Italy built pretty good aircraft and ships, and certainly had the capacity to build armoured cars, tanks and rail guns if they wanted. Not as many as B & F, but that’s down to capacity, not capability.
Turkey had none of these.
I have little doubt that LH will ignore this as has IL.
With respect, my rail rules are a lot simpler than ILs:
1. During non-combat movement, any land unit can move anywhere within connected friendly land tts.
2. That’s it.
The only exceptions would be certain areas without railways, but I’d like the rails printed on the map anyway so there’s no need for a rule.
I see no need for railway engines or stations, though I’d like armoured train pieces for both World Wars.
Perhaps railway building might feature; do you have a reliable map of Turkish railways in 1914?
Mmm, if Sinai is a separate tt from Western Egypt, there must be an awful lot of tts on ILs map.
On starting aircraft, my assumption is that all are the 2-seater reconnaissance types. They do have combat ability 1-1-1, but this represents small arms and bombs. They should also have longer ranges (4 spaces) than the purpose-built fighters (2 spaces).
O.K. then, say we have these basic types as starting fighter units fighting at 1-1-1.
That still leaves 2 upgrades:
Eindekker & Nieuport (2-2-2)
Albatross & Camel (3-3-3)
You still need the 2-seater recon planes with the longer range for observation. Since they need to have a 1-1-1 combat ability, what advantage would the basic fighter give?
UNLESS you upgrade all the fighters to give us:
Reconn (1-1-1-4)
Scout (2-2-2-2)
Airships (3-1-1-8)
Eindekker/Nieuport (3-3-3-2)
Albatross/Camel (4-4-4-2)
Bombers (3-1-2-6)
That might work, but it means we now need 5 aircraft sculpts for each side…