Wow I really like this idea. My only concern would be that early on the US would probably be under time limit a lot (depending on when they are brought in to the war) Would that extra income swing things too much one way? I don’t know but it sounds like a cool idea to explore. I think we are gonna go straight time limits to start with and get feedback from everybody and then maybe experiment with the par idea. Thanks for the ideas!
Rather than a one-size-fits-all model, you could set up tables that give different pars for different countries at different stages of the game. In competition chess, I believe, players must make x number of moves per hour during the initial stages of the game, but are then given more time per move past a certain point. The principle would be similar here, reflecting such factors as the wartime vs. peacetime status of some powers, the more marginal role in the game of some countries (like France and China), and Britain’s split global economy.