• TripleA

    So yeah, been merging my fleet off gibraltar lately. Any problems with this move? Aside from italy doing a risky attack?

  • Sponsor

    Leaving Italy with a battleship, other than that… it seems safe.

  • IF u dd block italy, its fine.  If germany has a large airforce in Sita/Wger then you will need to bunker down algeria and/or airbase gib.  Usually the 98 tranny takes the malta garrison to alg with the tranny from the uk and land some planes in alg.  This move allows u to counter 110 easily.  It severely hurts sealion while simultaneously controling the med and forcing italy into an awkward position since you can hit its fleet with ur air no matter where it goes.  Italy would have to go to 99 and take cyprus/syria while blocking 99 and killing the french fleet to really be safe or sit in 97.  The only real weakness for this strat (if you do it well) is that italy can get iraq if he really wants it, but you have 2 turns of buys in SA and 1 turn in egypt (if u ic there) to counter it.

  • @Young:

    Leaving Italy with a battleship, other than that… it seems safe.

    But u lose your fleet to germany aswell.  Basically, whenever you dont feel like 97, the 92 stack is usually the best alternative.

  • TripleA

    idk I have come around to the uk fleet of gibraltar lately. not sure why.

  • Sponsor


    idk I have come around to the uk fleet of gibraltar lately. not sure why.

    You may be just avoiding what needs to happen eventually anyways, only you may not have the odds later.

  • TripleA

    ghr2, I like the input, that is what I usually do as the axis to counter and I just don’t care if I lose the navy… just exhaust it for some short term goals, because the axis need Russia dead.

    I seen one guy take the fleet merge it with usa and put a bunch of units in norway. I usualy try to convoy italy…

    reason I am suggesting this is because I see sea lion happening lots lately and sz 110 or sz 111 being skipped from attacks on g1.

  • '16 '15 '10

    there are alot of factors to consider for the 92 thing

    -Do you need an airbase in Gib?  Can you afford one (sea lion threat etc)?
    -is the 110 fleet intact?  Thats a big plus.
    -Where is the Luftwaffe?  Are they all in position, or is some of it in Holland?
    -Note whether Germany took southern France because that will effect how many Italian planes can reach 92.
    -is the German fleet in 112?  If so you have to either block it or make sure Gib won’t fall.

    1. 15 is alot to spend if Germany is going full Sea Lion…BUT if 92 holds that will mean alot of reinforcments on UK2.  An airbase on Gib is very useful especially if you are going to use a fleet in 92 to prevent the Italian NO and keep the Italian navy on the defensive.
    2. The best scenario for a 92 unite is probably when Germany skips 110.

    I keep going back and forth between attacking 96 and uniting in 92–they both have their merits in this impressive Med set-up.  The final decision should depend on what Germany did G1.

  • You absolutely can’t put an airbase on Gibraltar early-game unless you KNOW you can hold it. Building an airbase for the Germans and Italians to use to hold z91 is a sure way to keep the Allies out of the Med long enough for an Axis victory at the beginning of turn 9. Germany sacks Moscow G8 and if the Allies don’t hold Cairo by then, the game’s over; you can’t break into the Med to get it back and the 2 pieces a turn you’re building in South Africa ain’t gonna do it.

    Now if you CAN hold it, then it’s almost as useful for you as it is for the Axis – if you can control the midpoint between London and Cairo, and turn it into a fortress, you ensure that a flow of material to reinforce Cairo whenever you want doesn’t get interrupted.

  • An awful lot depends on the z91 cruiser.  Having the carrier survive in z92 is huge for sealion defense, but you also want to be left with a destroyer in z94 to protect it from sub & planes, and you also want cruisers in z96 and z99 to prevent a landing in Egypt or transjordan.  If germany sink s the z91 cruiser is a very bad deal for UK whether they are going Taranto/z96 (in which case its a hit soak in case the destroyer hits), or z92 (in which case it blocks z92 and a plane will die if destroyer hits :-( )

  • @Vance:

    An awful lot depends on the z91 cruiser.  Having the carrier survive in z92 is huge for sealion defense, but you also want to be left with a destroyer in z94 to protect it from sub & planes, and you also want cruisers in z96 and z99 to prevent a landing in Egypt or transjordan.  If germany sink s the z91 cruiser is a very bad deal for UK whether they are going Taranto/z96 (in which case its a hit soak in case the destroyer hits), or z92 (in which case it blocks z92 and a plane will die if destroyer hits :-( )

    The landings in egypt are not likely to happen since you can stack it well. if italy goes for it or for tj, uk has a sick counter on him.

  • I was thinking Italy takes Alexandria and Sudan too.  With a landing in Transjordan they’ve got the place surrounded.

    Another thing Germany could do to really screw things up for UK would be to skip z111 and airstrike the French fleet, then land planes in Rome.  Maybe 1 fighter, 1 tac, 1 bomber and sacrifice the bomber if the french ships get a hit.

  • TripleA

    -Do you need an airbase in Gib?  Can you afford one (sea lion threat etc)?

    pssh I never buy airbases or naval bases on round 1. that is just madness.

    It don’t really matter if the fleet gets sunk or not… for it to get sunk, there are some heavy casualties

  • @Vance:

    I was thinking Italy takes Alexandria and Sudan too.  With a landing in Transjordan they’ve got the place surrounded.

    Another thing Germany could do to really screw things up for UK would be to skip z111 and airstrike the French fleet, then land planes in Rome.  Maybe 1 fighter, 1 tac, 1 bomber and sacrifice the bomber if the french ships get a hit.

    That depends if uk does not use the india tranny on eth

  • TripleA

    man been awhile since I played some lobby games of global. I am getting bad, but I can still beat most players.

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