This site offers dedicated military flags that are placed on the table for each player.
There will be late war items even mixed in with some British units. The Allies will not be as advanced but still have late war units, jets, late war tank such as a Centurion possibly.
You are correct that the Japanese did not develop the weaponry near as much as Germany, but you did see the Shinden jet we have unveiled. The Shinden was developed with a flying prototype by the end of the war but with a prop, the jet engine was not finished. There will be some late war units and you will see either the G10N or Ki-97 Bomber as well as late war tanks.
The sky is the limit here. We have already shown the Ho XVIIIB2 Bomber on our facebook page. We are assuming that the Germans want a proven tank as easy to fix during the Invasion, you could see some E Series tanks and several vehicles based on the Panther Chassis.
German jet will be more advanced than the Me-262.
All Soldiers will be like Greman Grenadier, SNLF Japanese Marine, and a Special unite Allied Unit.
All units will have SP Artillery and SP Anti-Air Units, of course…late war.
Hope this helps.
Oh man, this sounds really cool. I forgot about the E series tanks. The Germans did manage to make a couple of the E-100 that were used in the final defense of Berlin. The rest were still prototypes I think. Now I’m really looking forward to seeing what all is in this game.
This kind of sounds like a WW 2 version of Fortress America. I actually tried that out once using A&A pieces on the Fortress America board. It was kind of fun. I’m sure yours will be much more thoroughly thought out in regards to rules, victory conditions, etc. Mine was pretty simple and probably had vast holes in it.
Here is the Panzergrenadier for Germany!
I just fainted! :wink:
Thanks IL, we are adding a Para Submachine gun to your Mummy, I will post it on the Japan set when ready.
Overall the Panzer Grenadier is EXCELLENT!! However, you are clearly modeling a late war uniform and laced boots would be more correct. Even though some troops did have jackboots right up to the end, the vast majority of troops were issued lace ups by this time in the war. That’s a minor thing though.
Watch the thickness of the legs. They ( the Japanese Para and this German) look kinda chubby in the legs.
Watch the thickness of the legs. They ( the Japanese Para and this German) look kinda chubby in the legs.
Well observed, IL!
Thinner legs/boots and the sculpt would be perfect!
Watch the thickness of the legs. They ( the Japanese Para and this German) look kinda chubby in the legs.
If the legs are too thin they will bend easily like some of the WOTC pieces.
We feel that it looks great, game pieces sometimes have to be exagerated for gaming purposes.
yes that’s true, but still.
yes that’s true, but still.
Give me a break!!!
Here is the Panzergrenadier for Germany!
Freakin’ saaaweeet! Nice work!
The chubby legs are fine. You only notice it because the picture is large. You wont notice when it is scaled down to the actual piece size.
BIG REVEAL TIME! We have released the unit list for the Germans. Later this week look for the Japanese and Allied lists. All three will have a unique set of sculpts for their faction and these sculpts will ONLY be found in AMERIKA.
All of the choices for Germany are excellent!
Is the game going to have all the sculpts already included or will it be separate purchases?
––This game looks like a winner on many counts, and the super-detailed units are only one part of that. :-D
----On the other hand,…it’s just what I need. Another hundred or so units to be painted. Like they say, I need these like I need another hole in my head. :-o But I MUST HAVE THEM! haha
“Tall (hole-headed) Paul”
@Tall Paul , yep it does look like a good game. I’m always wondering about pieces though. If we took a poll I would bet that I’m one of top ten for buying HBG mini’s. I have 5-20 pieces of every piece and almost every color just about. I’m working on making a D6 rule set that incorporates every HBG battle piece from trucks to those fortunate enough to have some old Table Tactics supplementals they’re willing to paint.
I do believe I’d have to yeild to you, Warmachine Team and IL for piece count though my friend. As far as HBG goes though they literally are living my dream since I was about fourteen and wanted more pieces for my MB edition A&A game.
@Tall Paul , yep it does look like a good game. I’m always wondering about pieces though. If we took a poll I would bet that I’m one of top ten for buying HBG mini’s. I have 5-20 pieces of every piece and almost every color just about. I’m working on making a D6 rule set that incorporates every HBG battle piece from trucks to those fortunate enough to have some old Table Tactics supplementals they’re willing to paint.
I do believe I’d have to yeild to you, Warmachine Team and IL for piece count though my friend. As far as HBG goes though they literally are living my dream since I was about fourteen and wanted more pieces for my MB edition A&A game.
––Well, I truly believe the Amerika game will be a winner for HBG.
––A D6 “rule set” as you call it certainly IS doable as I worked many hours on one myself,….IMHO it is easier to accomplish adding all of the new UNIT TYPES if you move to a D12 system. It allows several of the Attack/Defend factors to blend much better,…has fewer ‘compromises’,…, and generally is simpler. You might consider adopting a D12 system yourself. The only expense is simply some new dice and HBG has plenty of them in stock and they don’t cost much at all.
––I’m honestly not into “comparisons” of what someone has or doesn’t have. I simply enjoy sharing what I have with others and get a lot of enjoyment from others doing the same. Personally, I don’t think bragging or egos serve any useful purpose. Don’t get me wrong,….I’m certainly NOT saying that about you,….I just don’t want anyone mistakenly thinking that about ME. I’m just a guy who LOVES THIS GREAT GAME CALLED AXIS & ALLIES and interacting and learning from others who suffer the same affliction, haha.
----You know, other than their producing some EXCELLENT new units/sets, and having almost EVERYTHING you could ever want as far as A&A gaming supplies,…I’ve found that the quality that I most appreciate from HBG is their EXCELLENT SERVICE and GENUINE CONCERN that the customer is satisfied. Thanks again Doug, HBG’s “Coach”.
“Tall Paul”
I hope after Amerika we might see a hypothetical invasion of Japan even just a map would do. The thing I love about the Axis & Allies series is the what if situations. If I knew what I was doing I’d make my own map and print it.