12

    I’m really not at all keen on the whole Mongolia thing! And it’s not even worth any IPCs! That’s just plain mean; it should have been worth at least 1.  :-(

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