@gamer I also forgot to add: are the dimensions for the board included in the file, or would whoever makes these boards need the dimensions as well?
HBG - Axis & Allies Parts/Accessories and Custom Piece Sets Store!
I still have some good ideas for things like self propelled artillery and tank destroyers. Someone had the idea for tank destroyers if they roll a 1, they can pick enemy armor as casualties. That seems like a good idea. Do you think that would work for dive and/or torpedo bombers too?
That is an interesting option too, especially with dive/torpedo bombers. They would be too powerful if they were allowed to target all hits, but if they roll a 1 they should be able to target their hits. Makes them more valuable and more historically accurate.
After all, in the Battle of Midway, USN aircraft sank all 4 Japanese fleet carriers with targeted attacks from torpedo and dive bombers. We should be able to do that in A&A too. I’d rather be able to assign hits with ones than hit on a 4… otherwise you just waste a bunch of planes to sink subs, destroyers and cruisers and leave the enemy carriers untouched.
I suppose we are getting into house rule territory here though.
I still have some good ideas for things like self propelled artillery and tank destroyers. Someone had the idea for tank destroyers if they roll a 1, they can pick enemy armor as casualties. That seems like a good idea. Do you think that would work for dive and/or torpedo bombers too?
That is an interesting option too, especially with dive/torpedo bombers. They would be too powerful if they were allowed to target all hits, but if they roll a 1 they should be able to target their hits. Makes them more valuable and more historically accurate.
After all, in the Battle of Midway, USN aircraft sank all 4 Japanese fleet carriers with targeted attacks from torpedo and dive bombers. We should be able to do that in A&A too. I’d rather be able to assign hits with ones than hit on a 4… otherwise you just waste a bunch of planes to sink subs, destroyers and cruisers and leave the enemy carriers untouched.
I suppose we are getting into house rule territory here though.
You will see a luck shot in “Amerika” where you can target certain units. There will be a phase where aircraft must fight first after AA is rolled before other items happen. I think you should be able to target ships but defending aircraft must be able to shoot first!
Yeah, I understand that I may be biting off more than I can chew figuring out new A/D values for all the new units HBG is giving us. In fact, trying to differentiate early war and late war units like fighters and battleships is straying close to A&A Miniatures territory. The reason I don’t play the Miniatures games is because of too many values for each unit. Too many things to remember. Now here I am trying to do the same thing to the A&A board games.
Finding the right balance between complexity and playability is something with which wargame designers have wrestled since wargaming began: when complexity goes up, playability tends to go down (and vice-versa). But the nice thing about the A&A board games is that individual players can customize them in any way they want, if they so wish. You can make them as simple or as complicated as you want, especially now that we have such a large range of OOB and supplementary HBG sculpts available to us. And if you try out one customized rule system that turns out not to work so well, you can always change it later for something else. Ultimately, it all comes down to having fun with a game we all love; as long as you’re enjoying yourself, that’s what really matters.
And if you try out one customized rule system that turns out not to work so well, you can always change it later for something else. Ultimately, it all comes down to having fun with a game we all love; as long as you’re enjoying yourself, that’s what really matters.
True that. There is no recipe for everyone.
knp & others,
First I want to thank all you guys for your ideas, suggestions and information. CWO Marc, very interesting material there on the differences between those ships.
––It would probably be a safe bet that most, if not all, of the gamers on this forum have a strong and addictive love of this great game and enjoy sharing that with others also afflicted.
Tall Paul, those planes are beautiful. Sometimes I wish I had the time and patience to do that to my pieces.
––As I said above, Lucas Hoffman deserves the credit for doing these paint jobs. On these a/c I am simply the “Idea Man” who organises the projects and then pays the bills. I’ve spent over $300 so far on decals alone and we’ve only completed about 30%-40% of the units I want. I hope I live long enough,…haha.
Yeah, I understand that I may be biting off more than I can chew figuring out new A/D values for all the new units HBG is giving us.
––Not necessarily. My main point was simply to make you aware of OVER-COMPLICATING things by adding everything all at once. A very wise friend of mine once said,…“If you’re having FUN, you’re doing it right!” You simply must experiment with what additions/changes make it more FUN for YOU and/or YOUR GROUP. That is the ONLY answer that matters.
I still have some good ideas for things like self propelled artillery and tank destroyers. Someone had the idea for tank destroyers if they roll a 1, they can pick enemy armor as casualties. That seems like a good idea. Do you think that would work for dive and/or torpedo bombers too?
––I, too, completely agree that any tank destroyers, dive, or torpedo bombers who roll a “1” should have the ability to target their hit. Obviously the TD must target an armored, tracked, or wheeled vehicle and a “Torpecker” must hit a ship. IMHO, a lot of players have already decided on this change also,…and are simply waiting to have all of these units available for all countries to institute the new rules.
Thanks again everyone.
––Thank YOU! I strongly believe we ALL can add to each others’ enjoyment of this great game!“Tall Paul”
Got my Kickstarter pledge in yesterday. Sure hope the funding works. Really want to see that Amerika game.
By the way, anyone else collecting the HBG coaster roundels? I’ve got all six so far. The reverse sides with the alternate roundels looks a little weird to me, like we are in an alternate history universe or something. Hey, maybe those roundels could be for Amerika.
By the way, I noticed on the HBG site that NO orders will be shipped Aug 14-18 because the staff will be at GenCon. I guess that means the Aug 15 date for the Japanese Supplement set has now become Aug 19. Oh well, I guess a few more days won’t kill me.
Thanks for the support on Kickstarter! Things are looking pretty good, but we still have a long way to go. Keep up the good work on getting the word out.
Also, we have gone back and forth with the minis manufacturer on issues with the Japan Set. We are not yet happy with the test pieces so are a bit behind schedule on those. Will let everyone know when we have a better idea on ship date.
ISSUES!?! AARGH! I don’t like to hear about issues. That’s simply another word for DELAYS!
I know you guys are making sure these pieces are of the best possible quality for us and I really appreciate that. It’s just…that…I really, really want my new pieces dang it.
Well, to tell the truth, I’m really looking forward to the expansion set anyway, and I know they will be further down the road after the supplement set. Maybe you will work out all the kinks with the supplement set and the expansion set will come out much smoother, not to mention the new Amerika pieces.
By the way, on the expansion set for Japan, did that I-400 submarine replace the extra set of Type 1 Ho-Ha halftracks? I thought we were supposed to get the Ho-Ha in both the supplement and expansion sets. -
Well, to tell the truth, I’m really looking forward to the expansion set anyway, and I know they will be further down the road after the supplement set. Maybe you will work out all the kinks with the supplement set and the expansion set will come out much smoother, not to mention the new Amerika pieces.
I think the two Japanese sets are the first ones that HBG is producing using the computer-modeling technology to which they’ve moved, so my guess is that the issues are just temporary transitional ones. As you say, once the kinks have been worked out it should be smooth sailing thereafter.
I think the two Japanese sets are the first ones that HBG is producing using the computer-modeling technology to which they’ve moved, so my guess is that the issues are just temporary transitional ones. As you say, once the kinks have been worked out it should be smooth sailing thereafter.
Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that they are doing it so different from past sets now. Sure would like to see how that is done and what a 3D printer looks like. What material is used to make the prototype pieces? Is it a type of plastic? Even if it is, I imagine it is somewhat different in consistency to the plastic used for the final production pieces. I wonder if Coach will have samples of the original pieces at GenCon. Kind of wish I was going now. Couldn’t get off work and Indianapolis is a pretty long trip. Are you going CWO Marc?
Are you going CWO Marc?
Unfortunately not. Coach will have to provide the answers to the 3D printing questions, since I know almost nothing about the subject; as they say in the military, “that’s above my pay grade.”
I can’t answer for HBG. I have a very basic, basic knowledge of 3D printing and maybe thier process. 3D printing/modeling is for the prototype(s). That shortens and refines the process for making a traditional mold by not necessarily having to have a sculpter sculpt a model for more tradional plastic or resin mini molds.
A mold still has to be made for the more effeicent, and less expensive injection molding which is almost impossible to do cost-wise in the US. Most plastic minis have to be made over-seas in high capacity factories.
3D printing is very cool and has huge potential in the miniature gaming/modeling world. However to the best of my knowledge it is still not cost-effective for large batches of miniatures in comparison to traditional injection molding.
Thanks for the info toblerone77. Like CWO Marc, I am next to clueless about the whole process. Do you know what type of material is used for the 3D prototype figures?
I did see a show, one of those crime drama procedurals that have become so popular. It might have been “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” or “CSI”. Anyway, the criminal in question had a 3D printer and a program to make an actual firearm. It was a .38 caliber revolver I believe and it could actually fire real live ammo. However, the gun was not made of metal but rather some sort of carbon composite. It was really only good for one shot. When they tried to fire the second shot, the gun blew apart. That’s how they caught the killer because of his injuries from the gun blowing up in his hand.
Anyway, Coach told me before that the 3D modeling was actually kind of a slow process so I imagine it would be impossible to mass produce these game pieces like that. Overall, I bet it is a little cheaper than having a sculptor on hand and you can correct any imperfections as you are designing the model. Still would like to see it work sometime.
Thanks for the info toblerone77. Like CWO Marc, I am next to clueless about the whole process. Do you know what type of material is used for the 3D prototype figures?
I did see a show, one of those crime drama procedurals that have become so popular. It might have been “Law & Order: Criminal Intent” or “CSI”. Anyway, the criminal in question had a 3D printer and a program to make an actual firearm. It was a .38 caliber revolver I believe and it could actually fire real live ammo. However, the gun was not made of metal but rather some sort of carbon composite. It was really only good for one shot. When they tried to fire the second shot, the gun blew apart. That’s how they caught the killer because of his injuries from the gun blowing up in his hand.
Anyway, Coach told me before that the 3D modeling was actually kind of a slow process so I imagine it would be impossible to mass produce these game pieces like that. Overall, I bet it is a little cheaper than having a sculptor on hand and you can correct any imperfections as you are designing the model. Still would like to see it work sometime.
I am trying to learn as much as I can about 3D printing. There are many different mediums that 3D printing uses including silver and I believe gold. The problem with 3D printing is that it is expensive for large runs of models, parts,etc. It is cheaper to develop a prototype or small quantity of a design because then it can be used for testing, experimentation, etc.
The actual process of printing in 3D can be very slow for just one piece or part. What it does do is make the design process cheaper by being able to make a small quantity of something and making sure it will work for large scale production.
As far as the TV gun my wife just told me about that epeisode of whatever show that was LOL. We are both avid shooters and lovers of guns. However making guns with 3D printers still would require metal parts i.e. the barrel, etc. So yeah pretty fake.
I would encourage you to take a look at Shapeways. Coach actually has some designs up there you can have printed by Shapeways and they will print and ship to your home. You tube also has a lot of information on miniature making.
Lastly, there are companies that make small injection molding machines for home use. You would still have to have a mold machined and the home version would make probably just one piece at a time. HOWEVER LOL, this may be the wave of the future for small businesses and ultra-hobbyists.
Everything I’m posting is pretty limited and not definative by any means but it’s honest and as accurate in relation to my self-studied knowledge. Hope this was helpfull.
I was just on the HBG Facebook page and saw 3 different French soldier sculpts (one was French Foreign Legion). Are these planned for the WW2 French set or the WW1 French set?
I was wondering when you were going to have more of the Russian set in stock?
I was wondering when you were going to have more of the Russian set in stock?
And the Neutral sets?
Hey guys! Yeah, looks like we’re sold out of a few favorites… I spoke to Coach today about the Russians. We’re looking to re-order in the next few weeks, but that puts them back in stock around… February or so? As for the neutrals, I will need to check on those.
Feb. is perfect. BTW it can’t be said enough you guys do an awesome job. And I do have one more question. Is there any plans for a Chinese set? something like 6 art. and a fighter would make me happy
There is a Chinese set to vote for.
Please vote by putting your 5 Expansion Sets you would like to see get made on your waiting list, miniatures, rules, markers, and or reference will add to HBG Global War 1939 game.http://www.historicalboardgaming.com/HBG-Global-War-Exp-Sets_c_449.html