I am in the process of painting now
well upload images here so we can see :) always fun to see what people do!
Here are a couple examples of my practice round. Granted these are the mostly finished examples of my small number of experiments. I am mostly having a tough time finding the right paints/methods. So far enamels have worked the best.
This is my third Yamato class battleship, as the first two paint choices were simply not working and I abandoned them. Settled with a darker grey + some highlights with a lighter grey.
This was my first carrier, which turned out surprisingly well. Tried to be exact to the picture’s paint scheme (1944 Zuikaku), but there simply is not enough room on the flight deck. Unfortunately you really cannot see the hull camoflage. It is pretty dark under the flight deck overhang.
The Zero was added on a whim to see what it would look like on the carrier. It too turned out well, though it is difficult to see in the picture I took. I was able to add canopy framing and the two nose cannons also.
The “sun” emblems turned out well considering I had to paint them. I am trying to get some decals from I-94 to use instead.