Playing with paratroppers.

  • ….but I don’t want that. Because that isn’t realistic.
    NCM air transportation of brigades/corps/divisions and all their support staff and cargo isn’t plausible considering its 100x safer and more efficient to transport all that on the ground.

    It might not be plausible, but I admit it is possible.
    But to be translated into game terms that sort of transportation could only be done airbase to airbase, and the plastic piece to do it with would probably cost like 15 IPCs considering its as many actual planes and men as a bomber wing.

  • Well in 6 month turns, moving 2 infantry units by air could be possible.

    For the game, it works as a tool for cash poor nations that have no navy and usually the bomber is used in combat.

    But the option adds alot to the game because you can still reinforce areas separated by sea zones.

    I prefer that units are like in a “tool box” and each have some unique value to solve a game problem.

  • Air Transportation was done by only the wealthiest nations, particularly us.
    It was done for special reasons, important parts, personnel, important communiques and documents.
    Or out of desperation……because there was no alternative.

    Line infantry. Boots and Bayonet kind of guys, never even got on a plane in WWII.
    Thats my point. I don’t want to see Germany with 5 Air Transports in West Germany cycling back and forth, carrying troops to the front lines.

    In reality, they could have done that. But it would have been so cost prohibitive that it would have been deemed insane. (right up Hitler’s alley)

  • I don’t want to see Germany with 5 Air Transports in West Germany cycling back and forth, carrying troops to the front lines.

    That would mean buying 5 bombers, and not using them during the turn. That is already expensive.

    AS for nations not having the notion of air transport, you might look at a number of rules that allow all nations the same ability though they never had this ability… and remember it is a game, and giving options for players is part of the fun factor.

  • Like I said I’ve played both versions bombers & air transports for paratroopers. There are advantages to both systems.

    A bomber version system makes bombers very valuable, and a good investment.  A triple threat if you will: strategic bombing, tactical bombing, and para-drops.   Plus these units have a range of 6 making defending against paratroopers more problematic.  Personally I disagree with imperious leader allowing bombers to also attack during the first cycle of combat. Again, my opinion.

    An air transport version makes para-dropping an investment for players. Lets be realistic, one paratrooper isn’t going to be much more than annoying. To pose a real threat with paratroopers, players would have to make a considerable investment buying enough air transports. I think a cost of 12 IPCs is reasonable. Too much more makes them too expensive and not worth the reward. I’ve found using a range of 4 for these units makes it easier to defend against. I also feel if players want to use air transports they should evaluate changing their starting set-up to include them.

    As for regular troops never getting into a plane, as I understand it, I believe they did. 
    Example: operation Flax where Allied forces shut down the air bridge from Africa to Italy. Germany was evacuating troops from Africa via air transports.

  • Personally I disagree with imperious leader allowing bombers to also attack during the first cycle of combat. Again, my opinion.

    That is only because im going with no new piece and using the Bomber for double duty.

    Of course with HBG, we got the transport plane for USA and a few others.

    If using a dedicated unit, 0-0-6-12 and treated as naval transport ( cant be used to take hits-no fodder).

  • Again, compare the numbers of men transported by axis aircraft from Africa to what was actually there.

    In realistic terms, perhaps 6 Infantry were in Africa, and you evacuated maybe 1.
    Is it really even worth allowing for this sort of movement? Considering how very few men it actually effects, balanced with the fact that odd attacks might happen because of plentiful paratroopers.

    Really, it would be 1000x more simple to just allow all powers start with paratroopers, but each paratrooper launched from an air base adds 1 damage to it.
    And if you REALLY wanted air transit. Allow one infantry to teleport to any other friendly air base within 6 spaces (again, adding 1 damage to the base)

  • Customizer


    Well in 6 month turns, moving 2 infantry units by air should be possible.
    But the option adds alot to the game because you can still reinforce areas separated by sea zones.
    ––This seems very logical.
    I prefer that units are like in a “tool box” and each have some unique value to solve a game problem.
    ––This allows the player the option to make his own command decisions.

    It seems we almost always agree on things. Although I prefer having an on-board
    Air Transport unit while it seems you prefer either a Bomber OR an Air Transport.

    Personally I disagree with imperious leader allowing bombers to also attack during the first cycle of combat. Again, my opinion.

    That is only because im going with no new piece and using the Bomber for double duty.
    Of course with HBG, we got the transport plane for USA and a few others.
    If using a dedicated unit, 0-0-6-12 and treated as naval transport ( cant be used to take hits-no fodder).

    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer


    An air transport version makes para-dropping an investment for players. Lets be realistic, one paratrooper isn’t going to be much more than annoying. To pose a real threat with paratroopers, players would have to make a considerable investment buying enough air transports.
    ––I couldn’t agree more.
    I think a cost of 12 IPCs is reasonable. Too much more makes them too expensive and not worth the reward. I’ve found using a range of 4 for these units makes it easier to defend against.
    ––Our ideas are very close, only differing in “details”.
    I also feel if players want to use air transports they should evaluate changing their starting set-up to include them.
    **I politely disagree with you here. I believe this would alter the 1st combat/NC moves without the defense being able to prepare/react. Don’t you?**�
    As for regular troops never getting into a plane, as I understand it, I believe they did.
    Example: operation Flax where Allied forces shut down the air bridge from Africa to Italy. Germany was evacuating troops from Africa via air transports.
    ––Numerous examples available.

    We think quite a bit alike on this.
    “Tall Paul”

  • Customizer



    AS for nations not having the notion of air transport, you might look at a number of rules that allow all nations the same ability though they never had this ability…
    ––Such as Anzac allowed to buy battleships.
    and remember it is a game
    ––Yes, a Game.
    , and giving options for players is part of the fun factor.
    ––Options are FUN.

    “Tall Paul”

  • Id rather have player options than strict Historical accuracy. And usually, im the one who forwards the more Historical based rules.

    You can’t go wrong with the rules i posted, except perhaps you might try 3 attack in first round only, rather than 2.

  • Customizer


    I bow to your keen insight & vast knowledge about A&A gaming. I still have slightly differing preferences than you concerning Paratroopers & Air Transports, but it’s in the details only.
    Thanks for your input.
    I can’t wait until I have 'Troopers painted for all nations(except China, of course). ––“Geronimo”

    “Tall Paul”


  • @oztea:

    To be realistic, the piece would have to look like this.

    Move - 6, Attack - 0, Defense - 0, Cost - 9
    Special Rules:
    Transport - Air transports can carry two infantry, which act as paratroopers during combat, or may exit in friendly territory during non-combat.

    With this rule, air transportation will be cheaper than using ships, and that is in fact blatant ahistorical.

    I think Air Transport Plane should cost 15 IPC and carry one infantry. Then this unit will see normal action for WWII, and not turn the game into a 1973 Cold War simulation.

  • Customizer



    Of course with HBG, we got the transport plane for USA and a few others**(Italy & now Germany)**.
    If using a dedicated unit, 0-0-6-12 and treated as naval transport ( cant be used to take hits-no fodder).

    ––These are the A/D/C/M rules I prefer.
    ––Along with paradropping ONE Paratrooper.
    ––or n/c air transporting TWO regular Infantry.
    ––Both would require STARTING their turns at an AirBase.
    ––What do you think about these?

    “Tall Paul”

  • Can paratroopers be used in 1942 2nd edition? If so, what rules would you suggest?

  • This is how I use paratroops in 1942

    Just use a bomber (instead of a bombing raid or attack it can carry two paratroopers)
    The paratroopers must be dropped off at the first enemy territory.
    The bomber and the paratroopers must start in the same terrirtory.

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