Simple things you can expect to see in my house rules.

  • Yea, but then you end up with fleets with 4 battleships that are damn near impervious to damage.
    If you attack it and lose, its back to full strength, and sets sail right for the stuff you just built.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    I like keeping it in “port” (next to a VC or next to a NB or next to an IC - depending on what flavor of Axis and Allies you are playing) to repair it, or it stays unrepaired.

    I used to like the “repair it in port” rule as more realistic, but then you have BBs floating around the board looking silly on their sides, able to coast bombard and fight at full strength. How unrealistic is that? Now I just think of the first hit as “bouncing off” the thick armor and not damaging the ship. That helps me justify turning it upright at the end of a battle. To me it’s a cleaner and simpler rule.

    I put a control marker under it to represent damage.  Sideways battleships are very silly. ^_^

  • @oztea:

    Yea, but then you end up with fleets with 4 battleships that are damn near impervious to damage.
    If you attack it and lose, its back to full strength, and sets sail right for the stuff you just built.

    True - realistically they ought to do everything at half strength, including half movement, and cost something to repair, if damaged. But then you have more rules. I used a system for a while where damaged BBs were placed in a “drydock” area made on my reference cards and placed back out at an IC when you paid to fix them, but then there was a problem with then “teleporting” to the reference cards.

    Jennifer - I like the marker idea.

  • @oztea:

    Yea, but then you end up with fleets with 4 battleships that are damn near impervious to damage.
    If you attack it and lose, its back to full strength, and sets sail right for the stuff you just built.

    How about this for a house rule:

    When fighting with multiple BBs, hits must always be applied first to
    other units or to BBs with one hit. (no putting one hit on five different

  • 1 infantry per turn in China is a great rule. It makes 1942 much better

  • Not sure how to handle the Non-Aggression pact yet.

  • DEFCON 3 Rules
    1. Straits
    a. Strait of Gibraltar
    Surface warships may not move from sea zone 13 to sea zone 14, or vice versa, unless a friendly power controlled Gibraltar at the start of your turn.
    b. Strait of Denmark
    Surface warships may not move from sea zone 5 to sea zone 6, or vice versa, unless a friendly power controlled Northwest Europe at the start of your turn.

    2. Factories on Islands
    Industrial complexes may no longer be built on islands. (territories surrounded by a single sea zone)

    3. Scramble!
    During the combat phase, you may scramble one fighter from any of your victory cities to participate in a naval battle in an adjacent sea zone. Only one fighter may scramble from a victory city. If the fighter survives, it must return to the territory it originated from.

    4. Russo-Japanese Non-Aggression Pact
    The first time Japan attacks an original Soviet territory, or vice versa, the defending power may place three infantry and one AAA, distributed as they wish, amongst any territories that are under attack by that power. After the first time one power has attacked the other’s original territory, this rule is no longer in effect.

    5. A Stronger China
    As long as the allies control India, during the Japanese combat phase, one US infantry may be placed in any one Chinese territory that is under attack by Japanese forces.

    6. Capital Ship Repairs
    Battleships no longer automatically repair after combat. They repair during your power’s purchase units phase and only if they are in a sea zone adjacent to a territory containing a friendly Victory City or Industrial Complex.

    DEFCON 2 Rules
    1. Carriers as Capital Ships
    Carriers require two hits to sink, and repair exactly as battleships do. When damaged, they may not hold planes. Carriers profiles are also changed to 0/2/2 and cost 16 IPCs

    2. National Objectives
    Collected during a power’s collect income phase if you fulfill the outlined requirements:

    Soviet Union
    3 IPCs if the Soviet Union controls any 3/5 of the following: West Russia, Belorussia, Baltic States, Poland, Ukraine S.S.R. and no Allied units are present in original Soviet territory.
    Theme: Reclamation of occupied Soviet territory.

    3 IPC if the Allies control at least one of the following and also control a series of adjacent land territories that links it to Moscow: Archangel, Persia, Soviet Far East
    Theme: Lend lease supplies.

    3 IPCs if Germany controls Norway and Northwestern Europe.
    Theme: Vital iron ore supply from Norway.

    3 IPCs if Germany controls Italy and Southern Europe and any 3/5 of the following: Gibraltar, Egypt, Trans-Jordan, Anglo-Egypt Sudan, Italian East Africa.
    Theme: Support from Italy as it’s empire expands.

    3 IPCs if Germany controls Poland and none of the territories adjacent to Poland contain allied combat units.
    Theme: Living space in the East

    United Kingdom
    3 IPCs if the United Kingdom controls Gibraltar, Egypt, Trans-Jordan, and India.
    Theme: Vital supplies and raw materials move to and from the colonies.

    3 IPCs if the United Kingdom controls Eastern Canada and no German warships are in Sea Zone 9 or adjacent to Sea Zone 9.
    Theme: Vital supplies from Canada, and lend-lease supplies from the United States.

    3 IPCs if Japan controls all of the following: East Indies, Borneo, Philippines.
    Theme: Vital raw materials from territories in the South Pacific.

    3 IPCs if Japan controls India, Eastern Australia, or Hawaiian Islands
    Theme: Control of a western power center in the Pacific.

    3 IPCs if Japan controls Manchuria and Kiangsu and any 3/5 of the following: Burma, Sikang, Szechwan, Anhwei, Yunnan
    Theme: Control of the Central Asian mainland.

    United States
    3 IPCs if the United States controls Central Untied States and any three German territories are controlled by the Allies.
    Theme: Supporting the fight in Europe against Germany.

    3 IPCs if the United States controls Western United States and any three Japanese territories are controlled by the Allies.
    Theme: Supporting the fight in the Pacific against Japan.

    3. Convoy Raiding
    If an enemy combat naval unit borders a territory named in one of your National Objectives, and you control the territory in question, then collect 1 IPC less from that bonus. In the case multiple territories are bordered by hostile naval units, then deduct 1 IPC for each occurrence"

    4. Technology
    Technology dice cost 5 IPCs. Breakthrough dice are rewarded as follows. You may buy as many rolls as you wish per turn, but can only achieve one breakthrough.
    1-2 No Effect
    3-5 Tech Token (Place National Control Marker on your capital, Free Roll next turn)
    6 Breakthrough (choose a tech tree and roll a die)

    Economic Technology
    1 or 2 “War Bonds“ - Roll a die during your collect income phase and collect that many IPCs
    3 or 4 “Rockets“ - Your AAA also launch rockets. Target an Industrial complex within 3 spaces and deal one die of damage. (Only one AAA can target any one enemy complex)
    5 or 6 “Increased Production“ - Repair damage to your factories at ½ price. Also, your victory cities may serve as a mobilization point for one infantry per turn.
    Air Technology
    1 or 2 “Long Range Aircraft“ - Fighters and bombers move two additional spaces
    3 or 4 “Jet Fighters“ - Fighters attack at 4, and during interception roll before enemy bombers and escorts
    5 or 6 “Heavy Bombers“ - In combat and strategic bombing you may roll two dice and choose the better result
    Naval Technology
    1 or 2 “Improved Shipyards“ - Transports, Subs and Destroyers cost 1 IPC less, Cruisers, Carriers and Battleships cost 2 IPCs less
    3 or 4 “Super Subs“ - Your subs attack at 3. Additionally they defend at 2 if enemy destroyers are not present
    5 or 6 “Radar/Sonar“ - Your AAA guns now hit on ‘2’ or less. Your destroyers also reduce the attack power of enemy subs by ‘1’ at a 1:1 ratio
    Land Technology
    1 or 2 “Mechanized Infantry“ - Your armor may bring one infantry with it when moving two spaces.
    3 or 4 “Advanced Artillery“ - Your artillery now supports two infantry during attacks
    5 or 6 “Advanced Armor“ - Your tanks now attack and defend at 4 on the first round of combat.

    DEFCON 1 Rules
    1. National Advantages

    2. Alternative Setups
    a. 1941 (WORK IN PROGRESS)
    b. 1942 Alpha (WORK IN PROGRESS)

    3. Attacker Targeting
    Non-Infantry, Non-AAA rolls to hit of ‘1’ are assigned by the attacker

    More to come, wish me luck

  • Very cool. Would you like feedback?

  • I always want feedback.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    What about letting you build ICs on your OWN islands (if appropriately valued of course, no major complexes on Iwo Jima!) but if they are taken, they are destroyed and removed from the map - al la the rules used if Allies liberate a Chinese territory that happens to have an IC on it.

    ex) Philippines are worth 2 IPC.  If the United States has control of the Philippines, the United States may purchase and place a Minor Industrial Complex there.  If Japan later takes the Philippines, the Minor Industrial Complex is removed and Japan takes ownership of the territory and air/naval bases only.

    Maybe Java, Sumatra and Celebes should count to whomever has control - but when taken, complexes are still removed (but may be purchased by the conquerer next round?)

  • @Cmdr:

    What about letting you build ICs on your OWN islands (if appropriately valued of course, no major complexes on Iwo Jima!) but if they are taken, they are destroyed and removed from the map - al la the rules used if Allies liberate a Chinese territory that happens to have an IC on it.

    ex) Philippines are worth 2 IPC.  If the United States has control of the Philippines, the United States may purchase and place a Minor Industrial Complex there.  If Japan later takes the Philippines, the Minor Industrial Complex is removed and Japan takes ownership of the territory and air/naval bases only.

    Maybe Java, Sumatra and Celebes should count to whomever has control - but when taken, complexes are still removed (but may be purchased by the conquerer next round?)

    The system I’d prefer is to only have starting industrial complexes (so it’s not allowed to build anymore), but add some kind of strategic move possibility to each power.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator



    What about letting you build ICs on your OWN islands (if appropriately valued of course, no major complexes on Iwo Jima!) but if they are taken, they are destroyed and removed from the map - al la the rules used if Allies liberate a Chinese territory that happens to have an IC on it.

    ex) Philippines are worth 2 IPC.�  If the United States has control of the Philippines, the United States may purchase and place a Minor Industrial Complex there.�  If Japan later takes the Philippines, the Minor Industrial Complex is removed and Japan takes ownership of the territory and air/naval bases only.

    Maybe Java, Sumatra and Celebes should count to whomever has control - but when taken, complexes are still removed (but may be purchased by the conquerer next round?)

    The system I’d prefer is to only have starting industrial complexes (so it’s not allowed to build anymore), but add some kind of strategic move possibility to each power.

    Hmm, but I do not see how this is different than industrial complexes.  After all, the men are not really assembled at an industrial complex - they come from elsewhere in the world and are trained, then stationed there.  They may have come on merchant marine ships, hitched rides with the Army Air Corps, or driven there for example, but they did not originate there.

    If you want a strategic move possibility - then maybe instead of building units elsewhere, say you can NCM 1 infantry per Victory City you own to any contiguous territory.  I mean that like you say the 48 Contiguous United States to refer to the country sans Alaska and Hawaii.  You cannot cross water, and you cannot jump over enemy territory….

  • Customizer

    I think this is a very cool set of rules. I also agree with the “No factories built on islands” rule. Even though certain islands like East Indies and Borneo are worth a lot of points, that is because they were rich in raw materials. Those areas were too primitive to support major industrial facilities so it’s wrong to be able to put one there.

    I like your NO ideas. Some of them are hard, but not impossible to attain.

    Some good ideas on techs. The only one I really have a problem with is “Heavy Bombers”. You should roll 2 die and use BOTH of them, not just the better result. That makes them sound more like “smart” bombs. Heavy bombers were bigger, carried more payload and packed a bigger punch. They should be able to get the possibility of 2 hits in combat or add both dice for SBR damage.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I agree with you on heavy bombers.  Classic version were OP - basically, I win buttons since they threw 3 dice each (3@4 for 12 IPC vs any other build was a bit much!)  However, 2 dice and keep both results for combat is fine.  I draw the line at for SBR, maybe 1d6+2 or best of 2d6+1 there.

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