Well, perhaps we could give the Yamato a hit @ 5 if we increase the cost to 24, to sort of balance out the power.
See this is where I become reticent… even at 20 IPCs a battleship is not an effective expenditure compared to an aircraft carrier with 2 aircraft. (Even a carrier with 1 fighter). Upping the attack to a 5 AND increasing the cost cancels out any benefit, which I am not sure was even there before the cost increase.
I think it is logical for the Yamatos to cost more, but it depending on how much more, I am not sure if I would ever buy one. At most I would say 22 IPCs, definitely no more than that. A battleship costing 24 IPCs in Original and Revised was ludicrous enough, but even in Global that is too much.
And I am not so sure about the hit 3 aspect yet. Certainly Yamato and Musashi proved they could take a ridiculous amount of punishment, so it is something to consider.
toblerone77, that is an interesting idea making the Yamato a National Advantage for Japan, along with certain HBG units for the other countries. Although, have you seen the sculpts for the Allied Super-weapons set? They are including a Montana Class Battleship for the US. That would be able to match the Yamato I think.
There is also plans for a Soyuz class Battleship for Russia, so the Soviet Union would have a super battleship as well, for all the good it would do them (How often does Russia buy a battleship?)
Yeah, how often does Russia buy ANY ships. As always, it will be nice to have and dream of, but even in the late stages of a good game for Russia, they will never buy one… ever. There is no strategic reason for Russia to ever build a super-level battleship in Axis and Allies.
Allied super-weapon set sounds like a lot of fun and I am pretty excited about the Montana. I do like the idea of making the Yamato (or super-battleships in general) a National Advantage or nation-specific unit. Again, perhaps with limits on the number in play or something. I don’t know… it is a lot to think about right now and does require some experimentation.
I always liked playing with NAs in Revised… not sure why there are so many haters out there.
Since HBG made the Yamato so big, I’m more excited about the German set now, and hope the Bismarck is as big as well.
That ship is so awesome on any map, because it dwarfs the other ships. :-D
The HBG Yamato is a bit larger and much better proportioned than the OOB version, but I would not say that it dwarfs all the other ships.
The HBG Nagato is nearly as long and almost looks larger than the Yamato because of it’s larger superstructure and beam.
The HBG Akagi is also maybe only one or two millimeters shorter than the Yamato, so it looks about the same size, especially, if you are looking at them from 3 ft away.
I wish I could take a picture and compare them for everyone, but I don’t have my camera at the moment.
The attached is a sizing picture that HBG put out when they were determining how large to make certain larger battleships (not sure if that was the Yamato specifically)… I believe they ended up going with the second from the top… that looks like the closest length comparison to the OOB and HBG Yamatos I have in front of me. Personally, I would have been fine if they had chosen the largest size, but what they chose is perhaps the best scale for the game.