I will head down to tabletopgameandhobby on Thursday as soon as I get out of class, should arrive 5:00 to 5:30. I will bring anniversary and the two newer A&A 1940 versions. My vote is for a 1940 global game, (I have played each 1940 version separate but have not played 1940 global yet), but I am not set on a specific game. Anniversary is a well balanced game too.
Does anyone know if we need to call to find out if they will allow us to play past 8:00. If not I could probably scare up a venue in the Leavenworth area. Please advise.
The worker when I called said the game room is usually open until at least 11-12, but that it’s up to the people with keys, who are other players. I got the impression that they wouldn’t just give us a key on our first time there. Because it’s up to the players, I don’t think calling makes much difference. If we introduce ourselves to some of those guys, we can figure out their Thursday schedules and know better how late we can expect to stay in the future. I think we should give this venue at least one shot, due to its relatively central location.
Due to the unpredictable time constraint, I vote we play 1942 2E this time.