@aluraacker345 i am looking forward to Captain Marvel
Red Dawn, worst movie premise of the decade?
I just saw Red Dawn and I give it an A+. If they make 100 more movies that are kind of stupid but feature Americans sending little red sh*theads back to the gulag they crawled out of I will pay $10 to see every movie like that and be proud to support the cause of FREEDOM.
I thought Matrix the first one…… was a novel premise and thought it was a pretty good movie. As long as you believe there exists a perpetual motion machine… which of course is fiction. Humans as a perpetual motion machine as the core premise did kind of kill it for me. But by suspending that one basic tenant of physics it did become enjoyable.
Speaking of novel films and people named Wachowski. Cloud Atlas… worth a watch. A little Magnolia, but with way more gun-fights Just make sure you buy popcorn and twizzlers because you’re going to be in there for a while. Over the top at times, but I guess that’s the idea. Anyone else see it yet?
Also, about The Matrix, (one of the best films ever made in my opinion) I don’t know that using cellular respiration and fusion to generate electricity, technically qualifies as perpetual motion. Though the vagueries of the power source were left to the imagination, we can probably conclude there was some explanation that didn’t violate laws of physics. I mean, all the science fiction out there and your going to pick on that little tidbit?
Argo was good too, if not terribly inventive. (If were still looking for decent films to see.)
cloud atlas was good
With Matrix, I don’t think they got power from fusion. The humans WERE the power, somewhere in the movie they explained that the humans nuked the world to prevent sunlight to power solar power robo bad guys. So they used humans’s brains ability to produce electricity to power the robo world…… They compared a human to a duracell if I recall correctly.
So, recycle humans to feed humans to power robots in perpetuity. If I got that wrong then it might move Matrix past my all time fav BladeRunner.
Let me see what I can produce from memory alone.
Morpheus: “We don’t know who struck first but we know that it was us who scorched the sky. At the time the machines were dependent on solar power and it was believed that they could not survive without a resource as abundant as the sun. For all of human civilization we have been dependent on the sun as a source of energy. Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony. The human body produces ### watts of electricity and ### BTUs of body heat. Combined with a form of fusion, the machines had found all the energy they would ever need.”
You can double check me but the line is something like that.
Saw the movie last night…
It was a bit “quick” like prometheus, but overall I enjoyed it, and felt it was worth the $10!
Of course… that is because it’s my kind of movie… I hope you all go into it with both eyes open, and just enjoy it for what it is! The bad-guy commander Choi is a bad ass!
…like prometheus…
Well the probability of me seeing this movie just went down from 0.01 to 0.0001.
Seeing Prometheus was like getting into bed with a supermodel and then having her barf all over your dick.
Seeing Red Dawn seems like a similar scenario, except instead of a super-model, it’s the ugly girl you slept with once in high-school, 20 years and 2 kids later.
Canuck, nice work on the quote! So they still used humans as a sort of perpetual motion machine for electricity but also used a form of fusion…. Not sure if that is any better, if they had fusion, why use humans as batteries aka perpetual motion machines?
This got me thinking so I did some google searches and came across this site:
I guess the form of cold fusion takes place inside the human body according to that site, that seems to explain some things… But fusion only able to occur inside human bodies…weak.
Hahaha yeah I thought about that too. If they had discovered fusion did they really need the people?
Saying that the machines are powered by human cellular respiration and a form of fusion is kind of like saying cars are powered by human cellular respiration and a form of internal combustion. Because you need the human to push the gas pedal! :lol:
Red dawn Was Good! And it wasnt just N koreans, they were with Russians! Well, there was spetznaz with them, but Russia invaded the east coast. Worth the money, if you havent seen it you should.
…like prometheus…
Well the probability of me seeing this movie just went down from 0.01 to 0.0001.
Seeing Prometheus was like getting into bed with a supermodel and then having her barf all over your dick.
Seeing Red Dawn seems like a similar scenario, except instead of a super-model, it’s the ugly girl you slept with once in high-school, 20 years and 2 kids later.
How is it like Prometheus? Not at all
Saw the movie last night…
It was a bit “quick” like prometheus, but overall I enjoyed it, and felt it was worth the $10!
Of course… that is because it’s my kind of movie… I hope you all go into it with both eyes open, and just enjoy it for what it is! The bad-guy commander Choi is a bad ass!
Quick - that’s how.
People go from standing on the street with guns, to in their hide-out having dinner - to inside a communist compound doing surveillance in about an 8 second window.
The transitioning is terrible… Prometheus was the same way, everything was good, and then BAM BAM BAM all these chopped up clips and the movies over…
Saw the movie last night…
It was a bit “quick” like prometheus, but overall I enjoyed it, and felt it was worth the $10!
Of course… that is because it’s my kind of movie… I hope you all go into it with both eyes open, and just enjoy it for what it is! The bad-guy commander Choi is a bad ass!
Quick - that’s how.
People go from standing on the street with guns, to in their hide-out having dinner - to inside a communist compound doing surveillance in about an 8 second window.
The transitioning is terrible… Prometheus was the same way, everything was good, and then BAM BAM BAM all these chopped up clips and the movies over…
Oh, i thought you said the story is very similar.
I really wanted to like it but it was so compressed, I think the best scene is when that CGI plane blows up in the sky during the invasion. Was there a drop of blood in the whole movie that wasn’t from the deer? Not that I’m blood thirsty but this was a war movie.
This version will never be as good as MY Red Dawn back in the 80’s. The most dissapointing thing was waiting the 2 years when they were about to release it and followiing it on YouTube with bootleg footage and the fake trailers…humpf…I feel cheated. But, I found a blu ray copy of the original and it came with $7.50 off the price of a ticket so it only cost me $2.50 to watch so there Helmsworth! Put that towards your Malibu condo dude!
All true Red Dawn fans know this fact, It was the first ever rated PG-13 movie. In todays rating world, the orginal might have been rated R while this new version should have been Rated G.
Thanks for letting me vent fellas.