• Everyone is at war now except Russia and Japan have not invaded each other.  What happens now if Russia comes into Japan?  Is the one-time 10 IPC cost still effective?

  • '21 '19 '18 '17 '16

    You need to specify which set of rules you are playing, the Russian and Japanese rule varies by first edition, alpha 2, alpha 3, and second edition.

  • TripleA


    You need to specify which set of rules you are playing, the Russian and Japanese rule varies by first edition, alpha 2, alpha 3, and second edition.

    Alpha 2 and 3 were never official rules. Second edition is the default ruleset. Even if you have purchased first edition and not second edition you can download the rule book for free from wizards of the coasts website.

    You can play 2nd edition update with out having to repurchase the game, I assume all questions and comments are based on the most up to date rules, unless otherwise stated.

  • TripleA


    Everyone is at war now except Russia and Japan have not invaded each other.  What happens now if Russia comes into Japan?  Is the one-time 10 IPC cost still effective?

    No it is not.
    If ussr attacks a Japanese territory that borders Mongolia or Korea then the mongolians will never turn into Russian infantry. If ussr attacks any other Japanese territory or naval unit nothing happens.

  • '17 '16 '15

    the ten bucks is lost once the US is in the  war

  • So lets see if I have this straight.  If Russia attacks any Japanese territory bordering Mongolia, Mongolia will not become allied so Japan can now move freely into Mongolia.  If Japan attacks any territory boardering Mongolia, then Mongolia become allied.  Is this only before all countries are at war with each other or does this stand as long Russia and Japan are not at war with each other? I’m still a little bit confused.

  • As long as Russia and Japan are not at war.

  • '12


    So lets see if I have this straight.  If Russia attacks any Japanese territory bordering Mongolia, Mongolia will not become allied so Japan can now move freely into Mongolia.  If Japan attacks any territory boardering Mongolia, then Mongolia become allied.  Is this only before all countries are at war with each other or does this stand as long Russia and Japan are not at war with each other? I’m still a little bit confused.

    That’s close but not quite right.  Assuming we’re talking 2e rules, then at the start of the game, a defense pact is in effect between Mongolia and the USSR.  If Japan invades any originally-owned Russian territories that border Mongolia, then the Mongolian troops and territories become Russian.  This is different than the normal procedure for activating neutrals.

    If Russia attacks a Japanese-controlled territory adjacent to Mongolia or invades Korea, then this defense pact is vitiated and Mongolia is then treated as a strict neutral.  So Japanese troops can’t move in without declaring war on all the true neutrals in toto.  Personally I think this treaty does Russia more harm than good since Mongolia has no IPC value.  If all of those territories suddenly become Russian, then Japan gets a huge path opened up into the Russian interior (the 6 INF are a bit too scattered to really help much).

  • I think Russia invading Japan is the way to go. Just played a game where the Russians invaded R2 and had some good rolls and had a decent force in Japan that created some problems. Seems those extra few people in Mongolia are not worth it.

  • @Kingpin2010:

    Seems those extra few people in Mongolia are not worth it.

    They’re not.  If Russia puts more than 5 troops and an AA in Amur - I usually just attack it to get it out of my way.  It was coming eventually.

    Mongolia is pretty pointless in the long run.

  • TripleA

    Are you using original or second edition rules?

    They reprinted global with new rules. They made it so the allies were not as screwed, but still pretty screwed. :)

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