They are classic 1/72 scale.
That is really impressive! Very nice
Agree with Gargantua… simple, elegent, identifiable.
I am in the process of painting now and things like this both inspire and give some darn good ideas… Mostly that means ripping off the guys who did all the hard work first. :-D
Very nice work.
I am in the process of painting now
well upload images here so we can see :) always fun to see what people do!
Agree with Gargantua
WOW Hoffman. We agree for once… twice if you consider the POW camps lol…
What’s going on in your life!? Something must be wrong? Have you seen a doctor lately?
Agree with Gargantua
WOW Hoffman. We agree for once… twice if you consider the POW camps lol…
What’s going on in your life!? Something must be wrong? Have you seen a doctor lately?
Actually yes, just got a physical two weeks ago and I am in perfect shape.
And I am not sure why you are so surprised… I barely remember if we had earlier squabbles but it seems like we agree on most things these days. You must have changed.
I have been tempted to conspire with you for a North American Alliance, whereby the United States and Canada can take over the world.
I am in the process of painting now
well upload images here so we can see :) always fun to see what people do!
Oh I will, when I make any progress worth displaying. Right now I have one US carrier 75% done and one Japanese carrier 75% done; that’s it. I am trying to gather as much information from other people here so that the pieces really look the way I want them to.
Besides, this first batch is just a bunch of prototypes. I am experimenting on my Guadalcanal and A&A Revised sets to make sure I do it right on Global and my FMG/HBG pieces.
But I will put a picture or two up for comments when I am finished.
Wow! So clean and crisp - love the ships especially. Excellent stuff here Swedo. Looking forward to seeing the rest.
Thank you. I Like your work too. I dont have the same patience as you though. Im currently working on the infantry… it takes forever and is so boring!
Thank you. I Like your work too. I dont have the same patience as you though. Im currently working on the infantry… it takes forever and is so boring!
Thanks man. Not sure about that patience comment… because those ships are like shrunken duplicates of the real deal - that must have taken some serious patience. Looking forward to seeing the infantry!
Here they are. (atleast 1 of each kind)
so thats what im working on… done 11 germans and are now doing 15 japs…
Nice! Those Brits and their stockings and shorts! eh eh eh eh Liking those commies and yermans in jackboots too. Your choice for the U.S. infantry is pretty cool… kinda a gray/green…
the colors and the lighting is more dull then IRL. The US soldiers were mostly green what i found on the internet… depends on where they went i guess… the russian uniform is more green/brown
LOL Brits and thier shorts…
I am in the process of painting now
well upload images here so we can see :) always fun to see what people do!
Here are a couple examples of my practice round. Granted these are the mostly finished examples of my small number of experiments. I am mostly having a tough time finding the right paints/methods. So far enamels have worked the best.
This is my third Yamato class battleship, as the first two paint choices were simply not working and I abandoned them. Settled with a darker grey + some highlights with a lighter grey.
This was my first carrier, which turned out surprisingly well. Tried to be exact to the picture’s paint scheme (1944 Zuikaku), but there simply is not enough room on the flight deck. Unfortunately you really cannot see the hull camoflage. It is pretty dark under the flight deck overhang.
The Zero was added on a whim to see what it would look like on the carrier. It too turned out well, though it is difficult to see in the picture I took. I was able to add canopy framing and the two nose cannons also.
The “sun” emblems turned out well considering I had to paint them. I am trying to get some decals from I-94 to use instead.
Here are a couple more.
Looking at these pictures I see that the camera really is pretty unforgiving. There are some sloppy areas which I will have to clean up, including proper sanding of mold lines prior to painting. Since these are trials I was not too picky.
I really like your paint jobs and I’m especially impressed by how “crisp” your edges are, and how straight the lines are on the carrier. And the cockpit frames on the Zero,…Wow, you’re talented! CRAZY talented,…haha. I’m just enough OCD to love the details such as these. Keep up the good work!
“Tall Paul”
I really like your paint jobs and I’m especially impressed by how “crisp” your edges are, and how straight the lines are on the carrier. And the cockpit frames on the Zero,…Wow, you’re talented! CRAZY talented,…haha. I’m just enough OCD to love the details such as these. Keep up the good work!
“Tall Paul”
Thanks much Paul. It is for people like you (and myself) that I paint as precise as possible. Will show more when I have them ready.
I can’t help… I have to bring up a largely antiquated word… RAD. These are really cool Hoff!!!
I can’t help… I have to bring up a largely antiquated word… RAD. These are really cool Hoff!!!Â
Thanks V.
In the future I will probably start my own thread, so I don’t hijack Swedo’s. He’s been kind enough to give me the opportunity to do a preliminary reveal.
Those are amazing! I like that you also put up compareable pictures of the real deal so we can see how good replicas you have done! Now my yamatos look like crap compared… :x
btw… that carrier would fit my army… :roll: GIVE IT TO ME! :evil:
Those are amazing! I like that you also put up compareable pictures of the real deal so we can see how good replicas you have done! Now my yamatos look like crap compared… � :x
Thanks Swedo. Yeah, I like to make them look as true-to-life as possible, while retaining something identifiable for recognition purposes. The Yamato was the one I had to do three versions of because I didn’t like the way the paint was looking on the first two. It turned out pretty well, but I am not sure if it will be the way I do them in the future. I still like to experiment. Subtle highlights are the trick; it’s not what you’ve got, but how you use it. Take a close look and you might be able to replicate the way they are painted.
btw… that carrier would fit my army…� � :roll: GIVE IT TO ME!� � :evil:
You mean the carrier would fit in your navy I think… Might not be as effective on land. Glad you like it. And hey, if I end up not needing it or doing some extras I might be able to mail it to you or something.