I have the 1984 1941 version and would love to start playing again
If anyone is interested in playing hit me up at
Looking for Axis & Allies players in vicinity of Kansas City. I own all variants an am interested playing anniversary edition or the 1940 versions, combined or separate. I am also a huge fan of both Battle of the Bulge and Gaudalcanal. I am able to provide the venue or we can meet in neutral terriotory. Please advise if interested.
I am in Leavenworth. Would be easy to get a Wednesday or Thursday game going. Do you know any other players in the area? Have you played any of the 2 player variant games?
Let me know when your partners get into town and we can set either an Axis & Allies 1940 global game or an anniversary edition game. I have not yet played the 1940 version as a global game yet, played each separate, but want to try an integrated.
In the meantime we could get together for a two player version, I am open tomorrow evening or next week. Let me know.
Hey do you guys want to get a game together today or tomorrow?
I’d really like to play 1942 2E, but I’d be fine with discussing other options.
I’m over in Warrensburg. Let me know what’s up. I’m going to go take a nap.
I could be available for a game tomorrow evening. Is there a good place to play somewhere in the middle? I am new to the area. Am open to a game next week as well if this is too short notice and we can bring a fourth player in?
Here’s a place we could meet to play.
http : // tabletopgameandhobby . com /
Store Hours: Mon - Thu: 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
6990 W 105th St Overland Park, KS 66212
(913) 962-4263
I will call them when I get up and see if they charge a fee for table space and how late we could play. It’s about 30 min for each of you guys and a little over an hour for me.
I called Tabletop. The store closes at 8, but the game room normally stays open later. It typically closes at 11-12, but we will have no control over that. Apparently, certain regular players have keys to the room, and they decide when to lock it up.
I could be up there around 5:00. It would take you guys about 45 minutes each to get there.
What time is good for you guys?
certain regular players
I have found when people are either TOO drunk, or unconcious… that they tend to forget to “lock up”.
All right. Let’s shoot for next week. We can get an earlier start. It sounds like we’ll have 4 players then anyway.
Myself and another guy play a customized Global 1939 Axis and Allies. I live in Belton and he lives in Kearney
If anyone is interested in playing a 1939 Global Varient send me an email and I can forward rules and map. Based mostly off HGB’s 1939 Global with some different twists.
Are you in the KC area
I apologize for my lack of response on Thursday, classes went long. I am definitely up for a game on either Wednesday or Thursday evening. I am available after 5:30 on Thursday for sure this week. I am usually available on Wednesday after 4:00, but my wife already made plans. I am up for a variant or one of the base games.
tabletopgameandhobby seems like a fine venue in the middle.
I vote Thursday. Who’s in?
My buddy and I always play on Thursdays, however can’t this week. If you guys set something up, would love to stop by and meet.
I will head down to tabletopgameandhobby on Thursday as soon as I get out of class, should arrive 5:00 to 5:30. I will bring anniversary and the two newer A&A 1940 versions. My vote is for a 1940 global game, (I have played each 1940 version separate but have not played 1940 global yet), but I am not set on a specific game. Anniversary is a well balanced game too.
Does anyone know if we need to call to find out if they will allow us to play past 8:00. If not I could probably scare up a venue in the Leavenworth area. Please advise.
I will head down to tabletopgameandhobby on Thursday as soon as I get out of class, should arrive 5:00 to 5:30. I will bring anniversary and the two newer A&A 1940 versions. My vote is for a 1940 global game, (I have played each 1940 version separate but have not played 1940 global yet), but I am not set on a specific game. Anniversary is a well balanced game too.
Does anyone know if we need to call to find out if they will allow us to play past 8:00. If not I could probably scare up a venue in the Leavenworth area. Please advise.
The worker when I called said the game room is usually open until at least 11-12, but that it’s up to the people with keys, who are other players. I got the impression that they wouldn’t just give us a key on our first time there. Because it’s up to the players, I don’t think calling makes much difference. If we introduce ourselves to some of those guys, we can figure out their Thursday schedules and know better how late we can expect to stay in the future. I think we should give this venue at least one shot, due to its relatively central location.
Due to the unpredictable time constraint, I vote we play 1942 2E this time.
I will hopefully see at least one of you fine Gentlemen at tabletop hobby tomorrow. Hope multiple fellas show up.
As of right now I’m still planning to be at tabletop. I’ll bring 1942 2ed, 1941, Pac 40, and Europe 40. I’m hoping to be there by 5:00 PM.