• 1942 Basic Strategy:

    Russia: 24 IPC

    1. 8 infantry or
    2. 2 tanks, 4 infantry (aggressive)


    1. West Russia: with 3 tanks, 1 fighter, 7 infantry ( Moscow and Archangel), 1 artillery  ( 22 vs 11)
    2. Finland: with 1 fighter, 4 infantry, 1 artillery ( 10 vs 6)

    Kazach SSR to Caucasus
    Novo to Moscow
    Evenki to Archangel
    Consolidate 4 infantry on Manchuria border

    Place 4 units in Caucasus (both tanks if built) and 4 in Moscow. Karelia leave open.

    Germany 41 IPC
    Builds: 1 CV ( Baltic), 9 infantry

    1. Send both SS from #9 to attack #11
    2. Send both SS from Baltic to attack  #7 with Norway and Holland fighter
    3. Send fighter from Germany and Romania and attack UK CA in #14
    4. BB in #15 attacks UK DD in #17
    5. You got 2 fighters and 1 bomber for eastern front ( strategy based on Soviet moves)
    6. AP in # 15 lands tank and infantry in Libya

    NCM: depends on Soviet turn, move African units toward Egypt
    Place CV in Medd to protect AP

    United Kingdom 31 IPC
    Builds: fleet or factory ( depends on what Germany did on her turn)

    1. All units out of Egypt ( providing it hasn�t been taken), Fighter to #37 with entire fleet from #35 and #39 to attack Japanese fleet at #37 (13 vs.14 Looking for exchange of pieces)

    Japan 30 IPC
    Builds: 1 CV, 1 AP, 3 Infantry

  • Remember, Germany has 41 and UK 31 to spend actually - though that may not change what your ideas are….

  • So the cards are wrong? Great.

  • Where would the Brits build a factory at? or by factory do you mean place units?

  • Alot depends on outcome of German turn. If the UK has enough fleet to rebuild, they should do that.

    Otherwise, if the outcome of the UK attack against Japan fleet shows promise over time, they might consider building naval off India because Japan will be busted out if they cant hit Hawaii ( does not look promising unless they exchange equal pieces) and face a smaller force than the starting US naval force. Remember US also has that CA at Panama to bring to west coast giving them the advantage.

    US will have a easier time against Japan in this version because they made it harder to hit Hawaii and they took away some Japanese ships and added more US ships.

  • @Imperious:

    Alot depends on outcome of German turn. If the UK has enough fleet to rebuild, they should do that.

    Otherwise, if the outcome of the UK attack against Japan fleet shows promise over time, they might consider building naval off India because Japan will be busted out if they cant hit Hawaii ( does not look promising unless they exchange equal pieces) and face a smaller force than the starting US naval force. Remember US also has that CA at Panama to bring to west coast giving them the advantage.

    US will have a easier time against Japan in this version because they made it harder to hit Hawaii and they took away some Japanese ships and added more US ships.

    Completely agree…I just didn’t understand what you meant by factory.  If UK successful with attack, Japan will not sack what it has left to go for Pearl…even if successful, it forces them into a seige mentality and they will never recover (because anything left will be wiped out w/exception of DD and BB)…

  • i guess typo of sorts… :-(

    Hawaii attack will not gain Japan anything

    So they need to build navy in anticipation of US naval builds…which starts the arms race with Japan in a worse position because she does not have the income.

    That means a quick blitz and land grab with not much in reach J1/J2

  • In all honesty Japan did need toned down a bit from it’s status in revised, as the Axis heavy hitter.
    The US did always feel like it was dealing with Japan almost entirely, or else they would go on a rampage.

  • TripleA

    One thing I was really thinking about when I looked at the map: Russia’s two main territories are usually Caucasus and Moscow, forming a boundary for Germany, but with this game, Germany can blitz around those to capture undefended territories. (Off the top of my head, I think Anniversary had the same type of setup, but I’m used to playing revised and 1942 1st Ed.) Also, Russia starts out with an IC in Karellia. So, besides a greater GB presence in Africa, I think Germany is a lot better off than in previous versions, balancing out Japan’s handicaps.

  • TripleA

    Also, I have a question. (Pardon my ignorance here) You used the abbreviation AP to stand for transport. I was just wondering why. I don’t get it. My mind is drawing a complete blank. I’ll probably smack myself in the forehead when you tell me, though.

  • @mastermind93:

    Also, I have a question. (Pardon my ignorance here) You used the abbreviation AP to stand for transport. I was just wondering why. I don’t get it. My mind is drawing a complete blank. I’ll probably smack myself in the forehead when you tell me, though.

    It’s the US Naval hull classification symbol for a transport vessel.  Generally A stands for auxiliary. P likely stands for Personnel.

    Refer to the following for a more complete list:


  • TripleA


    It’s the US Naval hull classification symbol for a transport vessel.  Generally A stands for auxiliary. P likely stands for Personnel.

    Refer to the following for a more complete list:


    Thanks for the info and the article. Very helpful.  =)

  • Soviet Union: buy 4 INF, 2 ARM

    Attack West Russia with 9 INF, 2 ART and 2 ARM
    Attack Ukraine with 3 INF, 1 ART, 2 ARM and 2 FTR
    NCM AA to West Russia
    NCM Kazakh INF to join Chinese INF and FTR
    NCM Evenki 2 INF to Archangel
    NCM 5 INF on Buryatia

    Germany takes Karelia on G1 but can only move 8 INF, 5 ARM to protect it while Soviets should have 8 INF, 2 ART, 4 ARM and 2 FTRs to retake Karelia.

    The map disposition of the Eastern Front territories is still based on the Spring 1942 map - and the lack of NOs make the Karelia IC irrelevant as long as you can contest it.

  • Attack Ukraine with 3 INF, 1 ART, 2 ARM and 2 FTR

    It’s almost even and not good for Soviets. They can’t trade pieces if they are down at start.

  • @Imperious:

    Attack Ukraine with 3 INF, 1 ART, 2 ARM and 2 FTR

    It’s almost even and not good for Soviets. They can’t trade pieces if they are down at start.

    That’s 83% odds for Soviets, add a 3rd tank and you get 96% odds. While on West Russia you still got 100% odds and lose only 3 INF.

    The optimal R1 move for 2nd Edition is still the same as 1st Edition since the Eastern front hasn’t really changed other than the addition of the Baltic States - hit the Germans hard on Ukraine and West Russia to eliminate a large portion of their forces and prevent a Karelia stack.

    Germany then takes Karelia and retakes Ukraine, attacks and sinks most/entire UK fleet on the Atlantic and Med, takes Gibraltar and mass its forces on Libya. Or, if the Ukraine fighter survived try to kill Egypt on G1 with 95% odds.

  • That’s 83% odds for Soviets, add a 3rd tank and you get 96% odds.

    The Germans got 15 and the soviets attacking with 18, which costs the soviets alot more because the attack is so even. Risking the 3rd tank just gets all tanks killed and a serious reduction in soviet potency.

    You can still defend Caucasus and avoid these loses.

    Just attack Finland and west Russia and retake karelia.

  • @Imperious:

    That’s 83% odds for Soviets, add a 3rd tank and you get 96% odds.

    The Germans got 15 and the soviets attacking with 18, which costs the soviets alot more because the attack is so even. Risking the 3rd tank just gets all tanks killed and a serious reduction in soviet potency.

    Germans lose 29 IPC and the ability to threaten Egypt on G1. Soviets lose 18 IPC on average with 2 armor still remaining. And if you don’t destroy the German stack on Ukraine then any Soviet forces on West Russia are left dead for a German counter attack on West Russia, a retake of Finland and the Germans conquering and securing Karelia on G1.

  • Soviets lose 18 IPC on average with 2 armor still remaining

    you lose 12 more IPC on the G1 turn with probably 1 Inf loss.

    Germans cant take west Russia, nor Caucasus. Leaving Karelia en prise.

    Finland could be taken if the German fleet supports with Norway  3 infantry 1 artillery and planes against 2-3 infantry, 1 artillery is not a good battle for Germany because it leaves Norway open plus Germany needs to fight UK and move out of Baltic for a turn and use it’s planes for other things.

    Soviet builds protect Caucasus and West Russia will suck up every German land unit and not succeed in helping Germany. Germany can bring 15 vs. about 15-18 Soviet.

    Again this assumes Germany uses most of it’s planes for other things.

  • @Hobbes:


    Attack Ukraine with 3 INF, 1 ART, 2 ARM and 2 FTR

    It’s almost even and not good for Soviets. They can’t trade pieces if they are down at start.

    That’s 83% odds for Soviets, add a 3rd tank and you get 96% odds. While on West Russia you still got 100% odds and lose only 3 INF.
    The optimal R1 move for 2nd Edition is still the same as 1st Edition since the Eastern front hasn’t really changed other than the addition of the Baltic States - hit the Germans hard on Ukraine and West Russia to eliminate a large portion of their forces and prevent a Karelia stack.
    Germany then takes Karelia and retakes Ukraine, attacks and sinks most/entire UK fleet on the Atlantic and Med, takes Gibraltar and mass its forces on Libya. Or, if the Ukraine fighter survived try to kill Egypt on G1 with 95% odds.

    Ukraine needs to go, so I could see the 4inf/2arm buy now, but I’m curious what your G1 buy would be, because I’m not sold on the CV/inf buy as mentioned by IL….I’m not saying my 5inf,2art,1arm,1Bomber is a solid buy, but by taking Gib like you said (and I agree with that), is that UK can only muster a Bomber and DD against you, and may still not be able to take out the transport, so Egypt falling G2 is still on track (I guess the Germans could use a DD instead of the 2 art on G1, so you have a DD/BB protecting the transport…odds shift significantly in Germany’s favor in the Med.  I just see the CV as a waste of taxpayers’ dollars

  • @Mallery29:



    Attack Ukraine with 3 INF, 1 ART, 2 ARM and 2 FTR

    It’s almost even and not good for Soviets. They can’t trade pieces if they are down at start.

    That’s 83% odds for Soviets, add a 3rd tank and you get 96% odds. While on West Russia you still got 100% odds and lose only 3 INF.
    The optimal R1 move for 2nd Edition is still the same as 1st Edition since the Eastern front hasn’t really changed other than the addition of the Baltic States - hit the Germans hard on Ukraine and West Russia to eliminate a large portion of their forces and prevent a Karelia stack.
    Germany then takes Karelia and retakes Ukraine, attacks and sinks most/entire UK fleet on the Atlantic and Med, takes Gibraltar and mass its forces on Libya. Or, if the Ukraine fighter survived try to kill Egypt on G1 with 95% odds.

    Ukraine needs to go, so I could see the 4inf/2arm buy now, but I’m curious what your G1 buy would be, because I’m not sold on the CV/inf buy as mentioned by IL….I’m not saying my 5inf,2art,1arm,1Bomber is a solid buy, but by taking Gib like you said (and I agree with that), is that UK can only muster a Bomber and DD against you, and may still not be able to take out the transport, so Egypt falling G2 is still on track (I guess the Germans could use a DD instead of the 2 art on G1, so you have a DD/BB protecting the transport…odds shift significantly in Germany’s favor in the Med.  I just see the CV as a waste of taxpayers’ dollars

    The possibilities I can think of for the German buy are the standard Spring 1942 1st ed. ones:

    • 1 bomber, as you mentioned, although it won’t really be necessary since it looks that the UK can be stopped from any naval builds on UK1 by the threat of sinking them.
    • 4 ARM, 4 INF, 1 ART - if Germany wants to do a Karelia/Ukraine stack on G2.

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