W.H.O. Survey : Vehicles Are The Worst Killer…

  • Anybody know where I can find the Details of this Survey?


    W.H.O. : Traffic Is Four Times as Lethal as War
    Wed May 14, 9:55 AM ET

    GENEVA (Reuters) - Traffic kills four times as many people as wars and far more people commit suicide than are murdered, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said on Monday.

    In two reports on injuries, both accidental and deliberate, the United Nations (news - web sites) agency said they killed more than five million people in 2000, one tenth of the global death toll.

    Nearly 90 percent of injury-related deaths took place in poorer countries.

    Road deaths, totaling 1.26 million, claimed the highest number of victims, followed by suicide at 815,000 and interpersonal violence at 520,000.

    Wars and conflict ranked sixth – between poisoning and falls – with 310,000 deaths.

    WHO said age, sex, geographical region and income level all played a part in the distribution and incidence of fatal injuries.

    Such fatalities were twice as prevalent among men as women, the reports said. Three times as many men, for example, died in road traffic accidents as women. And men were also three times as likely to be murdered.

    Death rates from road accidents, burns and drowning were particularly high in Africa and Asia, _and homicides were three times as frequent as suicides in Africa and the Americas.

    But in Europe and southeast Asia suicide rates were more than double murder rates._

    I thought the above italicized points were interesting!
    I’d love to peruse the whole survey.

  • '19 Moderator

    Wow, it must realy suck to live in Europe or Asia!

  • Why that?
    I would say, we have less people in europe that feel like beating up/shooting/killing others:
    I rather like to live in a country where i am a bigger danger to myself than all the other strange people around me.

    Or maybe you do consider that situation as “boring” ;)?

  • Less cars in Europe. Less cars = less chance of Vehicular Homicide :) 90% occured in poorer countries because, just speculating here, of lack of infrastructure (Good roads, Traffic Lights), not to mention older, less safe cars. And I doubt they bring out the Jaws of Life in Haiti if you need them. In America, we have the equipment to save lives. In Europe they have that too, but in addition they don’t drive as much.

  • '19 Moderator

    Why that?
    I would say, we have less people in europe that feel like beating up/shooting/killing others:
    I rather like to live in a country where i am a bigger danger to myself than all the other strange people around me.

    I realize that the study was saying that it is more dangerious to live in America, It just strikes me as strange that so many people would rather kill themselves than someone else.

    I don’t know maybe that does sound boreing to me. :)

    It kind of reminds me of a cheap seventies Sci-fi movie were all the people are sheep like zombies bent under the will of their opressor. :o

  • Well, seems like you took ratios for numbers. …. Or maybe i totally misunderstod you :).

    the article said:

    … and homicides were three times as frequent as suicides in Africa and the Americas.

    But in Europe and southeast Asia suicide rates were more than double murder rates.

    So, let’s look at the ratios:
    homicides / suicides(africa, americas) = 3 / 1
    homicides / suicides(europe, s.e. asia) = 1 / 2

    This does not tell anything about the numbers at all.
    Europe could still have less suicides than the Americas, or the Americas could still have less homicides than Europe.

    So, yes, the Europeans kill themselves more often before they kill others. See, just one high school massacre (including a suicide at the end) will “help” the homicides side on the ratio.
    Anyway, i am happy with the way it is, knowing that it’s rather me that kills me (so i can influence that), and not some nutshell running wild.

    I prefer to live in civilization and not in the wild west with a civil painting over it. ;)

  • Consider for the most part who gets killed in a lot of these circumstances in North America. True, you have the odd tragedy - the high school massacres, the spousal killings, etc. but for the most part the “victims” of homicides i’ve noticed are when “like kills like”. I.e. You’re personal situation sets you up to getting killed. If i do not want to have a homicide visited upon me, i take the necessary precautions - i do not join a gang, i do not sell drugs (especially on someone else’s turf), i avoid certain areas at night, and i do not set myself up to have violence visited upon myself. True, N.A. can be a violent place and FAR too often people are victims of random evil crimes. At the same time, the numbers do not bear out who is getting killed for the most part.
    You’re right too F_alk. There is no context to this. We don’t know how many people/100 000 are getting killed/suicided. For all we know there are like 2 suicides/100 000 and 1/100 000 homicides in Europe relative to 30 homicides/100 000 and 10 suicides/100 000 in N.A. in which case Europe would be the clearly desireable place to be.
    Also Canada, i think, would deserve its own stat. I would guess that we would be closer to Europe in these stats due to the lack of handgun-proliferation.

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